Eternally Connected

Final Chapter: Eternally Connected

"Roxas…You're fading." Kairi's voice was trembling.

Roxas winced, he kept his eyes on Sora, who still had his keyblade clutched in his hand.

Kairi scurried towards Roxas, waving her hands frantically towards him, but something stopped her.

"Kairi, don't." Sora's voice was serious, he grabbed her wrist firmly, making her yelp in pain.

"Let go of me, you jerk!" Kairi squirmed to break free, trying to reach her hand out to Roxas.

Roxas was in the ground, motionless, like a rag doll. He just stared into Sora's eyes, slowly fading away.

"Are you…happy now…Sora?" Roxas looked up at Sora, who just stayed quiet.

Sora could feel a small smile escape his lips as Roxas started wincing in pain.

"Roxas..don't go, promise me..that you won't !" Kairi's voice sounded terrified.

Riku stood in the behind Sora, watching Kairi struggle to break free from Sora's grasp.

Kairi desperately called out his name, there was no response. She shook her head, hoping it was a nightmare, hoping that she would wake up and Roxas would be there. It wasn't.

Roxas could only say her name before his body vanished.

"Roxas? Roxas!" Sora finally let go of Kairi's wrist, making her stumble in the ground.

She sank to her knees, as uncontrollable tears began to splash down her face.

"Roxas!" She screamed his name louder, putting her face against the cold floor where he had disappeared. She felt like her heart was shattered into a million pieces, her vision was blurry from the tears that were tickling her cheeks. She couldn't believe it, she wouldn't. From the moment she was introduced to him, to this moment, she loved him. Nothing would ever be the same if he was gone.

Kairi choked back a sob, her face where he was gone.

He's gone…somewhere I can't bring him back…He's gone.

Kairi tried her best to convince herself that she would never see Roxas again. She couldn't.

"Kairi, let's go." Riku said coldly. Kairi flashed a cold stare at Sora, she couldn't believe what he had done.

"Look, Kairi, just come with us we need to get you out." Sora tried to convince her.

Kairi didn't look at Sora, she just rose to her feet and nodded her head.

She felt a throbbing pain in her chest, as she started following Sora and Riku.

There was silence between the three as they started walking.

"A-Are you g-going to b-be okay S-Sora?" Riku asked, his voice trembling.

"I dunno, I'm pretty sure I could survive without my other half." Sora replied coldly.

How could he say that? They act like Roxas isn't even a person….

"Why did you do that Sora?" Riku asked, his face still a little shocked. Sora didn't reply, he looked back at Kairi who had more tears in her eyes.

"Because I-" Sora didn't finish before Kairi interrupted.

"What happened to you Sora…? You've changed so much, and the part of you that I loved is gone. I think you deserved to die…not him." Kairi muttered.

"Stop being so sarcastic Kairi. He doesn't exist, he's just a dream. He's nobody, and he doesn't have any feelings. It's better this way, because he probably just wanted you to fall in love with him, and he might have stolen your heart." Sora reminded her. They finally reached the long staircase, and they hurried out. Kairi slowly walked next to Riku, she wouldn't stop crying.

"Hollow Bastion." Sora looked at the area.

"Let's ask Cid when we could get an airship, back to Destiny Islands, and everything will be back to normal. The way it's supposed to be." Riku thought aloud.

Nothing will be normal again…. Not after this.

Kairi shook her head as more tears started forming in her eyes.

"I don't want to go, back with you." she said quietly.

"Kairi please…I'm sorry. I never knew…But, come on…come back with us." Sora lied.

"That's why you did that! Because you knew that I loved Roxas..." Kairi's voice was growing louder.

"Kairi, please..I'm sorry." Sora voice was trembling, he held out his hand and gentle grasped Kairi's shoulder.

"I can't." she muttered. Kairi broke free of his grasp and started running towards an alley.

"Kairi! Don't!"

Kairi could hear footsteps behind her, she closed her eyes and tried running faster.

"Kairi please!" It was Sora, he was right behind her.

Make this nightmare stop. Roxas…come back please!

She could feel beads of sweat fall down her forehead, but she didn't want to give up. She wanted to see Roxas again.

Roxas, come back. Roxas…

Kairi couldn't run anymore, she felt a horrible burn in her chest, and she started running slower.

Come on Kairi don't give up that easily…

She couldn't anymore, she clutched her side and stumbled forward, face first, only to be captured by someone.

