Together on the Courts

Chapter Five:
Thank You

"I don't know why, but it feels like you'll be leaving us forever..."

Her hands skimmed along the books, lost in thought, as a small and sad smile touched her lips. It was after school and it was her turn to help in the library along with Tomo-chan and Ryoma-kun. She frowned, pausing with a sigh before inserting a book into its missing place. After Tomo-chan had rushed off, Sakuno had found her a while after she had left the roof. Tomo-chan had blamed it on her bladder but she couldn't help but wonder if her best friend was lying.

She turned around and had meant to gather a few books off the cart when a hand stopped her. Her eyes snaked up the arm that was picking up the book and up into familiar dark green eyes. "K—Kouno-kun," she gasped, her eyes widening before watching as a smile appeared on his lips and he handed her the book. "T—thank you but, Kouno-kun, what are you doing here?"

"Didn't I say you could call me Kai?" he asked, leaning forward and tucking a stray hair behind her ear which fell from her ponytail. Her cheeks flushed lightly and he grinned before pulling back and answering her question, "I didn't have any club activities today so I decided to pay you a visit."

"Oh," she answered, breathing in deeply, her eyes scanning behind his shoulder. It figured Ryoma-kun would be missing at that moment, she thought before taking the book and turning around. "I can't talk much though, Kouno-kun I have—"

"Kai," he insisted again.

She slipped the book into its right place and turned back around with a small smile, "Kai-san."

He gave a half-hearted shrug as he lifted a book that was in his hand and slipped it into a spot while saying, "I suppose that's the best I can get out of you, isn't it?"

"You don't have to help me!" she protested, gripping at the book that he held with his hand which he had picked up soon after placing one of the books away. She pursed her lips as he leaned his face close again, his nose just skimming along hers. "I—I can do it m—myself."

A finger trailed along her cheeks and the light pink on her cheeks darkened. "I know," he whispered, his breath touching her cheeks , her lips, "but the sooner you finish the faster we can get out of here."

"Yes, but—" Sakuno was cut off by a hand pressing on her forehead and pushing her away from Kai-san's face, her hands letting go of the book as she was forced to take a step back.

"That type of stuff isn't allowed in the library," Ryoma-kun's low voice slowly crawled into her ears and she was suddenly filled with relief. Her eyes looked over to Ryoma-kun who held a book in his hand which was resting on his shoulder, like it would with his racket. His eyes were staring at Kai-san's who frowned back and hastily, Sakuno opened her mouth and say something to break the tension that filled had suddenly come, but Kai-san cut her off.

"I don't know who you are and I don't care," Kai-san said, his eyes narrowing down at Ryoma-kun with a small smile. Sakuno swallowed and looked away towards Ryoma-kun, the look on Kai-san's face was so threatening it sent harsh shivers down her spine. "However, whatever business between me and Sakuno is—"

"Heh, interesting," Ryoma-kun said cutting Kai-san off with a smirk on his lips as he tapped the book slightly on his shoulder, "so, you're the bad guy. You don't seem as bad as I've been hearing though."

"Ryo—Ryoma-kun…" Sakuno trailed off as her eyes widening a bit while waiting for Kai-san's answer.

"Bad guy?" Kai-san repeated, smirking slightly as well, "you have no right to speak to me like that."

Ryoma-kun met Kai-san's eyes again and Sakuno sucked in a breath before she began praying, the looks the two boys were sharing was almost murderous. Closing her eyes, Sakuno hands tightened together as she continued praying furiously, the words starting to get mixed up in her head. However, that didn't matter what mattered was getting the two away from each other and—

"Kouno-san," Ohtori-san's voice broke through her thoughts and Sakuno had to open her eyes and blink furiously to make sure the tall boy was there. The silver haired boy was grasping at Kai-san's shoulders with an uneasy smile on his face. Despite Ohtori-san looking so upset, Sakuno felt like a miracle had happened. "Maybe we should come back later, Sakuno-chan is busy."

