Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, locations or and so on and so forth, et cetera, et cetera.
Feel Like Hexing Something
Sirius stared at the blood red envelope in front of him. It sat on the table, unopened and quivering at the fact that Sirius had no intention of opening it. The majestic black owl that had delivered the envelope hooted in disapproval and soared elegantly out of the open window. The letter shook violently and Sirius stared blankly. Then came an explosion of sound and a woman's voice howled out into the crowded common room.
He started and glared at the letter seizing it in his fist. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and covered their ears with their hands, crying out in protest. He stood up, howler struggling valiantly in his hand, and forced his way to the crackling fireplace.
He scowled and threw the letter as hard as he could into the dancing flames. The woman's voice screeched and cried out one final word.
He turned to see all pairs of eyes in the room staring directly at him. He blinked and then grinned.
"Did anyone see where that owl went?" he said conversationally, "I feel like hexing something."
Andromeda Black had always easily been Sirius' favourite cousin and his mother's least favourite niece.
"A MUDBLOOD!" Mrs Black cried out in disgust. "SHE'S MARRYING A FILTHY MUDBLOOD!"
Sirius thrust head out of his door as she stormed down the hallway cursing Andromeda every step of the way.
"How dare she! Blood-traitor! A mudblood!"
He followed her tentatively to a room in which hung a magnificent tapestry of the Black Family Tree. Standing in the immense doorway he saw his mother pause in front of the ancient hanging. She stood there face contorted with rage, mouth opening and closing, speechless in her fury. Then she simply yelled "SHAME!" and pointed her wand at Andromeda's name.
Christmas Wish
He scowled at his plate feeling the unrelenting glares coming from the people seated around the long dining table. Of coarse they had all heard that he had not been placed intoSlytherin as was expected of any respectable Black. All of his living relatives had come to the Christmas dinner and all of them, save for Regulus who was obliviously clearing his plate, were staring at him, the ex-heir.
"So, Sirius," said his aunt Elladora, "I hear you're in Gryffindor." She said the last word as if it were some sort of fungal disease.
Sirius looked up to scowl at her for a moment and then went back to scowling at his pudding. Bloody pure-blood maniacs, he though bitterly as his mother's cousin started talking about her campaign for legalising muggle-hunting, I wish they were all dead.
Author note: Righto, I am considerably new to writing fanfiction and if you would pretty please with a cherry on top leave a review I would really appreciate it.