Cars: The Hot Rods

By J-Flux Wallace

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the film "Cars." "Cars" is owned by Disney and Pixar Studios. However, the new characters in this fic are own by me. Remember that now.

NOTES: This is my first attempt at a "Cars" fan fic. I knew I had to do this story after I had bought a couple "Cars" toys and sketched out a doodle of my own vehicle as a "Car," realizing I was hooked. I hope you enjoy this story.


Chapter 1: The Roll-Over

"Usual, Lightning?"

"Yes, Flo. Two cans of premium, please."

The old show car turned around and headed to the back of the Cafe, leaving the red race car and the blue Porsche to themselves.

"How was the training session in Houston?" Sally asked.

"Oh, the usual," Lightning said with zealous confidence. "Broke a few records, signed autographs..." Then in a low voice, "...butted heads with Hicks again..."

"Again?" Sally groaned. "What was it this time? It wasn't like the fight that ended with the demolition derby in the parking lot, was it?"

"No, just some exchanging of words," Lightning said, exasperated. "But lets not talk about that. I haven't seen you all week, and I don't want to work you up tonight."

"Okay," she said contently, smiling. In the silence, Lightning looked over Sally's body, starting at and going back to the smile on her lips. God, I love this woman, Lightning's conscience joyfully moaned. The two lovebirds just stared in their eyes until Flo came by with their drinks. Sipping out their gas cans for a few minutes in silence, Lightning looked around the Drive-in cafe.

'little packed tonight, he thought. The whole town, and a few travelers, were at the V8, making the place noisier than usual. Sarge and Filmore were out in the drive-in, again arguing about organic fuel vs. gasoline; the resident tuner cars - DJ, Boost, Wingo, and Snot Rod - were discussing who had what upgraded or added on over the weekend, and the Sheriff, and his two new deputies Allen and Roger - both 2004 Crown Vics - were taking a break to have dinner. Lightning looked up at the clock: 8:15. Lightning finally spoke.

"How about after this drink, you and me take a drive outside of town?"

"Hon, it's going to be a little dark for you," Sally said, "What about your headlights?"

Lightning winced. After he moved to Radiator Springs, Doc had told him he needed real headlights, and had ordered him a prescription headlight grill for him to use until he had real lights installed. Lightning hated it; it was dorky, it strained his front suspension, and, more importantly, it got in the way of Sally's lips.

"It's not that dark," Lightning said defensively. "And should it get dark, can't I just share your's, like we always do, where I cuddle next to you?"

A smirk on her face, Sally replied, "Okay, you suckered me in. We can skip the lights tonight."

Praise the Lord! Lightning's mind shouted in delight.


The two cars drove slowly, side by side, down the paved road out of Radiator Springs. At first, it was just the two cooing and cuddling with each other. Then Sally brought up a well-worn topic Lightning didn't enjoy.

"Stickers, I know I've asked you this before," Sally cautiously said, "But when are you going to get the headlights?"

Lightning groaned. "Not this again!"

"I don't mean to be pushy, but I think you need them Lightning," she pleaded.

"Sally, I'm a race car," he reasoned. "Headlights only add to my weight, drain my battery and cost a lot to fix if I get in a wreck. Besides, the only time I'm out in the dead of night is at a race where the tracks are lit. "

Countering his argument, Sally replied, "Well, what if you drive to the city and don't leave until dark?"

"If I'm going to be that late, I will call Mater or Mack and have them pick me up," he said.

"What if they can't make it?"

"I'll get a hotel room."

"What about the grill? Why can't you use that?"

Lightning paused, looking over at Sally as he formulated a response. "Sally, not to be rude, but I wouldn't be caught dead in the city, or anyplace else, wearing that thing."

"Lightning, it's not that nerdy," she said.

"Are you kidding? Sally, I have an image to maintain," he argued. "If the press found out that I had one of those things, I'm ruined. I'd go from 'Lightning McQueen' to 'Lightning McDweeb'." Sally, of course, rolled her eyes at this.

"Besides..." he continued, his tone now more suave and charming as he turned to face the Porsche, "If I was wearing that thing, I couldn't do this..."

Lightning planted his lips on Sally's, and the two cars were locked in a deep kiss. Soon, the two parted, staring into their eyes again.

" got me there," Sally chuckled in a dreamy, out-of-it sort of way.

"You better believe it," Lightning murmured before pecking her on the lips again and again, until it escalated into a make-out session in the middle of the road. Never mind traffic; they didn't care. The two cars were in love, and could care less if anyone was watching. As far as they were concerned they were the only two beings on the planet.

...that is, until Sally felt a hook latch on under her back bumper.

Sally was immediately jerked away from Lightning toward the edge of the road, screaming.

"SALLY!" Lightning yelped.

"Let go of me!" she shrieked as she tried to get the hook shook loose. Tires squealing, she finally managed to get unhooked. She spun around to face the culprit, only to see an overturned SUV in the ditch, breathing heavily.


Lightning, now next to Sally, gasped, "Oh god," before zooming down into the ditch next to the car.

It was a red '99 Jeep Cherokee Sport, which looked like it had been through a war zone. It was dusty, scratched, dented, had a tire blown out, the cable on its winch rusty, and most of its windows cracked. The dirt surrounding the Jeep was stained with oil and drenched with gas.

"Buddy, are you okay?" Lightning asked.

The Jeep only gasped, too weak to open its eyes. Lightning could tell the four-by-four wasn't going to make it.

"Is he all right?" Sally asked, her voice trembling in fear.

"Go get Mater and wake up Doc! Now!" Lightning barked at her. Her engine roaring and tires squealing, Sally raced back to Radiator Springs.

Lightning turned his attention back to the Cherokee. Lightning could tell the car was getting worked up, breathing heavier and harder. "Pal, stay calm, okay? Help's coming. Buddy? Come on, man, stay with me..."



Am I dead? The Cherokee thoughts as he opened his eyes and saw nothing but light. I must be. There's no way I could've survived that crash.

Suddenly, the light went away, and he saw he was in an operating room. "Son, you alright?" The Jeep gasped in surprise, and turned to see a blue Hudson Hornet in front of him. "You had some folks worried about you."

"...uh, I did?" The Jeep asked absent-mindedly.

"Yes," the Hornet continued. "The couple you scared last night is in the waiting room fast asleep. So is the tow truck that pulled you out."

"...really?" This left the young gas-guzzler at a loss for words. "Why?"

The Hornet, a little befuddled by the SUV's response, said, "Um, because an overturned car near death is cause for concern for most people. I mean, if I saw a car dying on the side of the road, I'd like to make sure he made it through the night." He paused to given the Cherokee time to respond, only getting a blank stare from the young gas guzzler.

"Uh, anyway," the Hornet continued, "before we go any further, how about you start by telling me what your name is," the blue car asked.

"...Crimson. Crimson Alpines," the Jeep answered.

"Doc Hudson," the Hornet answered back. "Welcome to Radiator Springs."