Dani: ….er…-shifty eyes- yeaaaaaah….I kinda badly fell for the Sasuke/Naruto pairing. And I'm reading others stories that I really liked and read over and over again. But this one idea that was inspired by what others have done stayed in my mind for so long… And I found it very cute and funny! Any who –cough- Just read and please leave a review for me to squeal over :D

WARNINGS: Yaoi! No Like? No read! AU, bad language, Sakura bashing (So sorry Sakura lovers -cries-), kinda OOC, and lotsa fluff!

Disclaimer: -sniffles- if only Naruto was mine… Oh the things I would do! –cough cough- in other words he does not belong to this poor penniless writer.

At Konoha High, students are trained to survive the cold cruel world. Math helps them with bills and taxes and such, History teaches them not to repeat something, English teaches them the language that is spoke nearly all over the world, and P.E teaches them to stay fit and healthy.

The halls are filled with students of different sizes, different families, different personalities and different ranks: The cheerleaders and jocks at the top, with their cool attitude and somewhat smart brain (if you call keeping a C- average smart…). They mocked everyone because they were the best at something that brought so much school spirit and big shiny trophies that were all flashy in the trophy case near the principle's office. Sakura Haruno, a sophomore, was one of the cheerleaders with the biggest head and the one who knew everything before others did. She was quite cruel to people who were lower rank than her or got in her way of getting something. Her 'best friend' Ino Yamanaka, also a sophomore, was the co-captain of the cheerleaders. They fooled everyone with the whole act of being best friends. In truth, they were the worst of enemies.

Next were the cool rich people, who were fighting for second with the bullies of the school. Many wonder why the rich ones were not first in the ranks. They had everything before others and got what they wanted from connections. Neji Hyuuga, a senior, was one of the richest of the school with his cousin, Hinata Hyuuga, the cutest junior in the school. Though she was very shy, she was cool in others' books. Neji was extremely smart and talented and cold if you get on his bad side. He was pretty cool, even if he wasn't on a team or gave things away like his cousin. He should have been on a team, but he was class president, saying it would cut into his important schedules. Neji was the best player in the school (check him out at P.E if you must), just never joined a team.

The bullies were quite mean and scary and everyone who wasn't cool or a jock or cheerleader feared them. This is why they had such a high rank. Kiba Inuzuka, a junior with a huge crush on little Hinata, was the badest of all. He loved torturing others and getting money for just being scary. He was pretty rich, but he just couldn't stop hurting others and laughing at their stupidity and humiliation. Kiba didn't torture only three people, one was a rank and class above him, and two were lower in rank and class. Why? No one knew. All they knew was that he got dirt faster than Sakura but didn't spread it like she did. Life was good to Kiba, except when he was in class and watched by the teachers from the side of their eyes.

And lastly, the geeks/freaks/losers/nerds, all who actually kept the school standing but others didn't know. Gaara Sabaku, a sophmore, was considered a freak for his type of clothings, piercings, and quietness. He actually fitted in all the ranks except the highest. He hated jocks more than Kiba, who did nothing to him except back him up for a few things after he got the worst beating in his life from the freaky red head. He was alsoricher than Neji. His brother Kankuro, a senior with Neji, and Temari, a junior, were the cool rich people who feared only their young brother. Gaara was the coolest! To me at least, he was a freak to others who followed trends while Gaara did what he liked.

Oh! I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself… I'm Naruto Uzumaki! The biggest prankster through the whole school! Gaara's best friend, Kiba's partner in crime, Neji's ex (yeah…freaky I know… I still love that guy too…) and Sakura's tormenter! But she always seems to come back at me with something very humiliating…

I'm not a jock, I'm not rich, I'm not really a bully, and I'm not a freak, geek, nerd, or loser. I'm not very smart, but I am quick in sports! Betcha I can whoop your asses harder than your mother ever did! I'm just me. But if you must, you may call me an outcast, I don't really care.

I'm a sophomore with Gaara, Sakura, and Ino. I would really rather be a senior with Neji. One year left of Konoha High school, fun sucking teachers, nosy gossiping students, and nasty lunch food. Blegh! Oh man, I would give anything to leave this school. But unfortunately, Tsunade, this blonde lady who is older than she looks and lives right next to my room in our apartment building, will beat me to death then bring me back to life to beat me again if I dropped out of school. Heh, she's like my adopted mom, or grandma, she's 56!

Anyway, it's another boring day at school. It's Monday and the sun was blinding me, so my head is being cradled by my arms. No one is here yet, I'd rather be alone to let my thoughts wander. We're expecting a substitute teacher for my homeroom and math class. I hate that. Iruka was the best teacher through this whole entire school! Why did he have to be sick! I groan at the thought of this fat old man with very little hair coming in and teaching in a very uncool drawl. I bet Kakashi, one of the P.E teacher and Iruka's boyfriend, had something to do with Iruka getting sick…Probably gave him a cold from shoving his tongue down his throat.

I lift my head a bit to glance at the clock that was ticking annoyingly. Maybe I could shut it up by throwing a chair… Heh, off to the principle's office for me and a tongue lashing from Tsunade. But, the time is 7:29, and the halls were starting to echo with lockers opening and slamming close. The killer headache was about to attack this poor blue eyed blonde…

I rub my temples. Damn clock. Damn school. Damn Sakura. And Da- ooh, no, thank you who ever is rubbing my temples. I look up and see a mop of blood red hair and sigh happily. My best friend has veeery skillful fingers.

"Mm…thank you Gaara," if I could purr I would.

I know Gaara is not smiling on the outside, but I know he is on the inside. I'm not his best friend if I don't know almost everything about him.

"Hn," was the only answer I got. No surprise there. To me, it's 'your welcome'.

After a minute or two I put my hand on his to tell him to stop, which he does before sitting in the chair next to me and placing his head on my shoulder. A small sigh escapes his lips as I pat his head.

"'Nother argument with your dad?" I asked with a sheepish grin.

Gaara and his dad were never on the right foot. They argued constantly and loudly too… It's hard to get used to the fact that Gaara does yell. I mean come on! The guy only says ten words a day! And the same one doesn't count… which is mostly 'hn'.

Gaara shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "Kankuro…The bastard won't shut up..." I chuckle lightly and ruffle Gaara's hair, earning a growl.

