Chapter 6: The End


Kagome stepped out of the car and said.."Just let me change and we can go out to dinner..Meet me at the secret spot in a hour". Kagome's Aunt Kana watched with a smile from the widow. Thoughts of little babys running around in her head. "Ah young love" She sighed, then went back into her room.

When Kagome reached her room and looked in the closet. Taking out a beautiful Dress and a pair of shoes, she never noticed a small box fall out of her closet. Thirty minutes later Kagome walked out of her bathroom and noticed the small box. Walking over to it she noticed it was the one from two years ago. "I though I lost it" She said aloud. She picked up and sat on her bed, She looked at it for moment before opening it.

Inside there was a photo of her and Sesshomaru when they were younger. It seems it was taken with both there moms and them right after Kagome was born. on the back of the picture it said...

" I, here by promise that when my Child grows up they will marry my best friend's child. And that they will love each other more then life its self."

Signed Sakura Tashio and Kun-loo Higarashi

Kagome smiled a sad smile and placed the photo on her desk next to one that Sesshomaru had taken of her.

Kagome looked back down into the box. There was another small soft box. She opened it. Inside there was a pair of earings in the shape of a cresent moon. She put them on. She looked back down, What she saw made her gasp.

Inside this box there was a Ring...It was silver and engraved on it was the words "I love You" There was a sapphire (A/N my birth stone) Shaped cresent moon...Kagome put it on. She quickly stood and ran out of her room. Running down the stairs, And out the door, She ran through the woods untill she came to secret spot.

Runnning up to Sesshomaru she threw her arms around him, And kissed him passionately. When it ended she said "Thank you". And Kissed him again. When they seperated once again she said " I love you, Shesshomaru" And the stood there for a while looking up at the sky. "We kept our promise"She said and once again they kissed.

And somewhere in the medow of the sky, not to far above them, Two females smiled down at the earth. "Thank you" They both said. "For keeping the promise we made, The promise we could not keep untill you two were together" They smiled one more time at the there children below, before moving on into the light, Where heven awaited them.

And as they stood there they looked up, "We love you, Mom"They both said.

"We kept there's as well as our promise, Mom, We kept your promise"

The End

A/n ok so I did this because i was bord and I thought what the hell my readers must want a new chappie so I made this for you...

this is the last chappie, and I now it was kind of crappy(Did that just rhyme)

But I just didn't know what to do next so I ended it...

Anyways Please review and tell me what you think...

thank you love always,

Total Hater Who Loves Sessohmaru (Aka...MuppyPuppy)