Hey people. It's me again. As you probably realize, this is my new story. I was really excited when my first story went well, and a new idea for a story came to me while I was in the shower (hehe) and I once again could not get it out of my head. (Not like I really wanted to) So yea, here is the first chapter. Enjoy… BEGIN!

Spare time…

Chapter one: Ordinary day?




Sasuke rolled over in bed and smacked his pillow against his alarm clock to shut it up, but to no avail.




The incessant beeping was interrupted when Sasuke grabbed a kunai from under his mattress and flung it at the alarm clock, succeeding it shutting it up, and also making it fly across the room.

Sasuke groaned and sat up. Great, I'll have to buy another one of those today. He looked to a pile of metal, which was once his alarm clock and could just barely make out the time. 5:35, just enough time to get done and get to training.

He walked over to his kunai and took it out of the clock and put it back under his mattress. He made his bed and walked out of his room. He took a quick shower and got changed into his usual clothing: his blue Uchiha clan shirt, white pants, shoes and headband. Deciding he wasn't in the mood for breakfast, he grabbed his kunai pack (sorry, don't know what that thing on his pants is. Would that be considered a kunai holster?) and walked out of his house.

The walk was the same as it always was. He, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi would meet at the old bridge at the edge of the forest to train. It normally took about 10 minutes to get there, since Sasuke was never in any rush. He just walked through the crowds with his hands in his pants pockets avoiding the stares of girls walking by. He never had the patience to deal with these girls, but they were always there, watching him walk to training.

Sasuke was always the first one to get there, being that he always leaves way to early, and just leans against the railing and waits.

About a half hour after he got there, he saw a familiar pink haired kunoichi walking his way.

"Ohayo, Sasuke-kun!" She greeted him with a smile. Being the unsocial person that he was, he only grunted in response. Anyone walking by would have thought that he was very rude in doing this, but Sakura knew better than to expect him to say something. It was very rare that he actually even grunted to her.

For a while, they stood in silence, which surprised Sasuke. Normally, Sakura would talk to him constantly, while he just ignored her, but today she seemed different. Sasuke looked up and turned his head to her to see that she was leaning over the railing and dreamily looking at the surroundings. Hm, wonder what's up with her today.

Before he could say anything to her, everyone's favorite blonde came bouncing over to where Sasuke and Sakura on the bridge.

"OHAYO SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto said in his abnormally loud voice. Snapped out of her dreamland so suddenly, Sakura faltered and looked to Naruto. "Oh, Ohayo Naruto."

Naruto looked to Sasuke and walked up to him. Naruto was at eye-level with Sasuke, and they just looked at each other. Sakura, being used to their greetings, just went back to her previous position and watch the sun rise.

A few moments of silence passed between the two until Sasuke broke it with one simple word, "…Idiot."

Well, lets just say Naruto kept it from getting too quiet while the three genin waited for their sensei.

(…some time later…)

There was a puff of smoke on the bridge, and a man with white hair and a mask on walked towards the trio. "Sorry I'm late…I got-"

"Got lost on the path of life, we know" the three said in unison.

Sakura stepped forward, "why are you always so late Kakashi-sensei?"

"YEA! You make us get here so early in the morning, and make us wait 2 hours for you to show up!" Naruto said.

Kakashi looked at his three students and scratched the back of his head. "Well-"

"Whatever, lets just get to training." Sasuke said annoyed while unfolding his arm and looking up.

"Ah, yes, training. I have good news for you three." They all look to Kakashi. "I am needed at the Hokage's office today, so you three have the day off."

"Really! That's so cool!" Sakura said, her eyes brightening.

"Alright!" Naruto yelled. "No training!"

"Whatever." Sasuke stated as he turned and began walking away. He expected Sakura to come after him asking to go out on a date, which of course he would refuse, but she didn't. Sasuke stopped and turned around to see that all three of them were gone. Wow, this is weird, normally Sakura would follow me around.

Aw, what's the matter miss your girlfriend?

Who are you?

I'm your inner self, idiot.

I have an inner self?

Obviously. Everyone does.

Sighs what do you want?

Well, I know what you want. You like Sakura and you won't admit it.

WHAT! No I do not. And why bring up such a random topic.

Oh yes you do. You're just too much of a jerk to realize it.

Sasuke was now getting angry with his inner self, and tried to ignore it. When that didn't work, he used all of his will power, and finally blocked it out. Realizing the predicament he was in, he stopped and sat under a tree.

Well, I have the whole day off. What am I suppose to do? …I can train, eh, but I'm not in the mood.

Suddenly, the famous light bulb went off in his head.

Oh yea, I threw a kunai at my alarm clock, better go get a new one.

With that, Sasuke stood up and walked towards the village of Konoha, unaware of whom he would meet up with, and how much a person can do in one day.

Tada! First chapter! This took me a while to write, but I think it's pretty good. The last line should be a little hint that there are going a lot more people in this story, (including 2 of my own original characters, which we will meet up with later). Well, please review, if I don't get enough reviews, I'm not updating! I'm going away next week for the week, so I may try and get in another chapter before then, but I can't promise anything. Chao!