Time slowly went by for us. I winced every time I heard a locker being slammed shut. The talking from others was growing annoyingly loud. I'm loud myself, just not this early in the morning… It should be a crime from waking a teen up this early! And people wonder why teens don't get enough sleep and end up looking older than their real age.

Our homeroom started to fill with students; none of them paid any attention to Gaara and I. They used to tease us non-stop about our boy-on-boy cuddling, but found that it was normal and soon left us alone.

Gaara came in the second semester of our freshman year. It took us a month to actually stop glaring at each other and help the other survive in this unfair school. Some asked us if we were going out and why was I cheating on Neji. And Neji (this was when I was going out with him) easily heard it from Sakura who was surrounded by her usual group of skinny, heavy perfume wearing girls at the time. He got kinda mad… and was growing really possessive of me and jealous of Gaara. When I told him Gaara and I were so much alike and we liked each other as brothers, he started accepting my red haired friend. But Sakura wouldn't let it go…

She really wanted me to be humiliated and away from the richest boy in school. Why? Everyone knew he was gay; she couldn't stand a chance with him. I sigh at remembering why Neji and I broke up. It really hurt, but it wasn't because of Sakura or social status, it was his uncle, he was only trying to protect me.… Ok it didn't hurt really bad to know that he did it to protect me, but still hurt.

Yeah we still talk and hang out. But I don't get the candy sweet kisses he gave me any more. His hugs pretty much cover up for them but I do miss his kisses.

"Thinkin' about Neji again?" said the no eyebrow freak with heavy eyeliner, who happened to be my best friend.

"How'd you figure?" I wonder aloud.

"You've been sighing for the past five minutes…" Gaara shrugged and buried his face in my neck making me giggle…er… chuckle. Men do not giggle!

"Oh have I?" Gaara loved cuddling to me. It made both of us feel better when he did that kind of stuff.

A few people said 'hi' to me before taking their seat as the bell rang. No teacher yet. I raise an eyebrow. My school is big but not that big… The sub shouldn't be lost… Shrugging, I take out a few pieces of paper, knowing someone is going to start a paper fight. Gaara looked up at me questioningly then was hit in the head by a paper ball that was aimed at me. I laugh my head off at his infamous death glare being sent to a boy who sat across the classroom. He lifts his head off of my shoulder to let me begin my childish antics. With awar cryI start throwing paper balls at everyone who was throwing their own balls at others.

Paper balls are very childish yes, but hey, it reminds us that we are not too old yet. Gaara was leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest and his legs crossed over our desk. Big mean Gaara is my shield! HAHA! Hey… I'm just kidding Gaara, don't direct that glare at me. Our laughter stops when a whistle pierces our ears painfully.

"GAH!" I put my hands over my ears and drop the book I was just about to hit Shikamaru with.

Shaking the ringing sound out of my ears, I look at the person who dared to ruin our time. My eyes widen at the sight of at a deadly gorgeous guy in front of the door in a business suit and holding a suitcase. His hair was dark as midnight with a few dark blue highlights and was up in a weird but cool messy style. This guy's skin was pale, really pale… Didn't he go outside once in his life! What is he, a vampire? His fingers slowly dropped from his mouth and his eyes open, onyx eyes stared at all of us with irritation. Those eyes…I swear, they're so old with life, they're real deep with emotions and intelligence…Or at least that's what Neji's says sometimes about Gaara's eyes. But this guy, who seemed WAY over dressed, his eyes were much deeper than Gaara's.

"Everyone sit down…" He said in a delicious baritone voice that made a shiver go up and down my spine. He placed his briefcase on the desk and raised an eyebrow at us for not listening.

"Excuse me, who do you think you are? You can't tell us what to do," Shikamaru said in his usual bored tone.

"Why, yes I can… I'm the substitute for Iruka," He opened his briefcase and pulled out papers while nearly everyone's jaws dropped through the floor. Including mine and excluding Gaara's.

Substitute? That guy seemed to be as old as Neji! Impossible! I shake my head, close my mouth,and open it again to shout at him.

"You've got to be kidding me! You look like a senior! How old are you anyway!" I cross my arms and glower at the guy who was playing us.

His head snaps at me. I gulp loudly. His eyes pierce through mine, pinning me down. It's like his searching through me to find out who I am, my blood type, and my penniless life.

"You're Naruto Uzumaki, correct?" He asks in that sexy voice.

I blink before falling on the floor in shock. Did he actually find out about me from my eyes! Oh shit… I better watch myself with this guy…

"Wh-…how…" I stutter out.

"TheHeadmaster told me that you would be the loudest in the class… I could hear your yells down the hall. You're voice is quite annoying dobe…"

"HEY! Who are you calling a dobe! HUH?" I point and glare at the 'substitute' who felt like laughing at me.

"Ah, Iruka kindly filled me in on his students. And by checking your record of grades, I'm actually surprised you have been able to pass elementary school," The others laughed and my cheeks reddened in anger. "You have the worst grades in this homeroom, so the name fits right." He crossed his arm and smirked.

Oh, I'm mad now… I grab a book and throw it at him, hoping his head would crack. He is a liar and cold! People know I used to play baseball, I was the pitcher in middle school, and I still have my fast pitch. Watch! That big leather bound book is going to hit him in the head and his neck is going to crack. Cheers from the boys and cries from the girls.

My eyes widen. He caught it! I growl viciously. The girls in the class giggled and clapped. Sakura giggled the loudest. And the guys gaped. No one was able to hit my fast balls, let alone catch, if someone did catch it they'd drop it the second it hit their hand. His black eyes stared at me with a death glare that matched Gaara's.

"Are you done playing now?"

Gaara grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me in my seat. "Calm down… Do you want Tsunade to argue with you again?"

I pout and vigorously shake my head. I sigh and put my head chin on Gaara's shoulder. Stupid Sub… He was worse than a fat old man with little hair.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha; I'll be filling in for Iruka." Sasuke placed the book I threw at him on the desk and wrote his name on the board.

Gaara chuckled lightly at the fact that I was still pouting like a baby. How dare this guy embarrass me… I will get him back!

This Sasuke was making every girl blush pink and me angrier with every minute. Ok sure he is drop dead sexy but he really irritates me! Even if it's his first day here.

