Kiriska: At, long, long last.
Chibi Fique: The moment you're ALL been waiting for!
Chibi Sikeeh: The most requested babysitter EVER!
Chibi Tiyan: Can we PLEASE get on with in?
Akutareru: So, without further ado, we give you...
Mayakashi: And on a side note, we don't own DBZ.
Akutareru: HEY! As I was saying: And without FURTHER ADO, we give you......!!!
Note: Mr.Satan = Hercule

Night of the Babysitter XIII
By: Kiriska

"Come, ON, dad! They aren't THAT bad!" Videl all but dragged her father through the door. "No! No way! Not them again! Please! I'll do anything! PLEASE!" "Grandpa!" Pan bounded acorss the room and glomped the grandfather from her mother's side of the family. "Arg!" Mr.Satan managed before turning bright red under the preassure of the quarter-saiyan's strength. Vegeta sneered, "This is even better than beating you up in front of all your fans." Bulma snickered, "There are a couple thousand hotdogs in the fridge. They're in bed by nine, we're home at eleven." And the group left before the World Champion could protest.

Goten blinked curiously at his brother's father-in-law before being dragged away by Trunks to his room. Bra flew on to Satan, giggling wildly, Marron glanced at them nervously. After seconds of extra-hard hugging, then girls led the fan-driven champ to the kitchen to make dinner. Mr.Satan was so nervous he could have sweat a river by now. "N-Now d-don't do anything dangerous, g-girls." he chittered, he had been through this before. He had been their first babysitter, he had seen these kids fight Buu, he had seen their parents fight Cell, he knew what they could do. And he was scared enough to piss his pants. Trunks's Room a.k.a. The Base of Operations, the two demi-saiyans discussed their plans. "Last time was da bomb!" Trunks laughed, recalling last time they had had Videl's father as a sitter. "Yeah," agreed Goten, "We did the works, it was hilarious!" "Now, what to do...this time?" asked the purplehead mischiveously. They huddled together and dug up older, simpler tricks, that the World Champ would fall for. Mr.Satan had a mineful of fears they could dig up on.

"Aiiieeeee!" Bra screeched as she crashed into Satan. "Watch out, Bra!" Marron skidded out of the way and right into Pan. "Hey!" Pan sat down on a bottle of ketchup and squeezed the red stuff all over the afro-man. Not knowing what do say, Mr.Satan cleaned up the mess and they continued their buisness. Dinner finished without burning up the kitchen, much to the girls' disappointment, but they still had the rest of the night afterall...

Before arriving at the dinner table, Trunks and Goten raided through the pantry looking for what they needed, finally they came up with the ingrediants needed for their drink: 6-packs of Root Beer and Dr.Pepper, sugar, pixie sticks, and various other powdered candies. They mixed all this together and produced a drink. Trunks grinned and offered one of these drinks to each member for the Babysittees. Mr.Satan could only wonder where these drinks came from. They ate their dinner, only a few simple tricks were sprung. Simple ones, live rats in food was all. The five children downed their drinks, several glasses full.

And it did not take long for them to get high. "Heeheehee..." Marron giggled abnormally as Satan gathered the dishes. "GOAT PIGS!" Goten exclaimed suddenly. The World Champ dropped a handful of dishes and stared. "No, dumbass, " Trunks laughed drunkly, "Goat CHEESE! Goat CHEESE!" "M'bad,..." hiccuped Goten downing another glassful. "What's wrong with you bunch..?" Satan muttered under his breath. "Wot woz tat G'pa?" Pan danced around in the air. "Ju say 'ju wont'd to fllyyyyyyy?" "What I didn't say anything like that?" Satan panicked immediately.

"Aw, yes ju did! C'mon, Twunks 'elp G'pa flllyyyyyy!" Pan giggled, grabbing hold on Mr.Satan's shirt sleeve. "I's help!" chirped Bra. "Let's go fly to da mooooooon!" Marron sang, darting towards Satan, Pan and Bra.. At that Goten grabbed a microphone out of no where: "Fllyyyyyy me to the moooon! Let me play amoung the staaars! Let me see wot spring is like--" The microphone was snatched away.

"You can't sing, Goten." Trunks put on a face of disgust as he threw the mic forcefully at his friend. "C'mon G'pa, to da moon!" Pan and Bra lifted Satan off the ground, the poor man was praying they wouldn't let him fall. Marron latched onto the man's leg, wanting a ride as well. The two young demi-saiyans struggled with the load but managed a few feet off the ground. "Aozameta sora nijinda..." Goten wasn't giving up on his music streak and was charming everyone's ears with his voice. "Make it stop..." whimpered the world champ as he was dragged off out the window, much effort on Pan and Bra's part.

