Hey, I update a new story heheh and I just want to let u know, hmm I made this fanfic a long time ago while I was still writing 3 months, and finally decided to post this and I made this story because there is a story that I adore very much but I didn't try to copy it, because well that's plagiarism.. I'm going to make this story different from that story that I adore… hehehe hope I can make it really good and make you enjoy this story… oh yeah Anna and Yoh are about 17 and 18

Disclaimer : I don't own Shaman King but this story is mine! And mine only! XD

The Beginning

"Hana, it's time for dinner" Anna shouted to her son. She opened his door and looked at him writing something on the book.

"Haven't you finished your homework yet?" she asked him. Hana nodded. "Yup! I was just writing a story" he said lying.

"Okay, but it's time for dinner, you should come and eat. Besides, your father is waiting downstairs" Anna said. Hana nodded. He smiled when his mother closed the door.

'My father ka? I can't believe I almost killed him with my own hands. My father! The Shaman King! I was still a child that time. I'm now 14 and it has been 8 years since I accepted him as my father… I remember kaa-chan told me the story about him and too-chan from the beginning …'

"Waa... Kireii…" Asakura Yoh said while he looked up at the star.

"Yes, it is. The stars look so pretty this night", beside him was an itako, Kyouyama Anna.

Yoh moved closer to her and hugged her from behind. Anna leaned back to him. She could feel his warm breathe on her neck. Anna smiled. She always loved Yoh when he hugged her like that, so warm and lovingly. Yoh looked down at her, he smiled back at her. "Looks like the stars always guided us until this time nee, Anna" he said while he looked up at the sky again. Anna nodded; she also looked up at the sky. Yoh then looked at her. He ran his hand to her cheek. Anna looked in his eyes, Yoh face got closer and closer to her until their lips touched. Anna could feel his lips on hers and she closed her eyes. She leaned forwards to him and Yoh hugged her tightly. As they kissed, Anna felt Yoh picking her up. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him. She gasped when she realized that Yoh picked her up, bridal style.

"Wait! Yoh! Put me down! Put Me Down!" she yelled and Yoh placed her on his futon. She breathed heavily and stared blank at him. Yoh smiled at her and she looked at him mad. "You scared me! I thought you're going to drop me, Yoh!" she said and Yoh laughed. "Of course not, Anna. Why should I drop my fiancée?" he looked at her, his eyes were full of love for her. Anna blushed when she realized that, then she looked away.

Yoh moved closer to her and made her look up at him. "Anna, you know what I'm always thinking about, right?" he asked her. Anna smiled at him "No. What?" she asked and Yoh smiled "I'm thinking of you all the time. I love you" he said and kissed her again. Anna smiled as he kissed her and she kissed him back. Suddenly she felt that she was being pushed backwards and laid down on Yoh's futon. She opened her eyes and saw Yoh on top of her. She gasped and stared at Yoh in shock. "Wait! Yoh…we aren't…" but she was cut by Yoh's lips on hers. She felt his tongue licked her lips, she slightly open it, moaned as she felt her tongue met his. After a few minutes, Yoh broke the kissed and looked at her eyes.

"Have you ever made love before?" he asked her. Anna quickly shook her head, her face getting red.

"No, of course not! And Yoh, could you…"

"It's okay. We're 18 now Anna" he said, calmed. "I'm still 17 and Yoh, we aren't married yet!" she said. Yoh "We'll be married someday" he said, smiling at her and leaned down kissed her on her neck. Anna blushed and sighed.

"Well, if something bad happens, you must take the responsibility" she said. He looked at her and nodded "I will. Promise!" he said. Anna looked up at him; she was still worried, not about how it will be going, but the answer that Yoh gave to her.

'Look's like he didn't really care about it…' she thought. "Ummm. Yoh wait. This is… my first time… so…" Anna didn't dare to look at him. Yoh smiled "This is my first time too… Don't worry. I won't hurt you Anna…" he said as he started to unbutton her shirt. Anna blushed, her face was as red as a tomato now. She then decided to give everything she could give to Yoh.

A few weeks later…

Yoh ran inside the En Inn and saw Anna sitting under the tree, reading a book. She looked up when she saw him run toward her.

"So, you've done your training?" she asked. Yoh nodded. "Yup!" he said as he leaned to her. Anna looked in his eyes; she knew he was going to kiss her. She could feel his breath against her lips. She glared at him, pushed him away from her.