Mr. Uchiha started the attendance, and I was falling asleep, nuzzling my face in Gaara's warm neck.

"Sabaku, Gaara."

I felt Gaara shift to raise his hand and I groaned in annoyance. I want to leave this classroom. NOW! The girls were getting on my nerves and I could feel Sasuke's eyes avert to me first every time he looked up to find the person on the sheet.

"Uzumaki, I think it would be best if kept your relationship with Sabaku out of my classroom…" Sasuke pointed out, making the whole class snicker.

"Hey! He is my friend! Best friend if you please! And how old are you anyway?" I growl.

"Older than you Uzumaki, now I think Gaara would like his personally space."

Gaara put his arm around my shoulder and I chuckle in his shirt as he pulls me closer. "Actually, Mr. Uchiha, I'd rather have Naruto right here." I looked up and saw Gaara smirk evilly at Sasuke.

I smiled big, might as well annoy a homophobe who happened to be my sub for homeroom and math. I wrapped my arms around Gaara's neck and nuzzled his cheek.

"Stop your nonsense or I will split you two up, and I will advise Iruka to keep you two where you are…" Sasuke growled.

I blinked. Then pouted and let go of Gaara who lifted his arm off of my shoulder and crossed them over his chest. His death glare was so heavy that others surrounding us could feel it and they scooted as far away as they could from him.

"Thank you," and then Sasuke looked at the whole class room, explaining what was wrong with Iruka and how long he will be-

A WHOLE DAMN MONTH? DAMMIT! I'm gonna shoot Kakashi! I groan loudly and let my head hit the desk. Just great. A new sub that wouldn't let me hug Gaara, who caught my fast pitch, and who seems to be a homophobe will see me everyday in homeroom, and every other day in geometry. I whimper and feel Gaara pat my head. He only had to deal with this guy once! I hate this….HATE!

But yes the day went by. Also, when homeroom was over I tried to throw another book at Uchiha's head when he wasn't looking. He some how knocked it back at me and hit me square in my stomach making me land on Chouji and knock his chips out of his hands. After a few curses and apologies to Chouji, Sasuke towered over me. I had to gulp down my heart that jumped in my throat from fear and how close he was. I could smell the sweet cologne that he wore, hey, Neji wore that too! I had to use all my will power not to cling to the guy and sniff it all off of him.

He actually threatened me! If I threw something else at him it would be off to the principle's office for me, and you know where that leads to, Tsunade is my guardian so yeah…she hears it before I get home. Sometimes I end up lucky and she's out with her friend Jiraiya, who happened to be another PE teacher. He's cool…just a bigger pervert than Kakashi.

I nodded my head vigorously when Sasuke asked if I understood, yeah yeah I get it teach…

Luckily, I don't have geometry till fifth period. Yes! Away from the freaky vampire teacher who I loathe for embarrassing me. It was lunch and I was sitting at the table Gaara and I shared, which was the farthest away from everyone, and was outside, away from the stinky food and noisy gossiping people. I was eating a thick and greasyslice of pizzawhile Gaara was sleeping. Apparently, his brother was being stupid again and his father called him at P.E, making his ears practically bleed. Poor Gaara. Maybe I should take his grape soda…OW! Bad idea… he's half asleep. And no one touches his soda, not even me.

I pout and continue with my pizza… which has just vanished from my plate. I turn my head to Gaara and glare as deadly as I could at him. How dare he steal and munch on my pizza?

"Kyah! Gaara! That's mine!" I reach for my pizza that he so rudely, but stealthy, stole from me.

Gaara's hand was on my chest, holding me away arms length from him and continued to eat my delicious, mouth-watering pizza. NOO! It's all gone! Damn you Gaara! I whimper, my pizza has been demolished by my best friend. Wah!

"Naruto… do not cry, it's unfitting for you…" Gasp! That voice! I know it anywhere!

"Neji!" I launched myself over the table and clung to Neji's neck who tried to steady his tray of food. "Neji, Neji, Neji, NEJI!" So sue me… I love him and his name.

Neji only chuckled and nodded at Gaara, who nodded back before falling back into a coma. I let go of Neji and he sat across from me, giving me a brand new slice of pizza. I yipped and thanked him a thousand times andate my pizza happily. I glance at his tray of food. Why does he get such good food? I always wondered why! We got all the nasty food and he gets all the good bug free food.

"My uncle wants Hinata and I to have the best of everything… even food," he said as if he read my mind. He started on his chicken salad and my mouth watered at the goodness.

Ohh… Neji is taking me out to dinner with Gaara tonight! Yummy delicious expensive food shall melt away in my small stomach, YAY!

"Hey, Neji, don't you have somewhere important to be?" I know Neji has a lot of meetings at lunchtime with the student council, which is one of the reasons why I was so happy to see him at lunch today.

Neji raised an elegant eyebrow at me and stares at me with his very pale blue violet eyes that I fell in love with in elementary school.

"Would you prefer that I leave you alone?" He asked.

"Ack! No no! I was just wondering why you weren't at your student council meetings." I pulled at my shirt that was riding up from me reaching over to steal some of Neji's food. I know he can't eat all of that!

"Ah, yes well, half of the student council was sick." He replied, and started braiding his hair loosely. "And what is this I hear of you throwing books at your substitute?" Damn you Sakura…damn you and your big mouth!

"Er…Heh," I rub the back of my head and smile sheepishly. "Well, I didn't like him! He humiliated me! And wouldn't let me lean on Gaara! He's a homophobe too!" I'm actually bi…but still.

Neji chuckled and Gaara chose the time to fully wake up. His head was being cradled by his arms and he stared at the both of us.

"What is his name?"

"Sasuke Uchiha… Shouldn't he be with you! He looks too young to be a sub!" I blink at Neji freezing at drinking his water. My brow furrowed in confusion. "Neji?"

"Sasuke…Sasuke Uchiha?" Neji repeated.

"I see you remember him too," Gaara said.

"Yes…I didn't think I would ever see him again…" Neji placed his water bottle down and placed a hooked finger over his lips.

Ok… once again I'm left out of the rich people's loop. I pout and cross my arms. "What's so special about this Uchiha anyway? He's just a sub!"

