Rob: Hello my fellow Danny Phantom fans, here is another story from the madness that is my mind. Warning, if you hate sad stories stop reading right now, this story does not have a happy ending.
Ember: Yeah, better get some tissues ready near the end.
Rob: So without further delay I hand the story over to the one, the only Clockwork!
Clockwork: Thank you Rob Phantom, now readers prepare yourselves for a look at one of the dark timelines.
Summery: What would happen if Danny had gotten his ghost powers at five years old instead of fourteen? To make it worse Vlad finds out and convinces Danny he is the only one who can help him. This is the story of Daniel Masters and the life he leads, and all the people he ends up hurting.
Clockwork: And now on with the story.
Disclaimer: Rob Phantom does not own the show Danny Phantom, Butch Hartman does. If he did own it the people who thought of canceling it would be facing his unique brand of ghostly justice.
Other Routes in the Parade: Daniel Masters.
Chapter One: It Begins.
Once again we travel through the millions of timelines that exist. Past ones were wars that were won were lost, wrongs that were not righted, and events were turned on their ear. We pass all of them and come to one timeline. From the look of it you would not see the horrible tale that would unfold, but it will soon.
Amity Park: 1996
We come upon a strange looking house, it has a large metallic saucer on the roof. In front is a sign that says Fenton Works. This is the home of Jack and Maddie Fenton, the two greatest ghost hunters in the world (according to them). They had dedicated their lives to hunting ghosts and studying them, it was more then I hobby, it was their life. Little did they know that their obsession with ghosts would lead to an age of darkness.
They had moved to this town because of the fact that the boundary between our world and what they called the "Ghost Zone" was thinnest here. they moved to this town with their two children, their 6 year old daughter Jazz, and 4 year old son Danny. Things were looking up, their son had already meet some new friends in the park, named Sam and Tucker, and their greatest invention was about to be completed.
For years they had been working on a portal to let them explore the Ghost Zone. Today was the day that they would complete it, and they were so proud. They had invited Danny and Jazz down into the lab to see it.
"Danny, Jazz, I want you to see the greatest Fenton invention to date, the Fenton Ghost portal. It will let us see into the Ghost Zone and study the ghosts that live there." said Jack.
"That's great dad." said Jazz, trying to sound interested.
"T-there won't be anything scary coming out of it, will there?" said Danny.
"Don't worry sweetie, we'll protect you if any mean old ghosts come out of there." said Maddie.
"Banzai!" said Jack as he plugged in the ghost portal.
But all that happened was that there were a few sparks, then nothing.
"What happened? I thought all our calculations were correct?" said Jack.
"Don't worry honey, we'll figure it out later." said Maddie as she tried to comfort her husband.
They walked upstairs to the kitchen, leaving Danny and Jazz alone. (AN: You know, leaving kids alone in a lab full of dangerous equipment is probably a bad idea.)
"I knew it wouldn't work, ghosts are so fake." said Jazz.
"Good thing it didn't work, a scary ghost might have come out." said Danny.
"You are such a scaredy cat, there is no such thing as ghosts." said Jazz.
"Yes there are! Mommy and Daddy said so! Their big mean things that want to eat our brains!" said Danny.
"You have to stop being scared of everything, you are so pathetic sometimes." said Jazz.
"I am not!" said Danny.
"If your not, then prove it by walking into the ghost portal." said Jazz.
"B-but, what if something happens?" said Danny.
"Ha! I knew you didn't have it in you." said Jazz, she then walked up the stairs.
Danny was left completely alone in the lab, standing in front of the ghost portal.
"I show her, I'll walk into that thing and show how brave I can be." thought Danny.
So Danny bravely marched forward into the ghost portal. When he got into it he started to get a little scared, as he turn to run out something terrible happened. He tripped on a large wire in the floor and his hand hit the on button, which was oddly placed inside the portal.
When his hand hit the button the portal began to power up. Danny turned his head just in time to see the massive blast of ghost energy hit him. He screamed as the energy hit him and he felt a pain like nothing he had ever experienced before. The energy rearranged his DNA, forever changing him. Soon it was all over and Danny stumbled out of the portal.
But he looked much different, his hair was now snow white and his eyes were now green. The white shirt with the red circle on it he was wearing had turned black and grey around the edges. Danny could not take the strain from all that had happened and fell to the ground, turning back to normal as he lost consciousness.
"Danny!" yelled Maddie as she and Jack ran to the lab after hearing the screams.
"Oh no! we have to get him to a doctor right away." said Jack as he picked up Danny.
So the Fentons raced to the doctor right away to see if Danny was ok. An hour later the doctor came out saying it appeared that Danny only had a bad shock, and that he would be fine with some rest. But he was wrong, what had happened to Danny would not be fixed with some rest.
"You scared us there Danny, you have to remember to stay away from stuff in the lab." said Maddie as she tucked him into bed.
"Yeah, but he did get the portal to work, he's a genius like his old man. He'll be fighting ghosts in no time." said Jack.
"Jack! don't encourage him, he might do something like this again, and he might get hurt worse next time. Now you just rest and you'll fell better later." said Maddie, as she kissed him on the forehead.
Jack and Maddie left the room, leaving Danny all alone. Jazz walked by his opened door, and looked in.
"Danny, I'm sorry that I dared you to go into that portal, I didn't think you would actually do it." said Jazz.
"Thanks Jazz." said Danny.
"Good night Danny, and don't let the big bad ghosts get you." said Jazz, unable to resist teasing her little brother.
"I hate when she does that." thought Danny as he went to sleep.
