A Promise

Anna looked at Yoh who was still unconscious. She sighed. She ran her hand to his hair, she smiled sadly.

Hana looked at his kaa-san from outside the room. He closed the door silently. He went to the common room and looked at Yoh's friends who were resting on the couch. Horo-horo noticed him then grinned.

"Hi! We meet again" Hana blinked. He looked away. They all looked at him.

"Have you guys saw Tamao onee-san?" Hana asked. "I saw her in her room, Hana-chan" Manta said. Hana nodded and walked toward her room.

"He is so arrogant" Horo-horo said. "It's not his fault if he doesn't like us, he just knew all of the truth"

Hana looked at Tamao from outside her room. She sat on her futon, thinking.

"Tamao onee-san" Hana called. Tamao jumped in surprised. "Ooh.. Hana, you surprise me" she said. She patted the space beside her and Hana walked toward her and sat beside her.

"What's wrong?" Tamao asked. Hana looked down.

"I don't understand anything, I don't know who I should believe, even kaa-san didn't tell me the truth about my father and all…." Hana said sadly. Tamao looked at him sad.

"You can believe in me, Hana" she said as she rubbed his back. Hana looked up at her.

"Really?" Tamao nodded. "Yes…" she said.

"Then, can I ask you something?" Hana asked. "What is it?" she asked.

"Is it true that my father is trying to kill me?" he asked. Tamao smiled sadly.

"No, Hana, it's not true… The one who made fault was me" she said. Hana looked at her questioning.

"I knew about your mother have you inside her womb, but I didn't tell her… she said she didn't want to know anything about the baby test result and walked outside the hospital without knowing all about it… She thought you're not going to be born in this world anymore" Tamao explained.

"Then the accident was really happened?" he asked. "That accident was because of Hao" Hana looked at her surprised.

"He summon his shikigami to made that accident happen" Tamao said.

"Souka… is it to get the title of the Shaman King?" he asked. Tamao nodded.

"Your father joined the Shaman Fight and fought Hao, and then he lost and planning to kill Yoh" she said.

"Because he can't kill my father who became the Shaman King, he used me to kill him?" Hana asked. Tamao nodded sadly.

"That's right, but now everything is okay right? So, no need to be worry" Tamao said. Hana looked down.

"Then, he is my real father…" Hana said. Tamao stared at him.

"It's okay, you'll be able to receive all of the fact soon, Hana" she said.

"I have received it… all about it…" he smiled a little.

"Good then… what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know… maybe I will see him now…" he said as he stood up. Tamao smiled at him.

Anna looked at Hana who peered his head inside the room. She smiled a little.

"Come here, Hana" Anna said. Hana do as she said and sat next to her.

"Can you stay here for a while? I'm going to the others first" Anna said. Hana slowly nodded. Anna smiled at him sadly.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Hana" Anna said. Hana looked at her sad.

"I understand now, kaa-san. Maybe I'm not big enough to understand all about an adult's problem, but still, I want to know about it…. Especially about my father…" he said. Anna hugged him, she smiled.

"Yes, but for now, there will not be any problem anymore…" Anna said. Hana smiled.

"I believe you…" he said silently.

"Okay, now stay here until I'm back, okay?" He nodded. Anna stood up and leaved. Hana looked at his father.

"I want to know you better" he said. As he finished saying that, Yoh slowly opened his eyes.

"You wake up…" Hana said. Yoh looked at him. "Hana?" Hana nodded. Yoh tried to sit up, he winced.

"You better not, I attacked you really hard" Hana said. Yoh smiled a little.

"Aa… Anna wa?" He asked. "Outside…" he said. Yoh looked at the ceiling above.

"Hana…" "Hm?" "I'm sorry…" he said. Hana looked away. "I will think about it" he said.

"It's my fault not to know about you become my son… but… I guess there is something I missed" Yoh said with smiled. Hana looked at him.

"You mean you also didn't know about me? How come?" "Well, your mother left me without me knowing that she had you inside her womb… So I don't know anything…" Yoh said, closed his eyes. Hana looked at him questioning.