"Ohtori-san…" she whispered, smiling happily at the silver haired boy. Ohtori-san looked at her and smiled back while giving a nod of acknowledgement.

"I thought you were with Shishido," Kai-san said, ignoring what Ohtori-san had suggested. Even though Ohtori-san had barged in, Kai-san didn't look a slight bit annoyed as he had with Ryoma-kun. At the sound of shuffling feet, Sakuno turned and saw Shishido Ryou walking towards them looking angry.

"Better watch out," Shishido-san growled, as he neared, "the librarian keeps asking me questions and—"

"What is going on?" Umeda-sensei asked, walking towards five of them, glaring. "You," he drove a finger into Shishido-san's back whose jaw clenched while he's eyes narrowed dangerously, "are not even a Seigaku student."

"Good point," Shishido-san said dryly as he moved away from the finger to turn facing sensei and opening his mouth to speak but then Kai-san spoke.

"Please, it was my fault and for that I apologize," he said, his gaze was wary as he eyed Umeda-sensei whose eyes widened and looked Kai-san up and down. "If we're any bother, I'll be happy to wait outside."

For some unknown reason (at least to Sakuno, who caught Shishido snickering into Ohtori-san's arm), Umeda-sensei flushed before adjusting his glasses. "N—No, its fine," he stuttered. Still confused, Sakuno watched as Umeda-sensei cheeks darkened when Kai-san gave a small smile. "I—I'll just be over here then…" he trailed off as he walked clumsily towards the front of the library.

"Che," Ryoma muttered under his breath before grabbing at Sakuno's arm. "We have work to do," he answered over his shoulder, even before she could ask what he was doing as he dragged her away from the Hyoutei's high school students.

She looked behind her and accidentally met Kai-san's eye, her heart jumped at the intense gaze she had gotten back before she turned her head back around, somewhat shaky. When Ryoma-kun had stopped walking and paused before where Tomo-chan was, he placed the book he was carrying onto the cart before turning to look at her.

"Are you stupid or something?" he asked, catching her off guard.


"Ryoma-sama!" Tomo-chan said, apparently catching what Ryoma-kun had said.

"If someone makes you uncomfortable tell them or get away from them," Ryoma-kun said, his eyes narrowing at her, "don't just stand there and let them do whatever they want."

"I didn't mean to…" she trailed off before bowing her head slightly, "I'm sorry."

"You're lucky I was there," he muttered while Tomo-chan's snickering could be heard.

"Oh," she said, nudging Ryoma-kun, "so that's where you were. I thought you said you were placing a few books away, Ryoma-kun."

"I was..." Ryoma-kun said, sighing.

"Hmm, angry, Ryoma-sama?" Tomo-chan asked, grinning now. "Did you get jealous? Is that why you jumped out to save Sakuno when the 'bad guy' was closing in on her?"

"What do you mean, Tomo-chan?" Sakuno asked, a bit confused. How could her friend know what had happened without either them telling her?

Tomo-chan smiled, a fist hitting her chest. "I worry about you too Sakuno," she said, looking proud at that, "so, I followed Ryoma-kun."

Another snickering could be heard and they both turned to look at Ryoma-kun who shook his head a bit, snickering lightly. "God, you're weird," he said to Tomo-chan who took a step back, insulted.

"You're weird too, Ryoma-sama!" she retorted loudly, too loudly.

"WILL YOU BE QUIET!" Umeda-sensei yelled, from the front.

Sakuno winced before looking at them, her eyes catching Ryoma-kun's who was staring at her, a slight smile on his lips. Instead of asking what he was staring for, she smiled back at him, her heart beating faster under his stare while a light flushed touched her cheeks. Just by standing there, under Ryoma-kun's warm gaze, she felt better then she had in weeks. He had saved her, worried about her, and now was smiling at her…

Inwardly, she whispered, thank you.


Chapter Five

Author's Notes: Ah, so they met. Was... Was it bad? I'm fighting a writer's block for this story and forced this chapter. Sorry if it seems way off from the earlier chapters and seemingly mess, I tried my best.

Thank you for reading anyway!