So after much debate with myself I finally decided to revise this story. I hope you like the new and improved version.

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto. Its that simple

Chapter 1- Schedule Pick-up

Why the hell am I here again? Never in my life have I been so bored. Gosh this is probably the most retarded thing. Why am I here with theses wannabes and where the hell is my mom? In case your wondering why I'm complaining it's because I despise these orientations. They are so frikin confusing. Some how in this humongous room filled with people tables and cameras I'm supposed to find my schedule and my I.D. . At times like these I wish I could just punch someone just because I'm frustrated.


I wonder who is calling me? I looked up to see one of my best friends, Hinata Hyuuga.

"Hey Hinata," I greeted, "How was your summer?"

"It was g..good. 'bout y..yours?" she stuttered and gave me a small smile.

"Great," I said putting a lot of stress on the word.

"Oh I I g.g..guess it wasn't g.g...good," she said sadly.

"Nope. My summer was not very pleasing," I said with a sigh," I'm guessing Ten is going to pick her stuff tomorrow."

"Th that's h-her plan," she said as she twirled her fingers.

"In that case lets try to find my mom and get our stuff," I said walking towards a line.


Outside the school

"Ok, Hinata, lemme see your schedule," Sakura said holding her hand out while looking at her own. Hinata handed her schedule to her friend. Sakura looked over both schedules and compared. Sakura's schedule looked like this:

1st period- History-Asuma

2nd period-English- Kakashi

3rd period-Biology-Orochimaru

4th period-Art-Shizune

5th period-Algebra-Kurenai

6th period-Gym-Gai

Hinata's was like this:

1st period-English-Kakashi

2nd period-Algebra-Kurenai

3rd period-History-Asuma

4th period-Art-Shizune

5th period-Biology-Orochimaru

6th period-Gym-Gai

Sakura glared at both of the schedules. 'WTF!? Only TWO classes and LUNCH!' Inner Sakura yelled.

'That's what it looks like,' Sakura replied to her innerself still glaring at the papers.

"Sakura-chan sss..som…something mat..ter?" Hinata asked Sakura nervously.

Sakura snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her friend's worried voice.

"Sorry, Hinata. I'm just mad cause I only have two classes with you," Sakura said handing the paper back to Hinata with a sigh of disappointment.

"H… you'll have b. luck with Ten," Hinata said patting my back.

"Yeah I hope so too. I think I should find my mom. I'll see you Monday," Sakura said leaving.



"SAKURA! That crash better have not been your NEW alarm clock!" Mrs. Haruno yelled for outside Sakura's door.

The pink haired girl sat up on her bed trying to register why she got yelled at this time. Sakura reached for her cell phone to check the time, since her clock magically disappeared.

"Mmm…it's onlyyawn 6:30. Why it she awake so early?" she mumbled as she lay back down.

'Ain't today the first day of school?' Inner Sakura asked.

That's when everything finally clicked in Sakura's mind. "CRAP!" was Sakura's intelligent reply as she jumped out of her covers and grabbed some clothes. She then ran in the bathroom to get ready.

Ten minutes later Sakura was already running out her door with an apple in hand. While eating her apple Sakura looked at her watch. It was 6:42 and school starts at 7:00. If she made it to school by 6:50 she should have enough time to go to her locker and find her class. And so the 8 minute run to school began.

After reaching her school and locker Sakura got ready for her final task: Finding her class.

'I…must...not be….late!' Sakura thought as she took one step at a time and as if her life depended on it.

After all the running her legs started to have an after affect. Sakura looked up slowly to see her classroom door up ahead. Sakura then looked at her watch she had one minute left. Sakura then felt a new burst of energy and broke into a sprint for the door. If you must know why she is in such hurry not to be late, well then lets clear this up. Sakura Haruno has never been late in her life and just because this is high school doesn't mean she's going to start now. Sakura reached for the door knob and practically kicked the door in with her monstrous strength. To bad the boy on the other side of the door didn't have time to react.


While Sakura was in the hall looking for her class this is what was happening in her class.

"Okay, class, now who wants to go get the newspaper?" their teacher asked them. Everyone just stared at him.

"Since there are no volunteers I guess I'll have to choose," he grumbled looking at his list of names, "Lemme see how about Mr Uchiha. Why don't you go get the newspapers."

Sasuke sat up from his desk and walk towards the teacher who was holding the pass. He gave a cold glare towards the man while grabbing the pass and walked toward the class room door. As he began to reach for the door knob, it turned on it's own. That's when Sasuke saw everything go in slow motion. The door knob slowly turned and then the door came hurling towards him. To his surprise he couldn't dodge and so BAM the door connected to his face. He then was sent flying into the wall CRASH.

Everyone looked at the scene while the bell rung for first period to start. The dust from the crash started to clear up and everyone stared at the panting pink haired girl.

"I'm not late!" she yelled as she threw her arms in the air and a very determin look on her face.

"Right," the teacher agreed unsure if it was the right thing to say to the girl.

The girl smiled to herself and then skipped to a seat in the back still smiling.

"I hope you can still get the newspaper," the teacher said looking at the boy, who was still on the ground.

Everyone then turn attention away from the Uchiha on the floor to the pink haired girl who was staring out the window. Some of the boys had hearts in their eyes while the whole girl population in the class room, except Sakura, glared at her.'How dare SHE hurt MY Sasuke!' phrase was going there their heads.


Sakura POV

As I opened the door I could've sworn I heard angels sing. Either that or I watched way too many movies. As I walked in panting, the bell rang.

"I'm not late!" I yelled at the bell while throwing my arms in the air.

"Right" I heard my teacher say to me.

I smiled to myself and skipped to a desk in the back still smiling with satisfaction. I then turn my attention to the butterfly out the window. After a couple of minutes staring out the window I had a feeling someone wanted me dead. Of course I choose to ignore it.

'For the first time I don't think you should,' Inner Sakura said looking at the angry crowd.

'Whatever,' I replied still looking at the interesting butterfly.


Well thats chapter one hoped you like it. Please Review.