Disclaimer: Sure, I own it. I also have a really awesome bridge in Brooklyn that I'm looking to sell.

She crept onto the Pearl late at night. It was the second ship she'd jumped on, the first being one from Port Royal to Tortuga. Her clothes were filthy and tattered and she sported a huge, dark bruise on her cheek where she'd been punched in a tavern. She knew almost all of the crew would be either in the taverns or already passed out. All she'd need to do was sneak by...

"Stowaway, eh?" A strong hand grabbed her wrist twisting it painfully. She squawked in pained protest. Jack's gripped faltered at the sound of her voice.

"Elizabeth..?" he peered in closer to her. She nodded, a tear slipping down her grimy face. "What the bloody hell are you doing here, luv? How did you get to Tortuga?"

"I've nothing left to lose. I had no where else to go or to turn to," she sniffled, cursing herself for the weakness.

He dropped her wrist even as his other arm snaked around her waist, pulling her in to a surprisingly comfortable embrace. The hand that had so recently hurt her wrist now stroked her dirty, matted hair. She sobbed freely against his salt-hardened coat, curling a hand in his hair.

"That's what freedom is, luv. It's nothing left to lose."

Elizabeth lifted her tear stained face up to meet Jack's eyes. She hesitated only a moment before pressing her lips against his. She had wanted this, truly wanted this, since she first laid eyes on him and, really, now she had nothing to lose by kissing him.

Elizabeth Swann was truly free, for the first time in her life and, like Jack's kiss, it was exhilarating.

Author's Note: Short drabble, inspired by Me & Bobby McGee. First published PotC fanfic.