"Don't come near me, you stink!" she said. Yoh sweat dropped. "Uhhh, Anna……Hey, I don't have to train anymore right? I've done all of my training for today"

"Okay, you don't have to train anymore now" she said. Yoh grinned. "Then I'm going to sleep after I take a bath!" he said. Anna raised her eyebrow.

"Take a bath? Don't tell me you haven't taken a bath yet" she said. Yoh looked at her.

"What? Of course I had one, I just want to take a bath once again and I'm sweating" he said. Anna sighed.

"I'm glad about that" she said. Yoh laughed. "Then, I'm going to take a bath now!" he said, running inside the Inn from the porch's window.

"Yoh" Anna stopped him. Yoh turned around and smiled at her. "What is it?' he asked. Anna looked at him, thinking.

"Umm, I'm going to go somewhere tomorrow, you have to train, so you should call Manta to come and do the chores" she said. Yoh blinked.

"Somewhere? Well, okay. Do you want me to come with you?" he asked. Anna shook her head.

"No, it's okay" she said. Yoh stared at her for a moment. "Okay then" he said.

Next day…

Yoh was sleeping peacefully so he didn't notice Anna waking up beside him and walked toward the bathroom. When she was inside, Yoh turned around to hug her, but instead of hugging her, he hugged nothing but air. He felt his hand fall to the futon. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Anna?" he called her sleepily. He sat up slowly and found her nowhere. He then heard something from the bathroom. It looked like Anna was doing something noisy. By the sound of it, he was sure that she was throwing up. He quickly stood up and opened the door. He found Anna in front of the sink, cleaning her mouth. She looked up at him and her eyes widened.

"Anna? What happen? Are you sick? You just thrown up!" he said, ran his hand to her shoulder. Anna stared at his eyes. She then looked away.

"Nothing, Yoh, I'm fine" she said. "I just don't feel well" she added when he looked at her unsure.

"Are you sure? You said that you want to go somewhere today, I think you better not" he said. Anna shook her head.

"I'm okay, Yoh" she said starting become annoyed by Yoh's act.

"Anna, I'm worried about you! You're in no condition to go anywhere" he said, following her outside the bathroom. Anna looked at him mad.

"I said I'm okay!" she said. Yoh stared her. He sighed.


"I'm going out, Yoh" she said. Yoh looked at her from the porch.

"Okay, I'm going to train first and then I'm going to do the chores with Manta's help" he said. Anna nodded in respond.


Anna walked slowly to the place that she was planning to go. She looked up at the board placed above the building. She sighed. She looked down and slowly walked inside the building.

Yoh waved at Manta when he finished the road running. Manta waved back at him.

"Anna's home already and she already made me do lots of chores" he said. Yoh chuckled when he heard that.

"Okay, she looks fine isn't she?" he asked her little friend. Manta now looked unsure.

"Umm, I don't know. She didn't look too… happy" he said. Yoh now plastered a worried looked on his face.

"I'm going to check on her" he said as he walked upstairs.

When he walked toward her room, he saw her coming outside. She noticed him and looked at him, pretending there was nothing he should be worried about. Yoh walked toward her and looked at her worried.

"Anna, Manta said that you're not feeling okay" he said. Anna didn't answer him.

"Nothing, its just…" she covered her mouth suddenly. Yoh looked at her questioning.

"Tell me what happen" he said. Anna looked at him unsure.

"I'm fine" she said as she looked away from him.

"Please tell me. Did something happen to you?" he asked her.

"I... don't think you'll take this too well" she said, not looking at him. Yoh looked at her seriously.

"Please" he said. Anna looked at him.

"Yoh… I'm…" she couldn't continue her sentence.

"What? You're what?" he asked her more worried now.

"Pr…" she whispered. Yoh looked at her questioning.

"Can you… speak louder?" he asked. Anna looked down.

"I'm pregnant" she said. Yoh's eyes widened when he heard what she just said.

"What?" he almost shouted at her. Anna looked at him worried.

To be continued…

Yup! I finished writing the 1st chp! Heheheh give me 10 reviews and I'll update! As always! XD oh yeah thank you very much isa for helping me with my grammar and also Hannami! this story is dedicated for you! my best friend!