"Why is everything so difficult?" he muttered. Yoh smiled a little. "It's okay, you're too young to know about all of this" Yoh said. Hana looked at him sad.

"Yeah, maybe" he said.

Anna sighed as she saw Yoh's friends sat on the couch. "You guys haven't change at all" Anna said, glaring at them. All of them looked at him, smiled.

"You too" Horo-horo said. "Now, are you guys going to tell me something about Yoh?" she said. They all looked at each other and then looked back at Anna.

"Well, as you can see, he is searching for you for about 3 years after receive a Great Spirit's command and..." Horo-horo explained everything to her.

"So, its Hao who told him that I'm here…" Anna said. They all nodded. Anna sighed. She suddenly felt Yoh's furyoku which is mean that he'd wake up.

"I'm going to my room" she said.

Yoh closed his eyes, he could hear someone was coming to Anna's room. He knows it was Anna, so he closed his eyes and pretended to be sleep. Hana looked at the door as Anna opened the door.

"Kaa-san" Hana called her. Anna smiled at him, and walked toward Yoh, she looked down at him, glaring. Suddenly she kicked him on his stomach, Hana looked at her surprised.

"Uaagghh!!! A-Anna…." Yoh winced. "ka-kaa-san??" Hana looked at Anna scared.

"Yoh" Anna called him. Yoh looked at her, he tried to sit up. "H-Hi... long time no see" he said, wincing in pain as he sat up straight. Anna sighed. "Well, because of someone who doesn't want to take the responsibility, I don't think I should say 'hi' back to you" Anna said as she rolled her eyes. Yoh smiled sheepishly.

"Don't say that... Its not that I don't know anything about Hao, but at least I know that you're save" Yoh said. Anna looked at him.

"Hana, you can leave now" Hana looked at her worried, but he obeyed her anyway. He slowly walked outside the room and closed the door silently.

"So...What are you going to say?" Anna asked.

"I want you to explain about Hana..." he said. Anna blinked. "Umm... I don't know about it either that time... but..." Anna explained about what happen to him. Yoh ran his hand to his forehead.

"So... it's all because of Hao and our misunderstanding" Yoh said. Anna nodded. Yoh looked at her. They stared for each other for a while before Anna looked away.

"Anna..." Anna stood up. "If that's what you want to ask me... you better think about Hana... He just finds out the truth about you being his father... so..." Anna looked down.

"It will be hard for him to understand" Anna said. "Even tough sometimes he acts like he is adults already" Anna smiled at him sadly. Yoh nodded slowly.

"You're right..." he said silently. "But...but what if he can receive it? Do you mind if I ask you to... live with me...?" Anna eyes widened. Yoh looked down.

"Maybe it's too sudden... But... what I'm saying is.. what if.." He looked up at her but then he stopped talking when he realized that Anna's eyes watered.

Yoh forced himself to stand up and walked toward her. When he almost reached her, he lost his balance and fall toward her, Anna quickly caught him.

"Don't force yourself" Anna said. Yoh smiled at her sheepishly. "I'm sorry, it's really hurt" he said. Anna smiled at him sadly.

"I know..." she said. Yoh slowly hugged her, Anna closed her eyes. "Do you think we can go back like before?" Yoh asked her, almost whispering to her ear. Anna's eyes half opened.

"I don't know..." she said. "Anna..." Anna looked up at him. Yoh smiled at her, he leaned closer to her and kissed her on the lips. Anna closed her eyes tight. It's been a long time that the last time she felt his kiss, his embrace and the warm that he gave to her as he hugged her tight. She slowly let herself relax inside his hugged and kissed him back; put her hands on his hot cheeks, pulling him closer to her. After a few minutes, she broke the kiss and looked at him straight on the eyes.

"We should ask Hana first..." Anna said. Yoh nodded slowly. "Yeah..." he said.

"Hana? What are you doing in front of the door?" Tamao asked when she saw him leaning against the door. Hana looked at her.

