Gabriella Montez rushed down the hall towards her first period class. She had missed homeroom because her mom's car had broken down on the way and they were forced to wait until the repair man had come and said it was not fixable, so he gave them a ride and now she was late. She had gotten her things out of her locker and was now trying to not run to her chemistry class before the final bell rang.
Gabriella was just reaching the door when suddenly it opened and she found herself slamming into another person. Blushing furiously, she hastened to gather all of her stuff and then hoped that she could rush into the room without any big to do, but she suddenly found another pair of hands picking up her books along with her own.
As she was starting to get up, the hands were wrapped around her's and she was pulled up to her feet. "Um, thank you, I, um" Gabriella started but glanced up and saw a pair of ocean blue eyes and perfect pink lips giving her a slight smirk.
Her heart fluttered and she thought she might throw-up. Oh my God! It's him! It's really him! I cannot believe this ! I am such a klutz!
"Are you OK?" He asked, still giving her that coy smirk. She nodded, still hoping against hope that she wouldn't throw up all over him and embarress herself even more.
"Alright see you in there then..." He replied then opened the door up for her.
"Right, thank you...Ryan..."
"I was completely mortified! I mean, come on, wouldn't you be mortified!" Gabriella asked desperately to Kelsi on their way to gym.
"Well, yes, just not with Ryan, you know." Gabriella nodded. "And besides, it's Ryan! He's a sweetheart, there is no need to be nervous around him!"
Gabriella was still not that convinced about anything, but she smiled anyway and they quickly rushed into the locker room. During gym, they were all paired off to work on their floor hockey skills.
"Ok Guys, here we go: Bolton, Evans, Sharpay. Neilson, Danforth. Cross, Cox. Evans, Ryan, Montez..." Coach Bolton continued on and on but Gabriella stopped listening when he called off Ryan's name next to her own.
Oh my God! I can't do this! I can't do this! I can't do this! She thought as she caught Ryan's eyes from across the room, he smiled quickly at her and bounded over to grab them sticks and a ball. "Alright have you ever played hockey before?" He asked once they were in their own corner and were settled in.
"Um, no...have you?" He nodded at her and gave her a heart wrenching grin. He passed the ball slowly to her and she tried to pass it back but totally missed and tripped over her stick.
She blushed but after she heard his contagious laugh, she started to giggle as well. He held out his stick and gestured for her to grab it and she lifted her up using his ample muscle. "Ok, lets try that again..." He stated then sent the ball gently towards her.
After multiple attempts she finally hit it back at him...and hit him in the stomach. Gabriella gasped and rushed over to him. "Oh my gosh! Are you alright! I am so so so sorry!" She exclaimed, horrified.
Ryan, though still clutching his stomach, turned up towards her and flashed a half grin half grimace. Just then the bell rang and she jumped in surprise, and onto Ryan's foot. Gabriella was practically in tears of mortification.
Ryan slowly sat down and took his shoe off. Gabriella leaned down next to him so that she was just centimeters from his face.
"Ry, I am really sorry. Can I help at all?" "I think you've helped enough." He replied good naturedly then hauled himself to his feet.
She handed him his shoe and when their hands brushed she gasped.
"I, um, half to go!" She said hurridly then rushed out of the gym with her head spinning and her heart thumping away.
Sorry about it being so short, but I am not sure about this story or not. Let me know what you think!