"Let me dooooooown!" shrieked Satan as the two girls lifted him higher into the air. Marron giggled insanely. "Wot woz that? Fly to the moooooon?" Pan tugged and lifted higher. "AIIIEEE!!" Higher and higher they went. "Ack!" Pan lost her grip and Bra could not hold the load herself. Satan and Marron fell. "Weeeeee!!" laughed the blonde, who was soon caught by her friends. But Mr.Satan kept falling, plummeting towards the Earth. "AHHHHHHH!! I don't wanna diiie!" At the last possible moment, Trunks and Goten latched their hands onto the champ and saved him from certain doom...or had they?

"C'mon Trunks, let's play ball!" "Kaaaayyyyyyy!" Trunks hurled the man upward, then let him come hurtling down. Goten caught the champ, then tossed him upward again. "Aiiie!" "Ahhhh!" "Stoop!" "Pleease!" this game continued for a while, long enough for the man to have had several heart attacks. Pan, Bra and Marron decended from the sky and watched, then the blonde said. "LETS GO PLAY WIT DA PIGS!" "Okee dokee!!" The five sugarrushed wormbabies then dragged Mr.Satan to Bra's Room.

"AHHHHH!! Please NO!!!" Instead of playing with rubber piggies, the World Champ found himself in Bra's Imfamous Salon...Thing. And they had discovered the piece of gum placed in the man's 'fro earlier that evening, and that just wouldn't do. Goten was laughing maniacly, razor in hand. "Hehehehe!!" The other four sat in a circle surrounding their prisoner, all holding items like: Sciccors, bows and ribbons, make-up, etc. "NOOO!! No! Lemme GO!! AIIEE!" Goten messily shaved the middle of the 'fro off, so Satan still had two big puffs of hair on each side.

"'E 'ooks like a clooooown!" mused Pan. "YEAH! CLOWN!" screeched Bra eagarly, she then dug through some drawers and found multicolored, magic dye. Trunks splashed on reds, his sister had the blues, Goten the greens, Pan the yellows, and Marron the purples. Pretty soon, Satan had rainbow colored hair, and 'twasn't a wig. "Why me? Why, why me?" "Wot we do now?" wondered Pan, when that was all done. "Let me go...?" asked their victim weakly. "Naw, I know!" Trunks giggled, "We can gib 'im clown make-up!" And the rest agreed.

"AH! STOP!" Satan struggled as white face paint was smeared all over his face. "Stop movin'!" Pan complained, the red that went around the lips was all lopsided and strange looking. "Ack!" Goten's handed twitched and the pain around the eyes was crooked. When they were done, Mr.Satan looked like a clown that well...put on his make-up too fast. "I wanna lawyer!" shrieked the man. "Aw, Grandpappy, don't be mad! We can have a parade!" suggested Pan. "YEAAAHHHH!" they all agreed.

The World Champ was held on a leash by his granddaughter and dragged all over the neighborhood. Goten held a large spotlight over him, Trunks and Marron waved noisemakers, and Bra led the 'parade' with a baton. People were poking their heads out of windows and gawking at the sight on the streets below them. "Mr.Satan?!" "Hey, cool!" "Hey, mom, lookie this!" "Gimme a camera!" SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Pictures were taken by the thousands.

It was 9:30 when the little parade returned to CC. The sugar and caffine was wearing off on the Babysittees. "Wot should we do now?" Pan wondered tiredly. "Ehhh..." Goten had gotten off the sugarrush. "We can give him somma da drink." offered Trunks, fetching a glass of his hyper-formula. "YEAH!" Bra chirped. "'Kay." Marron nodded. "Ack! What is that! What are you doing?! Hasn't it been enough!?!?!?" Satan pleaded with them as the liquid was forced down his throat.

A few moments later...Satan has ripped the leash in two, and was runnbv ing around outside with a sign that said: "I am week!" The kids went upstairs and retreated into their various rooms. Satan was left to run around loose outside the house until the adults came home at 11:00. When they got home, they found Satan laying on the front steps dressed in a grass skirt, with whip cream all over his rainbow hair and clown-face. He was babbling about some martian that stole his dog.

None of them could //prove// that the Babysittees did it, although they, of course, were the prime suspects. Satan was dragged off home by Videl and Gohan. Everyone took their kids home, none of them recieved punishment, for their obvious, but unproven crime. Vegeta didn't care because he was glad the World Champ had made a fool of himself. Bulma was mildly upset, but oh well. Early the next morning, Vegeta found some leftovers of Trunks's Sugar-Caffine Drink....and...


Kiriska: I don't know, that was supposed to be the funniest ever, but it's not is it? I really don't feel like going on to #15 and ending there like I planned. This series has gone too far, it's idea overused, dragging it out more will only kill it. Perhaps I should end it here and let it die? Write one more part, and ending, and leave it. My original plan was this: #14, Bulma. #15: Closings. I was going to throw in a final special edition with the SailorMoon cast. You're the reader, what should I do? Finish it at #15 like I planned, or stop it here?
