Here it is. The final blow, the epilogue, the conclusion, the end

AND I STILL DON'T OWN DARK CHRONICLE (it would be much better if I did)


The walls came to a halt. Monica opened her eyes and found she was now outside her father's room again. The hallway was dark, so that meant night.

"The time of the attack." Monica thought glumly.

She looked around. There were no guards in the hallway. Her father had never liked guards standing outside his room, especially since all he had to do was use the Atlamillia and he could alert anyone and everyone in the kingdom if he was in danger. Monica reached out a hand for the door handle, wondering if she should enter now or wait till she heard something happen. The choice, however, was rather rudely taken away from her by a massive explosion.


The concussive blast caused her to tumble to the floor. When she stood up she found she was in front of a window, the window where a Griffin Soldier had jumped though to stop her helping her father. She corrected herself. The Griffin Soldier would jump though the window, and she had no time to waste. Despite this she couldn't stop herself from climbing onto the wide windowsill and looking out upon the kingdom as the chaos unfolded.

"Holy Daedalus." she whispered under her breath as she watched.

The first explosion had completely flattened the front of the wall surrounding the royal palace. The people milling around the courtyard and the streets outside were still trying to understand what had happened when more time distortions opened up. All over the capital city, red and blue spheda tumbled across the streets, adding to the confusion as hundreds of soldiers poured out of the holes in time. An army of nearly two thousand creatures came charging out of a hundred years in the past, burning, smashing and killing everything in their path. Soldiers, guards and armed police struggled to fight back the horde and seal the time distortions, only to be driven back by outdated weapons which actually gave the enemies the upper hand. Police body armor designed to protect against lasers and magic bursts were shattered by bullets, the army's Ride-Tanks were reduced to scrap by more agile Sonic Bomber's and royal guards were ripped apart as they tried to absorb what they thought was element magic, but actually turned out to be rockets.

Monica had never realized how terrible the attack had been until now. She had been in the court yard at the time and hadn't realized the just how dire the situation was. Suddenly, Monica remembered that her past self was down in the court yard at this time, and would come running along the hallway in a matter of minutes. Monica leapt off the window sill and ran towards her father's room; already the sounds of clashing steel could be heard from inside. Monica burst though the doors and stopped dead as she spotted her father.

"DIE GASPARD!" King Raybrant's sword swung downwards, only to connect with floor as the dark assassin stepped aside.

"You first old man." Gaspard replied calmly as he back handed his foe away before sending a sword thrust to his stomach, which the King knocked aside.

Monica felt slightly surprised to see the fight, notonly because she'd forgotten it was Gaspard who'd killed her father, but also because she'd always believed her father had been murdered in cold blood, yet now that she was there she could see that he had an equal chance of killing Gaspard, but he was so enraged he was fighting like an animal and could barely keep his sword under control.

Monica drew her sword. Neither of the two men had noticed her. She moved forward cautiously, not wanting to get spotted. Then without warning, Gaspard back flipped over a clumsy swing and landed right in front of her. He quickly raised his free hand above his head to cast some sort of dark magic, but Monica proved to be faster. She rammed her sword into Gaspard's back, driving it to the hilt. Gaspard froze, the magic in his hand dissipating into nothing. He fell to his knees, before lifting his head back as far as he could so he could glare at Monica. Monica stared back in surprise at the hatred she saw. She remembered when she and Max had been forced to kill him in Mount Gundor, he had been regretful for all he'd done; he'd wanted to leave, forget about the war, even try to find a better way of life. Now though, he was dying with anger and hatred, and Monica could see it in his eyes.

Then, with a growl like an angry dog, Gaspard fell forward, slipping free of her blade. Monica stared at the man who she once felt sorry for, and now felt sorry for him again.

"I'm sorry Gaspard," she thought. "It had to be done."

Suddenly, a blade crashed into Gaspard's body. Monica jumped and looked up, and found herself looking at the face she'd longed to see ever since he'd died. Her father.

He was exactly as she remembered. Neck length hair of a strange purple-blue shade of colour, strongly built and surprisingly tall, slightly pale skin and a warm, caring face, except his face at the moment was hard and cold. For a moment they just stared at each other, until King Raybrant's face abruptly changed to show despair, and he said simply "Monica..."

Monica new that she should make some excuse and leave, so that her past self could arrive a few minutes later without meeting her three month older self. But seeing her father again after all this time, common sense as forgotten. She ran forward and jumped into her father's arms, which caught her just as they always did.

Monica relished the feeling of her father's arms around her again, but he let go of her far too soon for her liking. He stood up straight and looked at her, with a look that showed no warmth or kindness like she was used to. He gave her a small smile, then walked over to the window. She didn't know what to think. The first time she'd seen her father in three months and he was practically ignoring her. Monica looked down, and spotted blood at her feet. Suddenly she realised what her father had done. Gaspard was now lying dead with his head unnecessarily crushed. She looked at her father, unable to understand why her father, a good and just man would virtual desecrate a dead body. She moved towards him. He made no sign of acknowledging her. When she was standing next to him, she said in a voice strained with conflicting emotions, "I'm glad you're alright father."

King Raybrant looked at his daughter and said "Thank you." before turning to look out the window again.

"His name was Gaspard, wasn't it?" Monica said, trying to get her father to speak to her normally.

Her father looked at her again and said "Yes. He was Gaspard, the dark assassin. He's been a danger to the kingdom for a long time."

Monica wished he show some emotion when he spoke, but she didn't dare mention it.