"Umm… Its… nothing… I just want to make sure that Kaa-san didn't get attack by Yoh-san. That's all" he said. Tamao smiled.

"Nothing bad will be happen Hana" she said, kneeling down in front of him.

"I want to look what they are doing… I'm worried" Hana said.

"Just for a while, and then you should close the door silently" Tamao said. Hana nodded. As he slowly looked inside, he saw Anna and Yoh hugged each other tight, and kissing each other. Hana looked at her kaa-san with huge eyes. Just when he was about to shout, Tamao quickly covered his mouth.

"Mmmpph!!! taao ee-san, waa aa they doinn..." (Tamao nee-san, what are they doing?) He struggled to make her released him. "sshh... don't shouted nor make a noise..." Tamao said as she released him. Hana looked at Tamao worried and looked back at his kaa-san. Tamao closed the door silently.

"Now, we should leave those two alone. Okay?" she said as she stood up. Hana looked up at her.

"Well... okay... but Yoh isn't trying to make Kaa-san lose her breath right? I mean, he hugged her tightly and it seems like kaa-san is hard to breath and-" he stopped when Tamao giggled at his acted.

"Of course not, Hana. Yoh-sama love your mother very much...he kissed her lovingly Hana" she said as she pulled him away from the door.

"K-k- Kiss?" Hana said as he tried to spell it right. Tamao didn't reply him but she stopped and looked at him seriously. Hana looked at her questioning.

"Nee, Hana... if Yoh asked your mother to live with him, will you reject it?" Hana looked at her seriously. "I don't know, but if everything happen, I will protect kaa-san no matter what" he said. Tamao smiled.

"Of course, Yoh-sama is a good guy, It's Hao who is evil" Tamao said. Hana stared at her then he looked down. "But..." Tamao blinked.

"If kaa-san is happy, then I will not reject it" Hana said, smiling at her. Tamao look at him surprised but then she smiled again.

"Your mother will be very happy" she said.

"Yoh, how is your wound?" Horo-horo asked when he was him walked toward them. Yoh smiled. "It's okay, no need to be worried about.." he said.

"I will help you with your wound, Yoh-sama" Tamao said. He nodded.

"Like I said before right? You will help us when it's over" Yoh smiled. Tamao smiled back at him. "You're right" she said. They all laughed. Anna smiled to see them laughed together. She looked around to find Hana then she walked toward her room and saw him sat down in front of the window that goes through the balcony.

"Hana" Anna called him. Hana looked at her mother; he looked back to the sky. Anna kneeled down beside him.

"Hana..." "Kaa-san... are you going to say something about Yoh?" Hana asked. Anna blinked, she slowly nodded.

"Hana... I'm sorry about lying to you that Yoh is far away from us and all... but..." Hana smiled.

"It's okay... if kaa-san happy, then I'm happy too" Hana said. Anna looked at him surprised. 'Did He knows what I'm going to say?'

"Hana" Hana stood up. "I think I should greet my father" Hana said, smiling at her. Anna smiled back at him.

"Yes..." she whispered. "He is your real father..." She hugged him tightly.

"Gomenasai Hana… and thank you very much" she said. Hana hugged her.

"It's okay kaa-san… I'm happy to know all of the truth" he said.

Yoh looked at Hana who walked toward them with Anna behind him. Hana looked at him. Yoh smiled at him, waved his hand a little. He kneeled down in front of him and put his hand on Hana's head. Hana stared at him.

"Gomen, Hana... about all what has happened" he said. Hana still stared at him. "You can do anything to punish me" Yoh said.

"Alright" he said. All of them looked at both of them. "Give me your sword" he said. Yoh took his sword and gave it to Hana, but he shook his head.

"Not this one, the other one, the red one" he said. Yoh smiled at him.

"This one?" he asked, showed the futsuno mitama no tsurugi. Hana nodded. He took the sword from his hand and looked at him straight in his eyes.

"Held your right hand" Hana said. Yoh do as he wised, suddenly Hana raised the sword and sliced Yoh's right hand, it's started to bleed. Yoh winced in pain. Anna quickly ran toward Hana, hugged him.