Both of them sighed making my eye muscle twitch. "Sasuke… do you even remember him Naruto?" Neji asked.

I shook my head. If I did know some one as sexy as Uchiha I wouldn't forget.

"Well anyway, Uchiha is richer than me and Gaara. Ever since his family was murdered by his brother, he worked himself to the point to where he couldn't walk to murder his brother. The court couldn't pin anything on Sasuke's brother... He was as clean as a whistle but some of us knew better. His brother eventually vanished, so Sasuke just worked harder in his studies like his mother wanted and making himself stronger physically like his father wanted. He skipped a few grades and yes he is as old as I am… He used to hang out with you in elementary school, saying he didn't like others teasing a kid who was smaller than everyone else."

I blinked. Ok, either I'm slow or I'm lost... Oh wait, is that the same thing?

"Ok, well how is it that you know him Gaara?" I looked at my red haired friend who was staring off into space.

"Uchiha… He was someone I competed with in our Kendo class. He was real cold to everyone and always did much better than anyone… The bastard really embarrassed me and made my father extremely angry when he wiped the floor with me in a tournament…" Gaara growled out the last part.

I forgot that Neji and Gaara had Kendo classes together when we were younger. Like two years younger…

"Um... I'm still kinda in the dark," I laugh nervously at the disappointed looks they both gave me.

Neji sighed. "It's alright… I wouldn't expect you to remember him from so long ago, nobody has heard of him except our fathers. He took over his father's company since his older brother left. But I wonder…"

"Why is he even here… if he has his own company to run…" Gaara finished for him. "Something's not right Neji…"

"I know…"

My mouth formed a small confused 'o' just as the bell rang. I pouted. Fifth period… with Sasuke… what a joy! Hey… insert the sarcasm in there; I don't wanna be in there with that jerk.

Gaara stretched out his muscles and sighed happily when something was popped back into place. He grosses me out when he does that stuff… Neji got up and excused himself, after dumping away his trash and picking up his pack. Hey! You're not leaving without giving me a hug mister! I latch myself onto his neck and nuzzle his cheek.

"How dare you try to leave without giving me a hug!" Neji chuckled and pulled me off of his back to give me a proper hug. Yay!

"I'm sorry Naruto," He pulled away and smiled at me. "But do be careful around Sasuke, Gaara isn't going to be with you to keep you in place."

"Hey! I do not need a baby sitter!" I glare and pout and cross my arms over my chest. Neji only laughed more.

"Yes you do, and you still look very cute when you do that," I blushed and looked away.

He ruffled my hair and walked off to his classes. Sighing, I turned to get my bag from the empty table, Gaara already left for chemistry. I miss Neji kissing me so bad! A kiss on the forehead would be enough… is that too much to ask? I reach over the table to grab my pack and blink when it is held in front of me.

I follow the pale hand, up the muscled arm to the sleeveless black shirt. My eyes travel upward to the pale face with long black hair as dark as Sasuke's. Hold up… is that Sasuke? No… It's someone else… his eyes are red… and he looks older.

"Here, some punk almost stole it," he drawled. A cold feeling went up and down my spine three times. Shit… What's with all these vampire-like people giving me this feeling?

"Er… thanks," I take the bag from him, my hand brushing against his. Man he's cold…

"You're welcome…You know… you look like an exact smaller replica of Lord Arashi…" He said circling me like a vulture.

Okkk… freaky person that is talking to me is circling me right now… freakier than Gaara. Wait… Arashi?

"Arashi Uzumaki?" The man nodded as he stopped circling. "That's my dad! How do you know him? And what do you mean Lord Arashi? My dad wasn't a lord…" Unless Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Iruka are keeping something from me…

"Oh, yes he was… No one has told you?" I shake my head. If my dad was a lord… shouldn't I be living in a big fancy and expensive castle? Or mansion? "Well now you know… The only difference between you and Arashi…are these…" He traced my whisker-like scars and I couldn't hold back the shiver. His fingers were so damn cold!

"I should let you go, don't want you to be late…" He turned heel and walked off.

"H-hey! What's your name?" I called. Just in case I need to report him for molesting or raping me. What? I thought he was going to kidnap me and rape me in an alley! He seemed like the kind of guy who would do that by the way he was circling and eyeing me!

"…Itachi…" And he continued on.

Aww come on! What about your surname! I need that too. I shrug and make my way through the cafeteria.

Where is every…oh shit… everybody's in class!

I sprint through the cafeteria and the halls. I jumped every three steps when I came to the stairs and I looked at the hallway clock. Less than thirty seconds? Come on feet! Move like the wind! The bell rang just as I was sliding in class. Some big buffoon shouted 'safe!' when I slid in like I used to do in baseball. Panting, I looked up at the sub who was drumming his fingers on the desk and a hand was fisted at his hip. He looked kinda… more irritated.

Chuckling nervously, I got up and dusted my pants and walked to my seat.

"I will not accept tardiness Uzumaki, detention after school with me." He said and picked up the attendance sheet. I froze on the spot.

"DETENTION? But I got in here when the bell rang!" I hollered at him. I am not going to spend after school with this icicle when I should be with Neji.

"I consider those who are not in their seat tardy, regardless of whether or not they are in the class when the bell rings." My mouth fell open. That's not fair!


"Say another word Uzumaki and I will give you another detention," he said to me sharply, giving me a warning glare.

I huff and scowl before stomping my way to my seat next to Kiba who was snoozing. Well… I'm going to snooze too. Wake me up when the bell rings.

But Mr. Sasuke doesn't want me to snooze, or Kiba. He slammed a ruler on our desk causing both of us to jump.

"What the hell!" Kiba exclaimed.

"I do not want any students in my class sleeping like fools." Sasuke said.

"Technically it's not your class…it's Mr. Umuino's class, you're just a sub," Kiba said, and yawned.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he hit Kiba's head with the ruler and I snickered, earning myself a slap. Kiba and I grumbled.

"I like smart people… but I hate those who think that are smart with their witty comments…" Sasuke walked up to the desk and Kiba gave him the finger.

"Stupid ass…" He murmured. "Hey…" I turn my head to Kiba who nudged me in the ribs. "Wanna pull a prank? I hear he embarrassed you in your homeroom."

