Disclaimer: "Don't own DBZ. Don't sue me. Broke..want Dreamcast..opps..heehee..

The Night Of The Babysitter...(lightning strikes)

"You three be good!" Bulma warned as she, Vegeta, and Gohan exited the house. 8 year old Trunks, 7 year old Goten, and 4(She needs to be this age for the story to be right, ok?) year old Bra smile innocently at her. "I cannot believe I get stuck babysitting while the others go out to dinner!" Yajirobe complains. "Don't be sad, Yajirobe, we'll be good!" Bra chirps. Trunks whispered something to Goten, who grinned mischieveously. "Whatever, I'm gonna go eat whatevers in the fridge and you guys can eat whatevers left." Yajirobe huffs. "But..but I wanna have a grilled cheese sandwich!" Bra whines. Trunks and Goten sneak unnoticed away while Bra 'deals' with Yajirobe.

"Do you have it?" Goten asks his friend. "Yep, my new Voice-Changer 4000 that my mom invented last month." Trunks answered as he pulls it out from under his bed. "Allllright! So Bra knows right?" Goten fiddles with the buttons. "Yep, wanna sneak outside now and scare Yajirobe now or wait til after dinner?" Trunks peeks out of his bedroom door where Bra was smearing cheese all over their large babysitter's shirt. "Now, I can't wait to check this thing out." answers Goten excitedly.

Outside, Trunks places the Voice-Changer 4000 up to his mouth. They had setted it to Vegeta's voice. "You incomputent fool! You aren't making my daughter dinner!" he boomed into the microphone. Yajirobe froze. "V-V-Vegeta-a?" he whimpered, looking around for the source of the voice. "Yes, who else would it be you fat baka! And if you are not a good babysitter I'll personally make sure you never eat again! I'll be watching!" Bra smiled, "Listen to my daddy!" Goten and Trunks were rolling in the grass laughing.

Yajirobe started making a dinner...not a very good one at that...Bra followed him around the kitchen smiling her face off. Trunks and Goten sneaked back inside their room, "That was so hilarious!" laughed Trunks, "Did you see the look on his face?" Goten climbed on the bed, "Yeah, and Bra, she was convincing!" he giggled. "What do ya wanna do now?" Trunks's eyes sparkled, "Pranks" Goten turned to his friend, "On who?" Trunks laughed, "Who else, Yajirobe!" Bra poked her head in her brother's room. "Hi! Dinner's ready! Can I hwelp you play pranks on Yajirobe?" she asked innocently. Trunks grinned, "Sure, why not. Go get my whoopee cushion." he ordered. "You have a whoopee cushion? Aww, not fair, my mom never lets me have anything." Goten complained.

Goten and Trunks sat on one end of the table; Yajirobe and Bra in the other. Dinner was grilled cheese sandwiches on...old bread. "Ewwwww, gross! This stuff is old!" Trunks picked up his bread, wet, gooey cheese dripped onto his plate. "S'not my fault! T-There wasn't any other b-bread.." Yajirobe stammered. "Humph, I'm not eating this slop." Goten declared pushing his plate away. "B-But you have to, i-it's your din-n-ner.." Yajirobe said. "I'm not eating it, 'less you make somethin' else." Trunks snapped. "F-Fine." Yajirobe went back into the kitchen. Bra giggled, "Yajirobe has been acting wike that since 'daddy' left." Trunks and Goten laughed, "You got the whoopee?" asked Trunks. Bra smiled again and held it up, "Yep." and placed it in Yajirobe's chair.

20 minutes later, Yajirobe came in with 'slightly' burnt pepperoni pizza. He set the pizza on the table and sat down in his chair. PPPPPBBBBBBBBBBBBTTTTTTTTTTTT!!! Bra giggled. Trunks and Goten burst out laughing. Yajirobe jumped out of his chair and grabbed the whoopee cushion, "You brats! Argg!" Trunks was laughing so hard he fell out of his chair. Yajirobe glared, "I should've dropped you out the window when I had the chance.." he mumbled (In DBZ, when Bulma, Yajirobe and Baby Trunks were flying towards the place where Goku had taken 19 and 20, Yajirobe threatened to drop Baby Trunks out the window) Bra took a big slice of pizza and stuffed it in her mouth, smearing her face with red sauce. "Yummy!" she declared.

A few minutes later, the pizza had disappeared between the ravenous mouths of Trunks, Goten and Bra. Yajirobe watched them and ate the gooey grilled cheese sandwiches. After dinner, Trunks and Goten went outside and Bra followed Yajirobe around the house. "Whadda ya wanna do now?" asked Goten as he followed Trunks around the yard. "I dunno; does Yajirobe know we can fuse?" he asked. Goten shook his head, "I don't think so, why?" Trunks's eyes lit up again. "Heheheheh, I have an idea." Goten grinned, Trunks's ideas were never bad. "We can turn into Gotenks and tell Yajirobe we're an evil sayjian here to destroy Earth!" Goten laughed, then said, "But whatta 'bout Bra? She knows we can fuse." Trunks shurgged, "I guess we can tell her." and headed back in the house where Bra was watching Yajirobe clean up.

