A/n Here's the next chapter. Hope you all enjoy. If there are any spelling mistakes I'm sorry, but this has not been beta-ed.


"We're home, Cupcake," Joe whispered softly as he gently touched my shoulder. I nodded silently and climbed out of the car. My legs didn't want to cooperate, though and I stumbled. Joe ran over and wrapped an arm around me to steady me.

"Take it easy, Cupcake."

"Where are the girls? Do my parents and Grandma Mazure know?" I asked. I couldn't stop with the questions. Joe reached over and placed a finger against my lips.

"Lula picked up the girls, Connie is trying to get a hold of your parents, and Ranger is going to tell your Grandmother." I looked around the yard and for the first time noticed Lula's firebird in the drive. "Come on lets get you inside and into a nice warm bath," Joe suggested as he began guiding me towards the house.


We had barely got through the front door when Mary Alice ran up to us. "Where hav you guys been? Why did Lula pick us up? Is that egg in your hair, Aunt Stephanie?"

"Yes it is, Mary Alice," I replied.

"You look like you've been crying. What's wrong is everything ok Aunt Stephanie?" Mary Alice asked her voice slightly shaking. I froze and turned to Joe with a deer-in-the-headlights expression on my face and tears in my eyes. Joe knelt down so he was at Mary Alice's level.

"I tell you what why don't you ask Lula to come here then go sit on the couch and I'll be their to explain it to you in just a second, ok?" Joe suggested. Mary Alice nodded and headed into the living room. Lula walked past her with Lisa in her arms.

"What can I do?" Lula asked.

"Take Steph upstairs and help her get into a bath while I explain what's going on to the girls?" Joe requested.

"Ok, come on, Stephanie," Lula said as she gently pushed me towards the stairs. I threw one last look at Joe before ascending the stairs and following Lula down the hall. Joe gave me a reassuring smile before turning and heading into the living room. Joe sat down on the couch and settled Lisa on his lap.

"You know your parents and Angie are out of town this weekend, don't you?" Joe asked.

"Yeah Angie has some spelling thing," Mary Alice replied.

"Yes that's right. Well, we just found out that someone has taken all three of them from the hotel," Joe said.

"I don't understand," Mary Alice said. "What do you mean taken?"

"I mean taken as in kidnapped."

"Nooooooooo!" Mary Alice shouted causing Lisa to start crying. "M-o-m-m-y!" Mary Alice cried as tears began to stream down her face. Joe gathered the little girl into his arms and began to rock her and her baby sister back and forth in an attempt to calm them. As soon as I heard Mary Alice's shout I ran for the bedroom door, but Lula reached out an arm and stopped me.

"It's ok Joe's got it under control, Steph. Lets get you into a bath," Lula said.

"But I need to help my niece," I protested.

"I understand, and, you will, but lets get you cleaned up first," Lula said. I gave a resigned sigh and allowed Lula to help me into the bath. I soaked for about an hour and it helped me feel better. Once I was done I grabbed a towel and dried off before putting on some sweats and a t-shirt. I walked downstairs and found both Mary Alice and Lisa asleep in Joe's arms.

"Are they ok?" I asked as I sat down next to Joe.

"They will be, Mary Alice is pretty upset, but, Lisa doesn't understand what's going on. She just knows her sister's upset," Joe said as he stood up careful not to wake the girls.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to put them to bed. I'll be right back," he said. I nodded and curled up on the couch trying to get my emotions under control.


Mary Alice opened her eyes as Joe layed her down.

"Uncle Joe?" Joe stopped as he began to walk away neither of the girls had ever called him that, but he had to admit that he liked it.

"What is it, sweetie?" he asked as he sat down on the edge of the twin bed.

"Will they find Mommy, and Angie, and Albert?" she asked with big eyes.

"Yes they will."

"I hope so, I want my Mommy," Mary Alice said softly as her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep with fresh tears making their way down her face.

"I know you do, sweetheart. I know you do," Joe whispered softly as he gently stroked her hair. Once he was sure that both girls were asleep he walked out closing the door behind him.

"I think I'm going to take off if that's ok?" Lula whispered.

"Yeah sure that's fine," Joe replied as they began to walk down the stairs. A small smile came to joe's face. I had fallen asleep on the couch and was holding a pillow tightly to my chest.

"I'll call you if anything happens," Joe whispered to Lula as he lifted me into his arms and began carrying me off to bed. Lula nodded and let herself out after giving me one last worried look.