"Hana… stop" she said. They all went toward Yoh.

"It's alright, I won't cut his arm off, I just want him to make a promise that is unable to forget. That one will leave mark for the rest of his life, so he will remember about his promise all the time" Hana said clearly. Yoh looked at him seriously.

"What do you want for me to promise?" he asked. Hana smiled.

"You should make Kaa-san happy for me" he said clearly. Yoh looked at him surprised; he then smiled widely at him.

"Promise me? Otou-san?" Hana asked him. Yoh smiled happily to him, what he just called him made him happier. "Of course!" Yoh said, hugged him suddenly. Hana smiled when he hugged him.

"Are you really 6 years old?" Horo-horo asked him. Hana grinned. Ren smirked. Manta laughed. Tamao wiped her tears and Anna smiled happily at him.

'I have a father now...' Hana thought. Yoh's friends all cheered and laughed.

"Anna?" Yoh called her. Anna looked at him. "What?" Yoh smiled at her. He walked toward her and kissed her on her lips.

"I hope you won't reject it" Yoh said. Anna smiled at him, but suddenly she slapped him. All of them looked at her shocked.

"I think I've never gives you any permission for kissing me in front of everyone, Yoh?" Yoh smiled at her sheepishly. "Ahhaha... gomen gomen..." (sorry sorry) he said, waving his hand in front of her.

"Is kaa-san mad at tou-san?" Hana asked. Tamao smiled. "No, Hana, she loves him" she said. Hana smiled. "Okay... I believe you..." Hana said, laughing. They all laughed together.

"What? You guys already know about this?" Yoh asked his parents and grand-parents in surprised. Kino nodded.

"But, why didn't you tell me about that? I can protect Hana and Anna from Hao" Yoh said.

"It's impossible, Hao wants to defeat you, and he is using Hana to kill you. If you know about it, Hana and especially Anna will become your weakness to defeat Hao" Kino explained. Yoh looked at her amazed.

"You will try to protect Hana while you fight with him, you will not concentrate and Hao could defeat you easily" Keiko added.

"But still… I don't even know about Hana at all" Yoh said, looked at Hana (who sat beside him) sad. Hana noticed this and smiled.

"But you know about me now, so don't worry about it Otou-san" Hana said. Anna smiled at him. Yoh grinned.

"Aa.. you're right", put his arm around him, Hana smiled at him happily.

"Well, everything is over now" Yohmei said. Yoh nodded.

"Yes, everything is over".

So... since then I admitted him as my father, the greatest Shaman in the world. He taught me everything and train hard with me. Now I should say that I love him so much... Hana smiled. He closed his book down and sighed.

"I've never thought that will be happening in my life, well at least I have my father with me now" he said.

"Hana! It's time to eat!" Anna shouted. Hana quickly went downstairs.

"Haaiiiii!!!" he shouted. Yoh chuckled as he saw him running downstairs. "Be careful" Yoh said. Hana smiled at his father.

"I know..." Hana said. They both laughed.

"What are you doing? Eat!" Anna said as she put a bowl for Hana.

"Itadakimaasssuuuu!!" Hana said. Anna and Yoh smiled.

"Itadakimasu" Yoh held his hand to pick up the chopstick, on his right hand, there is an old wound that was caused by Hana.

'He really kept his promise'

The End

I'm so sorry, for update sooo late and my grammar is a mess even in the last chp i really dont have much time to online and all, the works has pilled up T-T -sniff...- hope u guys don't mind for me updating late -smile sheepishly.., anyway! this is the last chp! hmm maybe i'm not going to write anymore, since my grammar pretty bad, so... well i don't know.. i realize that i can't always ask someone to help me with my grammar and all, so i decide to improve before i get back to write stories again LOL!!.. soreja nee...

Thank you for you guys that has read my stories and reviews me.. especially to whom that has help me with my grammars and all... you guys really nice and always support me with my stories... -smile sweetly- well, who knows if this will be my last story? of Shaman King? -smile- so...

sayonara? -smile- bye bye...