Oh hey there! :D

I'm just hanging out, rewriting my stories so they don't suck quite as much. Making this account less embarrassing. D:

This is the first one I'll star reviewing. Let's just...ignore the Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu characters for the time being.


The Forgotten Inmates

Chapter One

Our story begins on a cloudy day in the Naughty Ottsel. Everyone was happy and joyful, rejoicing their victory in the Kras City Grand Championship. Tayrn and Ximon had come along to the celebration.

However, there was one little elf who was not celebrating. Being the youngest of the group, Keira never got to do anything. She always had to sit and make stupid weapons Jak didn't even need. The only friend she made since she got to this dreaded place was Tess! What did she get? What did she receive for all the work she had done on the cars, all the things she contributed with? She barely even helped with the KG War effort.

"Daxter, why don't you tell us all how you rescued Jak again?" Tayrn suggested.

"Hey, great idea!" Daxter exclaimed and told the tale from the start.

Daxter droned on and on for what seemed like hours, dramatically moving his entire body to match his epic tale. Keira, for some reason, paid special attention to when Daxter got the map of Praxis's Prison. He told them how Veger had said there were five original patients in the prison, including Jak. They had all died.

"All have died save one?" Keira thought, "Does that mean there were others that were tortured?"

Of course, it's always up to Keira to turn a good day to a bad one, as she walked over to Jak and asked him a simple question.

"Jak, who else was tortured with you?" she said it very casually, but everyone else stopped dead, as if frozen to the spot.

Daxter dropped his glass and sent it to the ground, shattering in a million pieces. How could she bring up such a memory?

"Just asking," she added quickly.

Jak shifted his weight uncomfortably and answered, "Yeah, there was this girl and her brother I never saw, and these two kids that were always crying in the cell next to me."

"Kids?" Keira said as everyone else dropped their glasses.

"Yeah, I think all of them were kids. The ones that I saw always talked to me. They said they'd been there for six years and someday they were going to get out."

Jak had suddenly noticed everyone had gone pale. The palest of them all was Ashelin. Her own father had done this and agreed with Errol to do it. It was awful that mere children were being tortured.

"Jak," Keira began slowly, "Do you know if they died?"

"Well, everyone said they did, but I know the truth," everyone was staring intensely at him and it made him uneasy. "They faked it to get out."


Lol, long fic fail.

Revised chapter 2 is next. :D