Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the music

Music: "Who Knew" by Pink

When she was born; she was feared by all. It wasn't just her bloodline limit. No, it was her hair color. No one in her clan has seen cherry blossom hair since her great, great grandmother, who was the last one know with the curse.

I guess it was only natural that people would fear her, but to the great extent that they did was a little much. I mean she was just a newborn, what could she possibly do? Obviously, they thought too much. The villagers greatly feared her, so they revolted and stormed their home, hoping to end a life that night. I luckily got there in time and saved her and her family.

After much discussion, I was able to talk the villagers into letting her live, but apart from her clan, where she was not able to learn of her greatness.

The villagers wanted more, though. So in the end, their whole clan was banish from the town, and to never step foot in it again, or else to lose their life. They had until dawn to pack and leave.

They traveled a great distance before they arrived at a small village, Konoha, I believe it was called. They stay for a day or two to rest and get supplies. They left shortly after, leaving just like they came, unnoticed, all accept for a little pinked hair child…

16 years later

Sakura's POV:

"Sakuraaaa!" I turned around just in time to collide with a bright orange blur that ended up tackling me in a bear huge.

"Hi Naruto! How are you?" I said standing up and brushing of the dirt from my outfit, which consisted of a periwinkle tank top that showed just a little belly and a black skirt that stopped short in the middle of my thighs with a slit on either side with even shorter black shorts under that.

"Just great! I'm on my way now to the Hokage for my latest mission, you?" Naruto said who had his signature orange outfit while also sporting his sheepish grin.

"Actually I was on my to the Hokage's Tower too for a mission! Let's go together, kay?" I said, happy to see Naruto in a good mood today.

You see, three years ago, exactly today was the day Sasuke betrayed our village for his own selfish needs; to gain power from an evil snake and kill his brother.

I remember it well, because I tried to stop him the night he left. Then Naruto and some of our other friends (Neji, Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino, and Lee) were sent on a mission not long after to bring Sasuke back. They all returned with broken bones, bruises, and scars that would forever would remain with them, both on their bodies…and hearts. I was there when they returned. I saw Naruto; he was the worse looking one. When he finally gained consciousness again; he said he was sorry that he broke his promise and that he could not bring Sasuke back. I was broken hearted, but it was because of Naruto, not Sasuke. If Sasuke wanted power that damn badly enough to attempt to kill his best friend (whether he would admit or not, it's true) then it wasn't worth ever seeing him ever again.

I made a promise that day to myself. To train harder, so the next time I see Sasuke, I would kill him and make him pay, for what he did do Konoha, Neji, Shikamaru, Chouji, Shino, Lee, and most of all, Naruto. He would pay dearly with his blood, I know he would!

Ever since I made that promise, I've been training hard under the Hokage's watchful eye as a medic nin. Yeah, yeah, not exactly a way to seek revenge against Sasuke, but something told me (women's intuition I guess) that I just need to be patient, and some day a new power will reveal itself to me one day. Sure, whatever. It just better get here fast!

While Sakura was reminiscing about the past; Naruto and her finally arrive at the Tower and saw a very angry Tsunade. Naruto leaned over to Sakura and said, "She must be outta sake."

"I heard that BAKA!" Tsunade said with a very evil glare. (Yikes)

Oh dear, better jump in and save Naruto's ass, "Now, Tsunade-sensei, please remember that you sent for both of us, for a mission. Remember, you need Naruto?"

Tsunade still glaring at Naruto responded with a mumble "yes", or so I think.

"Yes, yes, the mission! I need both of you to go to Tea Country (again) and get a scroll that was supposedly stolen from some of our nin on their way back from a mission. You leave at dusk.

"Hai!" we both responded.

couple hours later/ dusk

When I finally got to the gates, I was shocked to see a fox-asked ANBU waiting for me.

"Naruto? No way did you beat me here!" I shouted. This was so unfair. It was always me that was on time for missions, not Naruto! He's gonna hold this over my head forever, isn't he?

The ANBU before me lifted his masked and grinned like the baka he was. "Haha! I actually beat you here! What happened to you any way, saying good-bye to your boyfriend, Lee!" SMACK!

"Owie! What the hell was that for?" Naruto yelped.

"How many times must I tell you, Lee and I are not an item! He just helps me train at times, that all! Promise. If I ever started to date anybody, you would be the first to know." I finished off with another smack to his head, just for good measures. With that done, I pulled down my own ANBU mask (yes I made ANBU about a year and a half ago!) which was fairly plain, except it's eyes were some what slitted close, and over the left eye and down half way down the cheek was a design that made it look like that mask had scales or something. Don't ask why, it just seemed appropriate for me. (Unfortunately at the time, I just didn't know how appropriate it was for me.)

Next Morning before Dawn

Finally, after a long mission to Tea Country, Naruto and I started our way home with the stolen scroll in hand, (Yeah us!) when Naruto said, "Hey, Sakura, let's race back to Konoha. Last one back buys breakfast!"

"In other words, if you by slim chance you win, I end up buying you ramen?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean by 'slim' chance, Sakura? As future Hokage, I must be strong, fast and cunning, (and not to mention handsome too!)." Naruto whined, while he jumped from branch to branch.

"Well, you got one out of five. Last time I checked, Kiba has a better chance than you." I smiled evilly as I dodged a kunai and landed on a branch right above Naruto, who was giving me an evil look.

"HEY! I thought that I was…but you aren't agreeing…and Kiba…" whined the poor fox boy. I just laughed as his confusion. Then I sensed something, something that was…oh crap.

"NARUTO!" But it was too late. The enemy already hit Naruto in a pressure point and knocked him out. Kuso, this was not good.