Unknown to the newest halfa on Earth, the first halfa on Earth was returning to his new home in Wisconsin. Vlad Masters had just got home from overshadowing another millionaire and forcing him to sign his business over to him.
"Another day, another company under my control." Said Vlad as he changed into a robe and sat down in his study.
Just as he was about to relax a loud voice startled him.
"Sir! Sir! We have important news for you." said his vulture servants.
"It had better be good." said Vlad.
"It is, that new guy you hired said that a new portal just opened up." said the lead vulture.
Vlad turned into his ghost mode and went down to his lab, where we can see a somewhat larger version of the proto-portal, which Vlad had stolen from Jack. Standing in the lab was the Ghost Zone's greatest hunter, Skulker.
"Ok Skulker, what is this I hear of a new portal?" said Vlad.
"Information of this magnitude costs a pretty penny, where's my money?" said Skulker.
"Fine." said Vlad as he threw wad of cash at Skulker, who counted the money before going on.
"Well this portal has opened up near the Ghost Writers library. It seems to lead to Earth, and unlike natural ones it is stable." said Skulker.
"Then that means it is man made." said Vlad.
"Correct, and that is all I know about it, so if you excuse me I have some upgrades to make to my suit." said Skulker as he left through the portal.
"Hmm, if there is another man made portal out there, then that means they may have ghost fighting weapons as well. I better go see what I'm up against." thought Vlad.
Vlad flew into the Ghost Zone and towards the new portal. He found it a little ways away from where the Ghost Writers library was. He flew into it and found himself in a lab of some kind.
"Now, to see who owns this place." said Vlad as he phased through the ceiling.
He floated up through the house and into a room on the top floor. What he saw almost made him almost turn visible and shout out.
"Jack! Maddie! They own this house!" thought Vlad.
In front of him was a scene that made his jealous heart boil. Maddie and Jack were sleeping peacefully in bed, both in each others arms. Even when they were asleep you could tell they loved each other.
"Damn Jack, that should be me in bed with her, not him! And it will be one day, if I have anything to say about it." thought Vlad.
Vlad left the room trying to get the image of his love in the arms of the man who had made him a freak. He went to explore the rest of the house and found that they had two children. One was a little girl, who had fallen asleep reading a book.
"As smart as her mother I see." thought Vlad.
He then left the room and flew into the one containing Danny.
"So this is Maddie's youngest one? He doesn't look like much, but with some work I could turn him into a force to be reckoned with." thought Vlad.
Just as he was about to leave he saw something very strange. Two rings of light began to separate from his waist and travel to his head and feet. When they had finished the raven haired child now had snow white hair, and a faint green glow behind the eyes. Danny began to float up into the air. Vlad was so shocked by this that he actually did shout.
"What the hell is going on?" said Vlad.
The sound of Vlad's voice woke Danny up. As he looked around he noticed that he was not in his bed. He looked down to see that he was floating. He screamed and immediately fell back down to the bed, changing back as he did. Jack and Maddie burst into the room just then, with ghost guns a blazing.
"Where's the ghost!" shouted Jack.
"Uh, there was no ghost daddy, I was just having a…nightmare." said Danny.
"Are you sure?" said Jack.
"Yes daddy." said Danny.
"Well as long as your ok sweetie, do you need anything?" said Maddie.
"No, I'm fine mommy." said Danny.
"Good, now don't worry we're right down the hall if you need us, good night Danny." said Maddie as she and Jack left.
Danny laid back down, feeling bad about lying to his parents like that. He also wondered what the heck had happened just then. Meanwhile Vlad had fled to the outside of the house once Danny had woken up. He looked back in on the little boy as he tried to go to sleep.
"My god, he has ghost powers, no doubt due to the idiot Jack and his carelessness. Hmm, it seems that I may have found someone who can help me obtain my goals in life. All I need to do is convince him I'm the only one who can help him, and then I will have the perfect son and Maddie by my side. I think I'll pay my old college buddy a visit." said Vlad as he flew off.
Danny looked up startled at the window, thinking he had seen a pair of glowing red eyes. When he looked again he saw nothing, he ignored it and went back to sleep.
Clockwork: It appears that the wheels of fate are starting to move, and our little tragedy is about to begin. But now it is time for a little comedy, it is time to pull the hurt Vlad lever. Clockwork pulls the hurt Vlad lever. The scene changes over to Vlad walking along the street minding his own business. a man in a shop is instructing his delivery boy on delivering a very important item.
Shop Owner: Now be very careful with that cake, it's for the wedding at the church across the street.
Delivery Boy: Yes dad. The boy begins to walk carrying the very large wedding cake. as he is walking he begins to slip on a bunch of marbles the appeared out of nowhere (he he). The poor boy begins to trip and the cake flies out of his hand and hits Vlad in the face.
Vlad: Watch where you are going you oaf! uh oh, bad karma, we'll have to fix that. Then suddenly the Fluffy Army of Doom appears, to make Vlad pay for his unkind words.
Vlad: Oh why me! Because you deserve it, you crazed up fruit loop. then the Army attacks, also eating some of the cake as they visit a world of pain on Vlad.
Shop Owner: I think we should get out of here. They then walk away quietly.
Clockwork: Well it seems Vlad has gotten his just desserts haha! Now for the chapter summery.
Well it looks like Danny had gotten his ghost powers, and Vlad has found out about them. What will happen now that Vlad is coming for a visit? Will Danny believe the evil halfa? Why am I asking you these questions? The only way to find out the answers is to read the next chapter of Daniel Masters.
Vlad: Somebody help me!
Clockwork: So until next time Danny Phantom fans, read and review.