Title: Do not dwell On Time for It Hates You

Summary: Harry is an emotional wreck, Sirius has just died, and his uncle is bashing him. OH! And the least likely person saves him! Warning Slash see inside for more!

Warnings: Slash (male/male) pairings, attempted rape, bashing and gory, swearing. Rated R.


Disclaimer: What are u looking at me for? I don't own it!

A/N: I would like to say thank you profusely to my co- author Darkangle2393 for your help with this story (grins) ya da best!

Harry's POV

Chapter one: Beatings and Unexpected Savours:

Time! Time isn't all it was made to be, it was the one thing I never had. I lost Sirius to it; I had only known him for what! 2 years and then he was taken away from me. I wipe a tear away fiercely. 'It is not good to dwell on things that can't be brought back even with time'. I whisper to myself, a broken sob escapes my lips. 'Why….did…...sob…...you…..sob…...die….you…..didn't……deserve…..sob…..to die.'

Normal point of view

Suddenly, there was a loud voice shouting " BOYYYY" "GET DOWN HERE YOU FREAK." It was Vernon, Harry look up terrified through his tears of grief. He is shaking from head to toe. "Oh no!" he whispers hoarsely into empty space. "Not again, please Merlin, not again." He shudders thinking about all the other times before when Vernon beat him.

"BOY! GET DOWN HERE NOW! OR YOU WILL BE IN MORE TROUBLE THAN YOU ALREADY ARE." Harry had no choice, so he went down stairs. His Aunt and cousin were out and he knew he was in for it. He was literally shaking to his bones.

Vernon was standing at the bottom of the stairs with his favourite belt that had sharp spikes tied onto a normal belt. Harry whimpered in the back of his throat. Please not again. He plead silently to himself.

"Boy, I need to teach you a lesson, when I say come down stairs you come quickly." Vernon said in contempt.

Harry knew he was in for a lot of pain, as Harry reached the bottom of the stairs, Vernon raised his hand, and Harry closed his eyes waiting for the impact that was sure to come.












Harry looked at Vernon through anguishes eyes, from his place where he was huddled against the corner of the wall. He saw Vernon raise his belt.


Harry felt a searing pain in his back he cried out.


Searing pain in his back went through his body making him hurt everywhere, the walls where covered in fresh blood and chunks of flesh. In the distance a grandfather clock struck twelve and Harry started glowing. Vernon's eyes full of anger turned to lust, as Harry's body began to change.

His hair lengthened to his bum, his skin was white as snow, full red blood lips, but the most beautiful thing out of his features where his eyes. They were emerald green but the irises where distinctly a royal blue instead of black. Vernon grabbed Harry by his hair and threw him against the wall, his eyes were filled with lust, and he licked his lips anxiously. Vernon all of a sudden smirked and rips off Harry's second hand clothes till he had nothing on. Harry whimpers as he sees Vernon pull his own pants off revealing his erection, he turns Harry around so that he can see the panic in those beautiful eyes. "I'm ganna fuck you, you beautiful freak." He growls, he starts to advance on Harry.


Harry cries out, as the front door was blown of its hinges. Standing there was Voldermort. Behind him were two deatheaters, Harry slid down onto the floor whimpering and wrapping his arms around himself, his eyes still closed.

Vernon's face was purple with rage. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He yells.

"I am looking for Harry Potter you filthy muggle." The dark lord grinds out as his teeth are clench so hard that it is amazing that they aren't chattering.

Harry, who was trying to stay awake, whimpers and opens his eyes, looks up to see crimson eyes glaring daggers at his muggle Uncle. "Voldermort," Croaks Harry hoarsely.

"How dare you call the dark lord by his name you muggle..." a deatheater screeches from behind Voldermort.

"Who said I'm a muggle," was his only reply, Tom's eyes widened in shock. "Potter...is that you?"

Harry coughs blood up, and smiles faintly. "I see you got your old body back…who made it? Professor Snape?" Tom was gaping like a fish out of water. "How did you…"

Harry interrupted..."I knew for some time." Harry looks up into crimson eyes, a tear cascades down his cheek. "If you're here to kill me, you can do it now." He says brokenly. Tom is shocked, he had expected a fight. Staring at each other, Harry whispers tears streaming harder down his face. "I'm yours, kill me! I beg you, do it now!"

At last Vernon finds his voice. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." He snarls, he then turns to Harry. "YOU. Get upstairs." Harry struggles to put what was left of his ripped t-shirt and tries to get up. "Potter…stays down here." Tom says softly.

"BOY I SAID GO UP NOW!" Vernon screams. "Avada Kedrava, you should have shut up you stupid muggle." Vernon's body fell limp to the floor, dead. Voldermort walks towards Harry, and in response Harry steps back a step only to fall over. He cries out in pain, slowly and carefully Tom helps Harry up. Harry looks at Tom in shock and whispers. "Why are you doin this? You could just kill me, so much easier."

"I didn't come here to kill you; I came here to ask you if you wanted to join me. Can you walk?" Tom says gently. Harry blinks, and nods. "Yeah…yeah I think so." Tom lets Harry go slowly; but Harry promptly faints in his arms.

End of chappie