I sigh. A prank would be nice… but that would earn me another detention… and I wanna be with Neji! "Not today… he already gave me detention….that bastard."

Kiba shrugged and fell back asleep like Shikamaru did in any other class I had with him.

I cradled my head with my arms and blew my bangs out of my eyes. P.E next… I'll take my anger out with dodge ball. Don't you love dodge ball? It is the best way to get rid of stress.

And it did. I had P.E with Neji and he watched me pounded volleyballs on the other side and knock over many other students in dodge ball. Two things that could help! I love P.E.

"Sasuke giving you trouble?" Neji asked, after he spiked a volley ball and hitting a guy right in the chest and knocking the air out of him.

"Yeah… He gave me detention too!" I growled the best I could and spiked one harder than Neji did and the others ran from it like squealing girly girls. "And I wanted to go on that dinner you planned for the three of us!" Another angry spike.

"Well whose fault is it that you got detention?" Neji had a volley ball in his hand and juggled it from hand to hand.

I blushed lightly and rubbed the back of my neck. "Mine I guess… But he's so irritating! And he is easily irritated."

"Then don't irritate him," my pale eyed friend patted my back and hit the ball over the net.

"It's kinda hard; he gets irritated by almost everything," I sigh for possible the tenth time in the 10 minutes of playing volleyball.

Neji chuckled and I looked at him with confusion. "Same old Sasuke, you'd think that man has changed, but in truth he's still the same…" Neji and I walked to the track and started to walk, Jiraiya was getting mad at us for not giving the other guys a chance to spike.

"Hn." HA! I sound like Gaara! Ok that was something stupid to laugh at… "Hey Neji, you never did give me a direct answer why your uncle wouldn't let us stay together." I wanna know! Neji's dodgy when he doesn't want someone to know something.

Neji stared at his feet as we walked. Was it a wrong time to ask that question? "Neji?" I whisper, grabbing his hand and stopping him from continuing on. His gaze was glued on our linked hands and he rubbed the back of my hand on his cheek. "D-did I say something wrong?"

"No… it's just, I hate the reason why my uncle said I could no longer be with you… And I feel that I can not tell you yet…"

I feel anger and sadness pile up in my gut like it did the day he broke off our relationship. My mouth forms a small 'o' and I feel Neji's cool fingers grasp my chin and lift my gaze up.

"When I am free of my family… I'll come back for you, that is… if no one has taken your heart." Neji left a small kiss on my lips before letting go of my hand and walking across the grass to the boy's locker room.

My fingers graze my lips that Neji had kissed. My stomach was doing flip-flops. Even if it was small… it felt so damn good. It was like… Neji was telling me 'good-bye, until we meet again' and 'I love you'. Neji… My eyes were starting to water up and sting. I sniffle and wipe my eyes clear of tears. I'll wait… I just hope… no one else takes my heart too. I love you too much Neji…


And now… Detention…joy… After that talk with Neji, all the fun was sucked out of me and sadness filled the empty spot. Man was I moody… My head was being cradled in my arms and my eyes were outside. Neji was there not too long ago with Hinata. She was really nice to me… She always said her cousin and I looked so cute together. Heh, sweet innocent Hinata, I would love to have her for a sister. She didn't treat me like dirt like the other girls did. If I wasn't so in love with her cousin I probably would've fallen for her.

Hinata was like a girly girl and tomboy at the same time; a good combination to make a great personality for a girl. Her blush would always start from that cute button nose she had and spread on her soft looking cheeks. I remember she used to have her hair in a cute bob, but she grew it out and placed it in a long thick braid like Neji sometimes. Hinata was just so freakin' adorable when she blushed and poked her fingers from her shyness.

I sigh. The Hyuuga's just love making me fall in love with them, don't you think? I glance at the clock. Mr. Icicle said I had to stay for an hour with him. Only twenty minutes have passed and was going slower. My gaze averts to Sasuke. He had on a pair of reading glasses and was reading a book… Hey… I know that orange cover…. It's always in Kakashi's hands… My eyes widen. No way! Icicle man reads that stuff! I'm shocked… pure shock has overcome me… He reads Jiraiya's books! Oh man this is hilarious (disturbing too but…)! So hilarious I didn't notice that I was snickering aloud.

Sasuke's eyes lifted from the book and onto me. "Something amusing Uzumaki?"

"Yes!" I laugh out and lay my head on the desk laughing harder. "You actually read those books! HAHAHA!"

Apparently Sasuke was getting angry, I could feel his heated gaze on me and it got hotter as I laughed more.

"Quiet dobe," He said and went back to reading, his face being supported by his knuckles.

….Ok that really shut me up. I assumed that steam was coming out of my ears cause they felt really hot. "I am not a dobe!" I jump up and point. "Just cause I have the worst grades in my homeroom doesn't not mean I have the worst grades in the whole sophomore class!"

"Actually, you do…" Sasuke flipped open a portfolio as my jaw fell open.

"W-what? Are you serious?" I walk up to his desk with a worried expression plastered on my face… Am I really dead last?

Sasuke nods and opens a folder with the entire sophomore class. I nibble on my bottom lip as I spot my name. At the bottom… The list was in order by grades and test scores. It's not fair….I really worked harder since I got to know Neji better…

"Well, sadly, you need to work harder." Sasuke looked up at me and closed the folder with a sharp snap. Shit… that came out… "And how do you know Neji?"

"He was my ex, but he's still my friend," I smile brightly then frown at the green in the room.

"Ah… Did he drop you because of your grades and bad attitude?" Sasuke smirked.

I growl and slam my hands on the desk. "NO! He was trying to protect me! And still is! I know Neji loves me and that won't ever change!"

There was silence between us and Sasuke's eyes grew cold… Really cold. So cold that I was getting goose bumps all over… even on my tushy.

"Love is a useless emotion… it makes those weak when it comes to their loved ones being in danger…" Sasuke stood and walked around the desk in front of me. I gulped loudly.

"Have you ever lost someone you love deeply? Did they turn against you and take advantage of you?" Sasuke cornered me in to the wall his hands fisted on each side of my head. "Love is only a way to kill someone….get rid of someone!" Sasuke was starting to growl and scare me. "Love hurts and kills; might as well get rid of it before you yourself get hurt…" Sasuke moved away from me and I stared at him with fear filled eyes.

