A/N: I feel sort of bad for making Rebecca such a bitch…

And I apologize for the long wait! This chapter's slightly shorter than the last two, but I found a good stopping point and figured I'd better post it before you all got impatient and decided to come after me. :)


Parker sat cross-legged on the floor, arms folded across his chest, in the empty pre-school classroom. Ms. Gleason and Rebecca stood in front of him. Sighing, Rebecca lowered herself beside her son.

"Parker, honey, it's time to go home now."

"No. I want to see daddy."

"You saw him yesterday. Maybe we'll go later this week, okay?"

"I want to go today!"

"Parker, we can't-"

"Today! I want to see daddy today!"

Rebecca stood, frustrated, and crossed the room as she pulled out her cell phone. She dialed the hospital number and waited as she was directed to Booth's room.

He answered with a casual, "Yeah?"

"You need to talk to your son."

Booth was taken aback by the statement. "Why?"

"He wants to see you."

"And I want to see him. What's the problem?"

"I don't have time for this, Seeley!"

"Look, I'll have someone pick up Parker and bring him over here if it's such an inconvenience."

"I don't want-"

"Do you want me to deal with this or not?" He took her silence as an answer. "Just come get him later, alright?"


And without a goodbye, she ended the call.


Brennan peered intently at the skeleton laid out on the table in the center of the lab. In the midst of jotting a note on her clipboard, her cell phone rang, jarring her from her thoughts. A bit agitated by the interruption, she set down the papers and picking up her phone. Her greeting was more tense than usual. "Brennan."

"Hey, Bones."

Realizing the identity of her caller, her voice noticeably softened. "Hello, Booth."

"I, uh, wanted to ask for a favor."

All thoughts of the remains on her table were gone from her mind. "What do you need?"

"Could you pick up Parker? He wants to see me."

"Of course." She immediately began heading towards her office, shedding her lab coat along the way.

"Thanks, Temperance. His school's over on 21st. You think you can find it?"

"I'll be fine." Brennan quickly exchanged the long blue coat for her blazer and grabbed her purse. "I'll see you soon, Booth."

"I owe you one."


Temperance Brennan made her way along 21st Street, spotting a small elementary school on her left. She pulled into the first available spot, climbing out of her car and entering the building.

After getting directions at the office, she made her way to Parker's classroom. When she entered, the boy threw himself at her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Brennan worked to steady herself after the sudden, unexpected impact. The young boy peered upwards, still latched onto her. "Bones! Are you gonna take me to see daddy?"

She smirked, noticing the child remembered his father's nickname for her. "Yes I am, Parker."

Grinning, the boy grabbed hold of her hand and began to pull her towards the door, pausing only to wave goodbye to his mother on his way out.

After helping Parker buckle himself into one of the rear seats, she herself climbed into the driver's side of her car. The vehicle was only silent for a moment, her young passenger speaking up as she pulled the car back out onto the street.


She glanced into the rearview mirror, sneaking a look at the child before moving her eyes back to the road. "Yes?"

"Why don't you have a carseat like daddy does?"

"I don't have any kids, Parker." Brennan was a bit wary about this line of conversation, worried about where it could be headed.

"Why not?"

And that was the question she'd been dreading. Temperance took a deep breath. "I... haven't found the right person yet." She thought that saying she didn't want children might not be the right thing to say to a kid.

"Oh." The boy lapsed into silence for a few seconds. "What about daddy? Is he the right person?"

Brennan glad Parker couldn't see her, because her eyes had widened considerably and her jaw had dropped before she'd noticed and pulled her mouth shut. "I don't know, Parker."

Glancing in the mirror again, she saw the boy smiling. "You'd make a good mommy, Bones."

She was surprised she even made out a reply. "You really think so?"

Parker nodded. "Yup. Daddy does too."

Brennan smirked. "And how do you know that?"

"He said so. On the phone. I don't think he knows I heard him."

She laughed. "I don't think so, either."

But she was glad that he had.



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