Title: Popcorn
Rating: T (Just one bad line!)
Summary: Drabble. Trip and T'Pol's absence from Movie Night raises some interesting questions. Implied T/T'P.
Disclaimer: Wish I owned Enterprise. Don't though. And if you saw my bank balance you'd realise I made no money.
This is set early season 3, don't know an exact time.
Just something that came from a dodgy conversation with my brother. And it is 100 words. Title, ending and this stuff is the extra.
R & R is appreciated, and enjoy!
"So," the popcorn-chewing Travis asked, "where d'you think Trip and T'Pol are?"
Malcolm shrugged and stole a piece of corn from Travis's bowl.
Travis chewed thoughtfully. "Trip usually attends Movie Night religiously," he mused, "and T'Pol's been coming more often recently."
"Since they started that 'neuropressure', actually."
Malcolm sniffed. "They're probably having hot naked sex in T'Pol's quarters," he said nonchalantly, reaching for more popcorn.
Doctor Phlox gave an indignant wheeze as he was sprayed with the pilot's desiccated, damp popcorn. Travis spluttered as the lights dimmed and the film began to roll.
And Malcolm just chewed his popcorn.