What the fuck just happened? I eyed Sasuke as he walked back to his desk and placed his glasses on the book, rubbing his eyes.

"I'll be right back… don't leave yet, your time isn't up…" And he left, slamming the door shut.

I stayed that way for a while: glued to the wall, eyes staring at the door, legs shaking. Ok… come on Naruto… Shake it off… I shook my head and took a seat in Iruka's comfy leather chair. I kicked my shoes off and place my toe ripped socked feet on the desk. Sasuke seemed to be traumatized… he shouldn't be back in a while…

And that book… That damned orange perverted book… It was so tempting to pick it up and see what was so special about it… Ah what the hell… a peek won't hurt…

I looked at the door, then picked up the book turning to the page Sasuke was on.

'…She mewled as his hands danced over her body, she was on fire. He kissed her bare chest, her soft stomach, and slightly above her triangular patch of hair. She moaned and lifted her hips; she wanted something of him inside her lithe body. Mizumi let out a gasp as her shadowed lover took one of her soft globes in his mouth and suckling like a newborn child…'

Oh god… as I continued to read my face got hotter with each sexual contact Mizumi had with her lover. I wince as my pants got tighter. Damn… I fidget and get in a comfortable position and continue to read.

I could feel my face get redder and redder. Damn you Jiraiya! I quickly place the book down and put a hand over my beating heart. God… I shall never touch another one of those books again… It was so… erotic… and gave me the feeling I always got when Neji and I would make out. A feeling I wasn't too fond of.

"Intrigued by it?" A husky voice whispered in my ear.

I yip and jump slightly, turning my head to face Sasuke, who had a smirk on his porcelain face.

"Er… I…um… I was-" I was stuttering! I do not stutter!

Sasuke chuckled and grabbed my chin, turning my face to his. "Don't you love the feeling Jiraiya's books give you?" He looked down at my pants and I looked away.

"Ah yes… I can see you enjoyed it, naughty Naruto," He purred.

I looked at the clock and noticed my time was up.

"I-I gotta go! My hour's up!" I pushed him away, grabbed my shoes and flitted to my desk, picking up my pack. I quickly slipped on my shoes and froze when I felt Sasuke's presence behind me.

"Silly gullible Naruto, I'm just playing with you," Sasuke laughed as I blushed more.

"S-so! My time is still up!" And I hurriedly ran out, but not before Sasuke grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest.

"Tell… Neji that he has a competition with his old friend," He whispered in my ear.

I stiffly nod just to get away. Thankfully, he lets go and I race home.

I just booked all the way home; ignoring the stares I got from others that I pushed out of the way and saw me as a blur. When I reached my apartment I was covered in sweat, enjoying the calming music the elevator was playing as I leaned against the cool walls. My chest was rising and sinking with each breath I took, my legs shook and screamed at me for going past their limits. Oh hush… I was in a confusing moment. It took me a few seconds to move past the elevator doors when I reached my floor. Once outside the enclosed space I placed my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath and hold myself up. Aw fuck it. I'm dragging myself to my door.

And I did so. Hearing my neighbors yelling from between the thin walls, babies screaming, guys shouting bets for a game, and Tsunade beating the shit out of Jiraiya. Haha, I would go in there to watch instead of listen but I'm too tired.

I rammed my keys into the lock of room 642, my home, and dumped my pack on the faded blue carpeted floor. Grudgingly, I kicked my shoes off and tossed my keys on the table next to the door. My body felt so weak from running. Am I that out of shape? I leaned against the chipped mahogany door and panted.

Damn that Sasuke Uchiha… Scaring the shit out of me by saying stuff one minute, then perverted stuff the next. What the hell… Freakazoid… I gulped quite loudly before pushing myself up and entering my living room, rubbing the back of my sweat soaked hair. Welcome to this pigsty I call home!

Rotten smelly socks were everywhere. Empty cups of noodles covered the kitchen and coffee table, ripped pages that were my homework, candy wraps, crumbs, magazines were littered all over the floor. The white walls were bare, save for a few stains. I have no pictures of family members that I don't know of, or of those friends that I don't have. The only place you'll find the pictures of Gaara and Neji is in a locked box that resides in my bedroom in the top draw of my bedside table. My plants are dying… I need to remember to water those, the carpet needs to be cleaned, the dishes are piling up to towers in the sink, and cupboards are left open and are becoming bare. Hmm… I'll get to that later. I need to sleep.

I peeled off my school jacket and picked up a tank top that I found on a chair. I sniffed it. It should last another week. The white clothing slipped on over my blonde messy head while I unbuttoned my pants. I collapsed on the couch after wiping off the mess. Ugh… I really need this sleep… Just drift off to sleep Naru-


I winced at the screech that echoed rather painfully in my ear. Oh please no…

"What is this I hear of you getting detention? And throwing a book at the sub! Paper is alright, but a book? What is the matter with you, you damned brat!"

I groaned and slammed a pillow over my head. "Please go away Tsunade… I'm really tired…"

I felt the couch sink a bit at the end. Damn it, leave you old hag…

"And why are you sweating so much? Did you run home or something?" Tsunade's elegant hand weaved through my own blonde locks, untangling a few knots in the process.

"No, ya think?" That came out a little rude… but oh well.

"Be respectful brat. Now who was chasing you? You only run home if some one is going to beat you into a bloody pulp!" I sighed. Muh, might as well tell her…

I turned over and propped myself on my elbows. My brows furrowed at Tsunade's appearance. Her hair was ruffled badly, and a few scratches were laid out on her unwrinkled face. Her knuckles were white and a few drops of blood were on them. Probably caused by Jiraiya. Her shirt was ripped a bit at the top, showing more cleavage and the top of her breasts than usual. Damn she has big boobs… Too big for my liking… But apart from her look that screamed 'I just got in a fight! Don't get on my bad side!' her eyes held the concern that I could recognize anywhere. I cracked a small smile. Maybe I should be more respectful of Tsunade… I mean, she's been there for me ever since I got kicked out of the orphanage for being too troublesome. Plus she's the only person that really cares, aside from Gaara and Neji.