"Why did you attack him after he was dead?" she asked

The King did not meet his daughter's eye as he said "Because I hate him. I've never really hated another person before, but I hate him, and I'm glad to see him die."

Monica was taken aback.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because he's done all this." he gestured out of the window.

Monica looked out at the destruction that used to be the capital of the Raybrant Kingdom. Even though most of the people were dead, the fighting continued. The creatures were attacking buildings, vehicles and even the ground. Some people were still fighting, a few had managed to flee the city, most were dead.

As they watched, the King said "He's destroyed our home. Everything we had is gone."

He walked away from the window and fell into a nearby chair. Monica came and knelt in front of him, laying her hand on his.

"We still have each other."

King Raybrant looked at Monica with a sad smile as he said "True," but then the smile disappeared and he said "but I no longer deserve to be called your father. Not now this has happened."

Monica shook her head and replied "You couldn't have stopped this."

"Yes I could have. I could have left the country when Lord Agaris sent word that he needed my help. If I'd left those monsters wouldn't have come here. They would have followed me away from here."

"You couldn't have done that. The country needed you."

"I stayed because I thought the same thing. I was a fool. I stayed to help the people, and when they needed my help I couldn't do anything."

"But..." Monica began to say.

King Raybrant leapt to his feet, causing Monica to fall back.

"DON'T TELL ME IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" he bellowed. "IT IS MY FAULT! I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS KINGDOM AND I BROUGHT AN ARMY THAT KILLED MY PEOPLE! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND! I KILLED THEM!" his temper then subsided and tears poured down his face as he said quietly "I killed them."

Monica didn't know what do or say. She had never seen her father like. Half mad with rage, half distraught with despair, and shouting at her like he'd never shouted before. She tried to stammer out something but he cut her off.

"I've failed you Monica." he said, not meeting her gaze. "You and everyone else."

He moved away and picked up his sword, then began examining the Atlamillia on his wrist.

"There's only one thing left I can do." he said. "Monica," he turned to her "you must go to Kasarov Stonehenge."

Monica stood up.

"Why?" she asked.

"I have something to do. The resistance army needs the power of the Atlamillia to fight the evil that has destroyed our home."

Fresh tears cascaded down his face, but he continued

"The person who owns the Earth Atlamillia has recently been found. He is a man called Gerald who lived a hundred years ago. I'm going to go back in time to get the Atlamillia so that I can destroy Emperor Griffin." he looked over at Monica. "You need to wait with the Priestess Elaine. I not strong enough to look after you."

Now Monica was really confused. Part of her wanted to comfort her father and convince him the death anddestruction wasn't his fault. Another part was trying to think of what she could do now that her father planned to go back in time instead of her.

"If he goes back, the time line might be damaged. My father may not revive Lin or save the Shigura. Even worse, he might not restore Paznos. And after what he did to Gaspard, what might he do when he takes the Atlamillia from..."

Monica stopped. She started thinking hard. Her father moved around the room gathering things he'd need, but Monica didn't interrupt him, because with growing horror she realised she was beginning to forget her past.

Even as she concentrated with all her might, more and more details vanished from her mind. Everything she'd done was being taken from her memory.

Then she remembered something that happened recently. Her hand dove into her pocket and brought her photograph. She looked at it, but there was only one person in it- herself. And she couldn't remember the name of the person who should be there. She looked up at her father, who face still held an expression of despair but was ready to leave for one hundred years in the past. She new she had to do something, but she didn't know what. She looked around wildly as though an answer would present itself. Surprisingly enough it did.

As she looked in the direction of the door, she saw a light in the hallway. She realised what it was instantly.

She moved quickly, grabbing her sword and pulling it free of Gaspard's body. Before she left she turned to King Raybrant as he prepared to travel into the past.

"I've missed you, Dad." she said, before running out the door and bringing her sword down on the Starglass. As her sword struck and the magical item shattered, the walls began to spin.

Present day

Monica sat in the hallway of the Raybrant Palace, alone. She sat crossed legged on the floor staring at the picture of her and Max on Veniccio beach. Tears were falling down her face but she made no sound. As she sat there, she remembered Lin's words.

"Anything else you live to remember."

Lin had been right. It wasn't a good thing that her father was dead, but it was better.

Monica silently wept as she allowed herself to realise the truth, while gazing at the image of Max.

"Max, if only you were here." she thought. "If only I could be near you now. Your the only person I could rely to help me. But I can never see you again."

Monica put the photo back in her pocket and stood up. She didn't know what she should do or where she would go, but she new she wouldn't find comfort in the destroyed palace. She quickly gathered up her things- sword, armlet and...

She froze with her hands on the Starglass.

"How?" she thought.

The Starglass in her hand was the same as it was before it was smashed, except that about half of the stardust inside had now been lost. As Monica looked it over, she saw there was enough magic inside for about three hours.

Suddenly, Monica remembered the message Lin had sent her.

"There's enough stardust for a quick trip, be sure to use it correctly."

Monica realised there was enough dust in the Starglass for another quick trip, for the correct purpose

Lin and her father couldn't help Monica get over her depression, but there was one person who could.

Monica silently thanked Lin as she turned the Starglass over again, and as the walls began to spin around her, Monica held the photo in her pocket and whispered "Max..."

The End

Well I hope you all enjoyed that.

Eucharion, she didn't go back to save her father because her life would have been ten times worse without her adventure.

Thank you all for reading. Please review.