A few minutes later, Goten and Trunks were outside again. "Ready?" Trunks asks. "Yep." replied Goten. "YAAAAAAA!!!" they screamed and became super-sayjians. They stood ten feet apart and did their fusion dance, charging into each other and becoming one. Gotenks stood, grinning and walked towards the house. Should I blast the door? he thought, Yeah why not, Vegeta does it all the time...Gotenks fired a small ki blast and blew a hole in the door. Yajirobe jumped three feet high, "I gave them dinner Vegeta! I-I I-...." he trailed off when Gotenks walked in the door. Bra giggled.

"W-Who are y-you?" Yajirobe stammered as he stared at Gotenks's long golden hair. "I am...Asetilk, a sayjian warrior sent to destroy Earth." Gotenks crowed. "A s-s-saaayjia-an? D-Destroy Earth..?" Yajirobe was terrifyed now. "B-Bra, where's Trunks and Goten? I found them a playmate!" Yajirobe hissed at Bra, who only giggled in return. "Who are you?" boomed Gotenks, smirking at the cowaring Yajirobe. "I-I-I'm Yaa-jirobe-e, and I can fi-ght really well, j-just you s-see, I-I'll beat y-you to a p-pulp." Gotenks laughed, "Oh really? It looks to me like you're bluffing, fat fool." "I-I-I..." Yajirobe fainted, Bra moved out of way or she would've been squished.

Gotenks walked over to Yajirobe and Bra, laughing hysterically. Bra smiled, "Whadda we do now, Trunks? Goten?" "'Name's Gotenks. And I dunno, we can stay up til Vegeta and Bulma come home, though." 26 minutes later, Gotenks defused. Trunks, Goten, and Bra played Playstation 2, till 10:34, when Yajirobe started to wake up. The chubby martial artist almost screamed when he remembered what had happened, his first thought was to make sure he was still alive. Then he remembered the kids, "Bra? Trunks? Goten? D-Did you guys, b-beat the s-sayjiann?" he shouted.

The front door opened, Bulma, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Chi Chi, Krillin, Yamcha, Puar, Tien, Videl, Baby Pan, Dr.Brief, Bulma's mom (WHAT IS HER NAME?), and Piccilo entered the house. Yajirobe got up off the floor and stubbled to greet the large group. "What happened to my backdoor?" Bulma shrieked. "Where's my baby?!" Chi Chi screamed. "Goten?" Gohan called. Goten, Trunks, and Bra peeked over the stair rail; "Hi mommy." Bra waved at Bulma. "Oh, GOTEN, MY BABY!" Chi Chi rushed up the stairs and hugged Goten. "Mom..I...can't..breaaaaaatheee." Vegeta glared at Yajirobe; "What the hell happened here you fat fool?" he demanded. "Anevilsupersayjiancameandsaidhewantedtotakeovertheworld--" Vegeta stopped him; "So we can understand you!" he shouted. Yajirobe started again; "A guy with yellow hair came and broke down the door and said that he was a sayjian sent to take over the Earth and,..and,..I-I-I.." "YOU WHAT?" screamed Vegeta. "I-I-I-I f-fainted and just woke up."

"What happened here Trunks?" asked Bulma asked her son. "Um...we were playing in the backyard, then this guy showed up and blasted the door, and made Mr.Yajirobe faint, and Bra went to hide upstairs then me and Goten beat him up." "You defeated him all by yourselves?" Goku wondered aloud. "Yup!" Goten declared proudly. "What did this sayjian look like, boy?" asked Vegeta suspiciously. " He said his name was Asetilk. He was a s-super-sayjian with this weird black and orange suit and.." Yajirobe went on to discribe the 'mysterious' sayjian, while Trunks and Goten exchanged worried looks.

Vegeta listened carefully to Yajirobe, getting angrier by the second. "That was Gotenks you fool!!!" Vegeta screamed in his face. "What?" Bulma and Chi Chi stared at thier sons. "Who's Gotenks?" asked Yajirobe confused. "It's those brat's fusion form!" spit Vegeta. Trunks and Goten looked at each other; "Busted!" they groaned in unison. "You are in big trouble mister!" Bulma and Chi Chi shrieked at their sons. "Go to your room, Trunks! You dragged Bra into this didn't you? You're setting a bad example.." Bulma lectured him as he marched up the stairs waving goodbye to Goten as he was ushered away by Chi Chi.

"I'm going to kill that brat!" stormed Vegeta. "Uh..I'd better go now.." Krillian rushed and exited the house. "Yeah, me two, guys, 'had a good time, see ya tomorrow." said Yamcha as he ran after Krillian, Puar right behind him. Gohan left with Videl and Baby Pan. Dr.Brief and Bulma's mother left to the 'other' Capsule Corp. house. Goku looked at Vegeta who was cursing at how Bulma would have to fix the door and not have time to fix the gravity room. Sighing Goku left. Crime never pays, he thinks. But he was wrong...grounded for a week. Trunks spends his time making prank calls in his room. And Goten sneaks out while Chi Chi is busy.

Our little trouble makers will never change. =)

Kiriska: So, how'dja like? I know Bra is the wrong age but who cares?
kill me and just say so in review. Thankies!
Chibi Fique: How come we don't get to host yer DBZ fics?
Kiriska: I dunno..it just doesn't feel write sticking you guys up there..you were just -meant- for my GW ones.
Chibi Sikeeh: Whatever ya say.