"What happened to you, old hag?"…I'll start respecting her tomorrow…

Tsunade's brown eyes narrowed, but she shrugged off the name that I created for her long ago. "Jiraiya… Bastard doesn't know when to shut up… Now don't avoid my question again! Who was chasing you?"

"No one…" I mumbled out. Running a shaky hand through my hair I bit my bottom lip. Images of that twisted Sasuke ran through my head.

God that guy is deadly… He's got a voice sexier than Neji's, skin that's as white as a sheet; I swear I thought he was a porcelain doll that was brought to life only to kill… or maybe a vampire or something. His presence was cool and dangerous. And his eyes… oooh man those eyes are so amazing. They're void of emotions... except annoyance, but apart from that… I could just drown in those black depths…And he has that cologne I love so much. I wonder what he looks like under that suit… GAH! Naruto! Bad Naruto! Get that out of your head! You're supposed to hate the guy!

"Naruto… are you… blushing?" I blinked. Oh shit…

"W-what? N-no! You're imagining things Tsunade! I mean come on! Why should I be blushing?" I said all of that quickly and nervously. Oh god… busted.

A knowing smirk found its way on Tsunade's lips. Oh no… please don't torture me!

"Who's the new one? You only used to blush when ever something had to do with Neji. Is it still Neji? Or someone else?"


"Oh trust me, it's someone else!" I whimpered and held my head in my hands. Two old people… Noo! I don't deserve this! I can feel my face growing hotter

Looking up I saw the infamous white haired perverted P.E teacher that wrote those god-awful, but arousing, books that Sasuke and Kakashi read (And other perverted people out there…) leaning against the wall. Jiraiya had a laughing and proud smirk on his face that made you ignore the bruises on his face.

"Shut up Jiraiya!" I hollered.

"Who is it Naruto?" Tsunade prodded to get the name out of me. She will not get it out of me! No way! No how! No fucking way will she get it out!

"The guy he threw the book at," Jiraiya said smugly.

"The sub? Are you kidding me Naruto! How can you be smitten by a sub tha-"

"He's Neji's age… Just smarter and sexier than Hyuuga, right Naruto?"

I wailed loudly. So loud that the old people in the room had to cover their ears. I shoved my head in the pillow to muffle my screams. So sue me if I'm acting like a girl! These actions never leave this apartment anyway.

I could hear Tsunade questioning Jiraiya about Sasuke. But I had yet to hear Jiraiya say it was Sasuke. But either way… it made my ears bleed. I stopped screaming a while ago, only to choke on the words that I wanted to shout at Jiraiya. God damned bastard… Oooh… I so hate you right now.

Slowly, I pulled my head up from the pillow that comforted me. Tsunade still has not gotten a name. But she seemed happy. Happy about what? There is nothing to be happy about! Unless you like to see me being embarrassed.

The doorbell rang and I raced to it. I don't give a damn who it is; I just needed to get out of the living room and away from the bickering couple (I don't really know if they are… they sure do act like one). I yanked the door open and found Gaara, Neji, and Hinata standing there. Gaara looked irritated, Neji looked like he didn't care if he was there, and Hinata looked like she was going to faint from seeing me in my boxers and a dirty tank top. Hmm… am I that sexy?

"Is that him!" I heard Tsunade yell. She shoved me out of the way and sighed in disappointment. But a bright smile followed after. "Hello you three, come to take Naruto away?"

I buried my face in Tsunade's shoulder. It was still red and Neji was there! Oh man, today was just not my day…

"I-I suppose so…" Hinata stuttered, her face turning a bit red. "I-I'm s-sorry Naruto… But I r-really wanted to come and… well…"

After feeling my blood calm down from Hinata's cute voice I looked at the three of them. My goofy smile on my face.

"It's ok Hinata! The more the better! Could you guys excuse me for a minute?"

I rushed to my bedroom and pulled out a thin light blue hoodie that had the sleeves ripped off, don't ask how. I slipped on a clean black tank top and faded jeans with a large red fox etched on the bottom of the left leg. Gah… I stink… Just a real quick shower should do…Sighing, I slipped the tank top and the jeans off, placing them on my unmade bed with my hoodie. After peeling off my boxers and tossing it in the hamper I jumped into a cold shower. Shit! Too cold! Oh well! It's just quickie…

Finally, I was able to come back into the living room, where Neji and Gaara were being interrogated sweetly by Tsunade. Does she really want to know Sasuke that bad? I played with my wet hair a bit and noticed a look that Neji gave me. I shivered a bit and stared back at him questioningly. He only shrugged and stood up. What did I do now?

"Let's go guys…" he exited the room, leaving a trail of ice behind him.

"What did you say Tsunade!" I asked, worried.

"I was just asking about your new crush," She replied, putting a finger on her lip.

"You… You asked… But that was… TSUNADE!" I whined. Oh great, Neji's mad at me now… right after he told me he would come back to me after being free, I go off in detention and fall madly in love with the uber sexy sub… Damn this is not good.

I gulped followed after Gaara and Hinata who left after Neji did. "Don't be late now!" Tsunade hollered. But I didn't hear her… I was too busy thinking about Neji and Sasuke, comparing and contrasting… and feeling extremely guilty.

When we arrived at this big fancy and sparkly restaurant that we went to every now and then, I continued to trail behind and Neji still seemed not too happy. Gaara and Hinata glanced back every now and then at me. What? I won't get lost. I promise. I just… don't want to get to close to Neji while he's like this.

And sitting at the table made everything worse. I was about ten feet away from Neji while walking and riding the limo here. Now I was just a foot a two away from him, and it was rather cold. Hell even Gaara had a little goose bumps on his arm. Hinata was whispering to her cousin. Hopefully she was trying to calm him down. I was sinking in my chair, lower and lower every time Neji glanced at me… His pale lavender eyes had become paler and that was not a good sign. Not good at all.

Neji I'm sorry…

Why the fuckin' hell was that so hard to say?

The table was deadly quiet. And I swear that some people were edging away from Neji. My loudness that many of the workers were used to hearing was not there at all. Making them look at me funny. Like they wanted to ask if I was sick. When the waitress came by to take orders she had to ask me a few times what I wanted 'cause she couldn't hear me. I spoke up more when I noticed Neji was getting more annoyed with my child-ness. But I stayed slumped in my chair. Wishing the big red booth seat would swallow me up and hold me forever in red abyss.

