Disclaimer: I get to see Rent in February!

A/N: Ok, I was really getting bored of this story so I just decided to finish it. I'm sorry if this is a lousy chapter. There's almost no slash in it and it's kind of pointless, but o well, the story is over! I might re-write it later.

Chapter 4

"What's so appealing about having his tongue down your throat?" asked Ron as he and Harry walked into the Great Hall look of utter disgust plastered on his face as he had just witnessed yet another of Harry and Draco's make-out sessions.

Harry gave him a puzzled look and found a seat at the Gryffindor table before responding, "You know I'm not quite sure. It's kind of like a thumb wrestle…only inside your mouth."

Ron blanched, "To much info, mate!"

Harry giggled, "I like it how your eye twitches when you're retching!"

Ron was spared the awkwardness of responding to this statement by the arrival of Hermione, "Hi," she said brightly, "What's up?"

"Harry's being gross!" Ron whined, sounding remarkably like a terrier caught in the strings of a floor-length curtain. Hermione grinned; clearly her definition of "gross" was in an entirely different universe than Ron's.

A second later the three were joined by Ginny, "What's up?"

"Harry's apparently being 'gross'." Said Hermione raising her eyebrows in quite the suggestive manner.

"Oooh, fun! I wanna hear! There's never enough smut at Hogwarts…"she complained, taking a seat next to Hermione.

"I agree! Sometimes I think this place is like a lame G rated Disney channel original movie." She commented, thinking back to last summer when she had watched High School Musical with her cousin. Stupid movie, so addictive though…

Harry turned a shade of red bright enough to make a tomato proud, "Geeze guys! It's nothing like that…"

The two rather perverted girls looked dejected and Ron muttered a silent prayer of thanks to whatever divine being happened to be listening. A second later he was cursing said being for Hermione had asked another question pertaining to the topic, "So, Harry, how did your date go?"

"Uh…it was nice." Harry said distantly as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Just nice?" inquired Ginny.

"Really nice!" said Harry happily, remembering the corny romance at the cemetery.

"That's more like it! Did you kiss?" asked Hermione, Ron groaned, his mental cursing towards the not-so-quite-divine being reaching a new level of vocabulary.

"Well yeah, a bit."

Hermione and Ginny squealed in a pitch that any soprano would be beyond grateful to hit. "What is it about two hot boys snogging that never seems to get old?"

"I don't know!" responded Hermione, "It's like…it's like…" she paused for a second, casting about for the right simile, "It's like Grand Theft Auto! You know you shouldn't play it, but you just can't stop." The rest of the group stared at her, confusion plastered on their faces. "Never mind," she said quickly, "Stupid muggle game."

There was a chorus of "oh"s and the conversation continued, "So Harry, are you and Draco going to do anything this weekend?" Ginny inquired mischievously.

"Well, we can't go anywhere, can we? I mean the Hogsmead trip was last weekend." Said Harry, missing the obvious x-rated tone of Ginny's voice.

"That's not exactly what I meant…" responded Ginny in a "Harry-you-are-the-stupidest-life-form-on-the-face-of-the-earth" voice.

"No," said Hermione suddenly, "Let's go somewhere, let's go to California!"

"Huh?" said Ginny.

"Where?" asked Harry.

"Can you eat it?" voiced Ron.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "California, it's a state in the United States; I hear it's nice this time of year."

Just then Draco joined them, "Anything exciting going on?" he drawled, sitting next to Harry and putting his arm around the other boy.

"Hermione wants to go to California." Harry informed him.

"California, huh? I've always wanted to go there; I hear it's nice this time of year." Commented the Slytherin.

"Exactly!" yelled Hermione loud enough to startle a group of first years who were passing by, "Someone who knows where I'm coming from!"

"Can you eat it?" asked Ron.

Everyone ignored him.

"But we can't go to California," interjected Harry, "It's Tuesday! We have school!"

"So?" said Draco with a puzzled look.

"We can ditch." Supplied Ginny as though that solved it.

Hermione nodded, too caught up in the reckless spontaneity of the moment to fully realize what she was agreeing too, "Let's go now! Everyone except Ron knows how to apparate so I'll just apparate him with me."

"Ok!" shouted Harry in excitement, "Everyone meet in the Entrance Hall in 5 minutes with your swimsuits!"

Ten minutes later everyone had assembled in the Hall (all carrying swimsuits except for Ron who had brought a fork). They were all rather giggly because of the adrenaline and proceeded out the door. On the way out of the castle they happened to bump into Professor Trelawney who inquired to their destination.

"Oh, we're going to California!" Ron replied before anyone could stop him. The group waited with bated breath, knowing that their little adventure was coming to a screeching halt.

"California, eh? I hear it's nice this time of year." She commented before continuing on her merry little way.

The five decided not to question Fortune and proceeded through the castle grounds and out of the magical boundaries. Once they knew they had crossed the non-apparation ward, they all disapparated with a series of pops (Ron having the help of Hermione).

Since none of them really new the exact way to California, they missed it the first time, landing instead in the middle of a dinky little town in Iowa. Ron began to scream in an annoyingly high pitched tone, "TOO MUCH CORN!" So not to attract the attention of the possibly hostile locals, they disapparated again, this time quite quickly.

Surprisingly they seemed to hit their mark this time. They had apparated not far from the ocean, right in front of a pet shop where two people happened to be standing. Luckily they had not noticed the five teenage wizards that had popped out of nowhere right behind them.

"It's so cute!" said the girl, pointing at an odd looking dog in the window.

"It's eighteen-hundred bucks!" said her boyfriend.

"But, it's so cute!"

"What the heck is it anyway?"

The girl pointed to a sign below the window, "It's a Boggle!"

"It's eighteen-hundred bucks! What's a Boggle anyway?"

"I don't know…But it's so cute!"

Draco looked curiously at the dog, "I think I ate one of those once." He reflected.

Hermione gave him a disturbed look, "Right, well we better be going."

They all nodded and headed towards the beach, ducking into a shop's bathroom to change into their swimsuits on the way (well, all except for Ron). They all had a marvelous time at the beach; though it quickly became apparent that Ron couldn't swim as he had been discovered wearing invisible floaties when Draco tried to dunk him. Through they're exciting water-filled outing, Harry noticed something peculiar: there were no people around. He decided that it must be because of the odd weather it was, after all, rather warm and very sunny.

Around noon some clouds moved in and it was pouring by nightfall. They paid no heed to this though as they were used to such abysmal conditions. The waves started getting larger, lapping at the sand with more ferocity. Then, as dawn was breaking, Ron pointed to the horizon in shock, "Hey guys, what's that?"

It appeared that a large wave was moving towards them at alarming speed, "I'm not quite sure, and I really don't want to find out!" yelled Ginny before disapparating.

The others rapidly followed in suit, unfortunately leaving Ron behind as he brandished his fork in a mad attempt to eat the charging wave.

The now four wizards appeared suddenly directly outside the Hogwarts boundaries. "Where's Ron?" voiced Hermione immediately as she realized she had forgotten to apparate him.

Draco shrugged, "I guess we left him behind." No one really seemed to care and this was very sad.

"Let's do that again sometime!" suggested Harry and the others nodded in agreement, it had been quite the occasion.

A/N: Just to give credit where credit is due, Harry's line about making out being like a thumb wrestle inside your mouth is a quote from my brother, and the whole Boggle thing is from my friend at church. K, that's all. Review if you want. Oh yeah, this was un-betad because said brother is an annoying loser, so sorry for any mistakes.