From Kairi's point of view, it was frightening. Somebody with a dark organization outfit and hood had helped her up and was holding her waist, so she wouldn't fall down.

"Kairi don't do this." the voice echoed in her head.

"W-What?" Kairi could feel her voice trembling. She looked back, seeing that time had froze and only the organization member and her were moving.

"Kairi…Sora loves you." the voice replied. The sweet voice was familiar to Kairi, and she burst into tears.

"Roxas!" she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest.

"What are you doing here Roxas! Don't leave me again. Don't." Kairi embraced him tighter.

"This isn't suppose to happen Kairi." Roxas whispered, gently pushing her back.

"It's too late. I love you, and I won't let you leave me!" Kairi cried. She sank to her knees and clutched him tightly, like she would never let go of him. Roxas smiled, but his smile quickly vanished.

"I can't Kairi." Roxas whispered.

"You said we would always be together." Kairi reminded him.

"I will. Inside your heart. We're connected Kairi, and I'll always be inside your heart, forever." Roxas smiled.

Kairi wrapped her arms around him, giving him a fierce kiss. She could feel his soft, warm lips brush against hers. Tears started streaming down her face when they broke apart.

"Thank you Kairi.." Roxas whispered in her ear. Kairi closed her eyes when she felt his breath touch her ear.

"What?" she sounded confused.

"I though I'd never feel like this, but you make me feel like I am somebody, and like I have a heart." Roxas smiled.

"I always believe you do!." she sniffed.

Roxas flashed his traditonal grin at her.

"I thought I was never going to see you again!" Kairi whispered happily.

"You can always see me Kairi, just as long as you always believe I exist." Roxas smiled.

She loved his smile, she was so happy she got to see it again.

"Promise?" she whispered happily.

Roxas smiled. Before she could say anything else, Roxas captured her in another kiss on her lips.

"I promise." Roxas whispered before walking into the darkness.

Kairi smiled as she watched him walk away.

Five months later……………

"So how are things with Sora and Riku?" Yuffie asked curiously.

"I haven't talked to them in a long time, and I don't plan to." Kairi replied coldly.

"I lost someone special too, I sort of understand you Kairi." Tifa smiled.

"Let's not talk about all the sad things right now…why don't we go get some ice cream!" Yuffie cheered.

Leon sighed as Yuffie pinched his cheek.

"You're so cute Squally!" she planted a kiss in his lips before skipping towards the ice cream store. He quickly lowered his head to hide his blushing face.

"Ice Cream!" Yuffie clapped her hands in delight when she reached the ice cream store. Cloud, Tifa, Kairi, and Leon where all scurrying to keep up with Yuffie.

"Squally, what flavor do you want?" Yuffie asked.

"Which ever one is fine." Leon shrugged.

"Salty- sea ice cream! 5 salty sea ice creams please!" Yuffie asked the cashier.

Yuffie handed the cashier the munny and skipped towards the table were they everyone else was sitting at.

"Here Kairi I got you your favorite kind!" Yuffie handed Kairi the salty sea ice cream and sat down. Kairi smiled.

"Yeah…it is my favorite." she smiled back at her.


"Its called a salty sea ice-cream, it doesn't sound good but you should try it, its delicious!" Roxas explained.
"So how is it?" Roxas asked eagerly as Kairi examined the ice-cream.
"Its yummy!" she laughed, as she happily licked her ice-cream. Kairi bit off the cold treat and looked into Roxas's eyes. He seemed so carefree and happy.

A tear fell down her face, but she quickly wiped it away, putting on a fake smile.

"I'm sorry Kairi…I didn't mean to…." Yuffie's voice soften.

"I'm alright.…" Kairi smiled. Yuffie grinned, as she continued to try to cheer her up.

Kairi looked outside the shop's window, only to see a hooded figure, smiling at her, with a salty sea ice cream in his hand. He shot her a wink before jumping back to the darkness.

I'll always believe he had a heart... I'll always believe he was somebody.

Roxas and I…were always going to be eternally connected. He promised me...



The End!

I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm really happy to finally end this story! Thank you to all the reviewers:



Sora The Emo Kid

kaitou angel









Rios Masquerade

Jelly beans Rule


Sorry If that wasn't everyone...But THANK YOU so much. You don't know how happy it makes me when I get a review!

Thank you! Hope you enjoyed the ending!