I flinched when Gaara pulled me out of my slump and nodded at Neji, insinuating that I should talk to him. I gulped and looked at Neji. I couldn't talk to him with the way he was now! I mean look at him! His eyes were paler, his arms crossed tightly over his chest, and a deep frown graced his beautiful features. He looked like he wanted to kill. Even little Hinata was quivering more than usual while talking to Neji.

Slowly, I inhaled and closed my eyes.


"What?" Ouch… That felt like a whip brought down on me hard enough to make me unconscious.

"U-um…" I opened my eyes hesitantly. When my eyes met Neji's my blood went cold.

…It was me he wanted to kill… I know it was. He had a glare that surpassed Gaara's and that glare was extremely hard to bring out. "Neji, I'm sorry for what ever Tsunade said. What ever that she said or asked was just something she wanted to know from the lies that Jiraiya filled her head with. I swear that-"

"Oh? Oh Really?" His tone was dripping with venom. "So your crush on Sasuke was just some lie? Is it really Naruto?"

Gaara sighed and leaned back in his seat, his hands buried in his pockets. Hinata was looking away with her own hands folded on her lap. Guys! A little help here!

"It's not a crush! I swear! Hell I hate the guy! He's arrogant, twisted, sick, totally unfair and…" I was trying to think of more negative things to say about Sasuke. But after that last statement positive things came to mind which made me sick in the stomach.

'Sasukeis gorgeous, dangerous, and mysterious. Something about him makes me want to get down on my knees and ask what it is he wishes for like a slave or something…' I almost gaped at my own thoughts. Why would I-

"Oh Naruto, I didn't know you think of me like that." a sarcastic voice purred from behind me.

My eyes widened to dishes. Oh god. Please no. Not that bastard. A large hand clapped against my shoulder. I gulped loudly. My heart was beating a mile a minute. Oh…shit….

I slowly looked over my shoulder and saw Sasuke, out of the business suit and into something black, leather and…rather sexy really. His hair was messier than before and dark punkish accessories graced his being. Earrings adorned his ears, necklaces with skulls and dragons hung from his neck; he even had a spiked choker around snug against his neck. His black shirt was sleeveless and my eyes were laid upon a tattoo of a green snake circling around a red and white fan. Damn. So he was a business man in the day a punk rocker/gothic at night. You know that kinda makes sense…

Sasuke stared deep in my blue eyes. Searching through them like he did this morning. He playfully licked his lips at meand I looked down at my shaking and sweating hands in my lap. Hopefully no one noticed my blush.

"Gaara, Neji… Nice to see you both again." I could feel a smug smirk playing against Sasuke's lips.

Both Gaara and Neji glared daggers at Sasuke. Hinata was blushing and looking away. Damnit Sasuke, do you have to have this effect on everybody?

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Actually, we do," Neji snarled. Ok… so maybe it isn't me he wants to kill.

"Too bad." Sasuke too a seat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. My blush grew. Oh no. Ok, Naruto react of something!

"Get your arm off of me bastard." I hissed at him through my teeth.

Sasuke just tsked me and pulled me close, burying his face in my hair. NO! NEJI! GAARA! SAVE ME! Both of them looked like they were going to grab the sharpest object around them and stab Sasuke to death with it.

"Let go of him, Uchiha," Neji warned.

"I don't feel like it, and it's not like he's taken, right Neji?"

Neji seemed to choke back on his next sentence. I growled and clenched my fist tight. How dare he say that! I should just punch him in the gut and run him over with a Mac truck. Oh… Neji looks so lost…

"Sasuke, let go of Naruto. Now." Gaara growled.

"Oh hush Sabaku, besides, I can hug him all I want after all that fun we had in detention, isn't that right Naruto?" I choked on my own tongue. What the hell? We didn't do anything!

"N-Naruto!" Hinata gasped, staring at me with shocked eyes.

"What? No! Guys! He's lying I swear!" I almost hollered.

"You were quite reluctant at first but after a while you couldn't help but participate." Sasuke purred seductively.

The table was growing colder and my two best friends were staring at me with eyes that asked 'is this true?'

"Damnit Sasuke! Why the hell would you tell them that big shitty lie? I would never do anything with you! Never in a million years!" I swear I going to kill him!

Sasuke chuckled. "I was a bit upset that you called out Neji's name but after a while that will change to mine: Sasuke…" he whispered in my ear, but loud enough for those surrounding us to hear.

Then I don't know what else happened…

It was like I blacked out. I only heard things… yells, screams, things crashing, falling down to the floor, flesh hitting flesh, grunts of pain, and a few calls of my name. That's all I could hear. I don't know what happened. When I felt two pairs of hands grab me and try to pull me back I was sort of coming to. I could smell blood, feel it running down the side of my head, down from my lips that most likely had a cut. I felt like an animal that was angered beyond a limit. My knuckles hurt and my face ached. Did that bastard punch me? How many times? I was snarling and growling out threats as I was dragged away from Sasuke.

When my vision cleared I saw him. His shirt torn, bruises starting to form on his face, scratches here and there-some were deep others were shallow; blood dotted his lips and his shirt. The restaurant was a mess. Tables were turned over, glass was shattered, unfinished foods were scattered and people were surrounding Sasuke as Neji and Gaara dragged me out.

You fucking asshole! I'm going to seriously murder you! I pulled and pulled to free myself from my friends and continue to attack that damned Uchiha. Heh, I must seem like an animal, the way I was reaching out for Sasuke's throat, growling, and my teeth bared. I stopped struggling to reach Sasuke as Hinata latched herself onto me, trying to push me back.

….I could never hurt her. And by the way I was fighting back… The two people I care about the most must've been sporting some scratches and oncoming bruises. I let them drag me while I glared at Sasuke.

He just smiled at me, and licked his lips. He mouthed something that I wished I didn't see.

'I'm coming to get you…Naruto…'

W00t! New story! Yay don't know if I wanna continue this though –sweatdrop- It took me a while to just write this one chapter . and I seriously need a beta reader –cries- I can't do this by myself…

But yeah tell me what you think. I wanna hear everything. Constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated. Just no flames though please Thank you very much.