AN: I'm back! Sick and slightly depressed but back…and I still don't own Gilmore Girls…BTW if you haven't seen A Hard Day's night I recommend you go to You tube and watch at least part of it, specifically the bathroom scene before reading.

It had been a week and a half since Finn had been in his horrible accident, and he was still in the hospital. Three or four days into his stay, Finn had been offered a room in the adult wing of the hospital, but turned it down because his room "had flare."

Lorelai and Rory walked into Finn's room one after noon after Rory's classes to be greeted with album upon album of fabrics, color schemes, and pictures of flower arrangements. Finn, Logan, Tristan, and Colin sat looking slightly afraid.

"Do you smell it?" Lorelai asked Rory.

"Smell what?" Rory looked up at her mother.

"Channel Number 5, she's been here."

"Grandma?" Rory was furious, she had made it quite clear to her grandmother that the wedding would be hers and Finn's, and she was not to interfere.

"Sorry mare," Tristan came over to give Rory a hug and a brotherly kiss on the head. "We didn't even get to talk to her, a wedding planner came over and gave Finn the books and left, you just missed her." Rory walked out of the room angrily, when she returned she had a hefty bag a nurse had given her. Rory quickly walked over to the bed, grabbed as many books as she could and threw them away. Once she finished she sighed and lay down next to Finn on the bed.

"Now then," Rory sighed, "who wants to watch a movie?"

"What do you have?" Colin asked.

"Probably one of the best stupid comedies of all time." Lorelai said getting into the excitement of the movie.

"Stupid comedy?" Tristan said confused.

"Like Will Ferrell movies," Finn explained, "doesn't have much of a plot…its just kinda stupid."

"So with no more ado," Lorelai announced, "I present A Hard Days Night"

"A what's what?" Colin laughed, "It sounds like a porno!"

"He didn't!" Rory gasped.

"He did!" Lorelai told her daughter, "That BOY just defiled the name of John Lennon."

"I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even know who John Lennon is!" Rory looked appalled, even as the words left her mouth.

"I do to!" Colin protested, "He's that guy from the Police!"

"That's Sting!" Finn started to turn red, ashamed to admit Colin was his friend.

"When Lane wanted to go shopping with me you said, and I quote 'stop breaking up the band Yoko'" Finn said in awe, "How did you get that if you don't even know who John Lennon was?"

"Eric said it on That 70's Show," Colin muttered, "I though it was an inside joke I'd missed."

"John Lennon was in The Beatles," Rory patiently explained, "the number one most successful rock n' roll band of all time. He was in the band with Paul McCartney." Rory was doing her best to jog his memory.

"The guy who just divorced Heather Mills?" Colin was very confused, "He was in a band?"

Finn grabbed Rory's shoulder before she could do anything stupid, like tackle him or something.

"It's all right luv," Finn whispered words of wisdom, "let it be, just put in the movie. (AN- sorry I know bad pun.)

While watching the whole gang was in hysterics over the crazy antics of John, Paul, George, Ringo, and of course, the Grandfather. The famous bathroom scene played Colin turned red while George Harrison tried to show Shake how to shave.

"I've only ever shaved with an electric razor," Colin muttered. Finn looked up at him and said, "Honestly me mind boggles at the very idea!" and once again the group cracked up.

"You've given me a brilliant idea!" Finn exclaimed suddenly while the credits were rolling.

"What's that," Rory yawned.

"Our wedding song," Finn started, "It should be Something."

"Yes Finn," Logan agreed sarcastically, "Generally there is something playing while the bride and groom dance.

"No!" Finn explained, "The Beatles song Something. You know, Something in the way she moves, attracts me like no other lover, Something in the way she woos me." Logan still looked confused.

"Hold on!" Rory said looking through her purse, after a few moments she stood up and pulled out her i-pod and a small set of speakers. Then after a few more seconds music filled the room.

Something in the way she moves,

Attracts me like no other lover,

Something in the way she woos me,

I don't want to leave her now,

You know I believe in hell.

Somewhere in her smile she knows

That I don't need no other lover

Something in her style that shows me

I don't want to leave her now

You know I believe in hell.

You're asking me will my love grow.

I don't know I don't know

You stick around now it may show

I don't know I don't know

Something in the way she knows

And all I have to do is think of her

Something in the things she shows me

I don't want to leave her now

You know I believe in hell.

"Well now I'm in a Beatles mood!" Rory sighed, "Thanks Finn, now I have to make the drive back home to get Across the Universe, and then come back!"

"Wait!" Lorelai called right as Rory left the room, "I've just had a spectacular thought! I have an idea that will equally piss my mother off, and make for an amazing reception!"

Now Rory was interested, "What's your idea Mom?"

"What if," Lorelai whispered conspiratorially, "you have a Beatles themed reception?"

"How would that make Emily mad?" Finn pondered, "We just have really good music?"

"We could really go all out though," Rory murmured, "British flags on the walls, I could even find those mini skirts and go-go boots Mom and I wore when we went to the Paul McCartney concert!"

"Emily won't let anything happen without a live band, and who would be good enough to cover them?" Logan asked.

"I have a friend who does a really good McCartney, and he has a band," Finn told him, "I'll take care of it."

"Then it's decided?" Rory asked, "We're going to have the worlds most upsurd wedding reception?"

"It'll be fun though!" Finn smiled to himself, this was going to be very fun!