Disclaimor: I don't own Naruto Masashi dus :P

If you guys have ay ideas, feel free to say em to me and ill listen.

" WHATTTT?" Sakura looked at Gaara, the Kazekage. " You want me to what?"

Sakura was outraged by Gaara ahem, the Kazekage. She glared at him, and he simply glared back. It lasted for a few moments, and Gaara broke the stare.

" It's your duties to go to Konoha, and do as Tsunade-sama says. To keep up the 'friendship' between nations intact." Gaara had a stern look on his face like always. " So you want me to leave Suna- my home to go to Konoha to do some ladies bidding?"

She was far too outraged. Her fists tightened, and she glared at Gaara again. " You will eventually come back, it is not like you are leaving forever," Gaara said very stolidly. ( A bit OOC sorry ;; ) " FINE," She suddenly punched the wall near her, letting out her anger. " But Konoha better not be the sweet little village as people say." She ' Hmmphed' and left to her home to pack up.

Gaara smirked at the retreating Sakura, and he thought to himself.

You're not going on any old mission to do biddings. He smirked again at the thought.

You're going to meet a certain someone…

Sakura packed her bags, and looked at her forehead protector in her hands. It had the Sand symbol etched on the silver metal. She sighed, and put it in her average sized bag, and zipped it up.

I'll miss Temari.. and Kankuro. I'll miss everyone here….

'What are you thinking?' Her inner self practically screamed at herself in her mind.

You know we'll miss them-

'You're tough, and yeah we'll miss them, but that doesn't mean we won't see them again.. cheer up!'

You're right.. we'll be back.

With that Sakura walked out of her door, and sped to the gates leading out of Suna (does suna even have gates? O.o) when she saw her best friend running off to her.

" Sakura! Don't go!" Temari practically ran Sakura over. " I'll be back… so just wait for me" Sakura gave Temari a big grin, and hugged the living day lights out of her for the last time , until they met again.

Sakura let go of the choking Temari, and walked off waving at her best friend. Temari waved at her until she couldn't see Sakura anymore, and she felt empty inside. Her best friend left for another village and god knows when she would come back.

Sakura leapt some tree to tree as soon as the forest came in view. If she went at this rate, she would be in Konoha in a few hours, and that's how fast she was. Sakura was strong. She trained with Gaara the new Kazekage since they were small children, and she was a hard trainer, never giving up.

Sakura felt chakra around her, and she stopped in her tracks.

An enemy? No the chakra's getting weaker by the second.

' Go check it out'


Sakura jumped off the branch, landing on her two feet crouching down. She slowly walked to where the weak chakra was coming, and saw two boys. One had bright yellow hair with weird scratches etched on his face, and the other had raven hair.

They were both in bad condition, and she saw the two were in pain.

Whoever did this was no weakling…

She looked around the place with her senses, and felt no one there anymore. She walked into the small clearing, and looked at the two boys from afar. The raven haired boy looked cute-……….handsome… .Ahem ( lols ), and the other boy looked goofy.

She saw cuts and bruises all over them , and saw the Konoha forehead protector.

Konoha eh?

She picked the two up, the raven-haired boy on her back, while she dragged the yellow haired boy. ( lolls sorry for naruto fans .) No doubts were they heavy, even for someone as strong as her.

The two were in a bad condition. She looked at the boy's face. It was covered with his raven locks, but she could see scratches everywhere on his cheeks, and she studied him a for a moment. She saw pain through his closed eyes, and she quickly looked away..

She put the two down, and started emitting green chakra from her hands. She had learned to be a medic-nin, and was pretty good. The wounds on the two boys were closing and she got a good look of they're faces.

Both looked to be her age, and she could tell they were from Konoha, so she waited for them to wake up, as she dozed off into her dreams.

Sasuke started to wake up.

Ughh.. where am I?

He opened his weary eyes, and saw an array of pink on his shoulder. He looked carefully and saw pink hair leaning on him, and he was startled. Then in a flash he could remember what happened.


" What do you want Itachi" Sasuke growled at the man standing in front of him. Naruto was unbelievably quiet, and he was just staring into space.

Sasuke started to run to Itachi with his fists tightened, but he was too slow. Itchi just blurred in front of him, and caught his fist with ease.

Then everything burred, and went dark as he felt cuts and bruises being inflicted on him.

End Flashback.

Sasuke looked all over his body, and was shocked to see most bruises and cuts gone. But the deep wound on his sides still hurt a lot. He looked back to the pink haired girl in amazement and confusion.

Sakura started to stir on his shoulders and she opened her two eyes. She saw two boys, one she had been laying on, and quickly turned away….

I just started so…… dunno…. The pairings I'm going to let the reviewers choose. Ahem who should be with Sakura? The most important pairing ?