A/N: Newest FanFic Posted. Hope you enjoy it. Tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: All belong to J.K Rowling. Settings too.

Because It Was Our Secret

Hermione's POV:

I saw him board the train on a cloudy day. It was September first, the day that we returned to the confined walls of Hogwarts. The world would never be large enough for me, and Hogwarts, as vast as it was, would never be enough room.

"Hermione?" Ron asked nudging me from behind. I turned to find him looking at me strangely.

"What do you want?" I asked him dully. I hadn't been myself lately. It had happened mid way through summer…


Ron lay on top of me, and he was kissing my neck and my cheek and my lips. Somehow this didn't feel right. I put my hands on his bare chest and pushed against him a bit.

"What's the matter?" he'd asked me.

"I don't want to do this," I'd told him. He'd rolled off and sat up looking at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" he'd inquired, wounded. I simply reached over and slipped my T-shirt back over my head, covering up my bra.

"No," I'd said, placing my hand on his. "I'm just not ready for this quite yet."

He'd grinned at me.

"Well I'll give you all the time you want Mione. You know that," he'd told me, placing a slobbery kiss on my lips, his lips damp and cool. His stubble rubbed against my skin making me itch. I puckered my lips all the same, pecking him. I then moved away.


He laced his fingers in between mine and I let him hold my hand, my fingers loose and slightly open against his. We walked towards the train and boarded. This would be our sixth year at Hogwarts. I couldn't wait until I could lose myself in my studies again, and no longer have any time for this relationship.

I cared for Ron…Just not in the way he'd always wanted me to. I guess I'd deluded myself all this time. Some strange insecurity that he was the only man to come along and want me. Well, he wasn't really a man yet. In a lot of ways, he hadn't grown up at all.

Quite suddenly I ran into a tall figure in the small space between compartments.

"Why don't you watch it mudblood?" came that cold calculating voice I'd come to know so well. I looked up into his gray eyes, to find him glaring down at me with such hatred; and I found myself lost for words.

"Oh look!" Draco Malfoy said, looking down at our linked hands. "The mudblood and the Weasel finally decided to hook up. Tell me, how'd you ever get past the horrible uptight sexual tension Granger carries around with her Weasel-B?"

Ron made to lunge for Malfoy, and I turned to hold him back, only to be pushed right up against the blonde. Ron reached around me, seeing as I was quite a deal shorter than him and shoved Malfoy against the wall.

"Don't you ever call Hermione a mudblood!" Ron yelled, his entire face turning red. A characteristic I'd always disliked about him.

"Oh," Malfoy replied coolly. "Have I upset you?"

At this Malfoy reached around me as well and pushed Ronald back. I felt his hard muscular body against me for a brief moment before he backed away.

"Stop it," I growled, grabbing my boyfriend by his hand before he could start swinging. "Just ignore him Ron," I whispered. "He's not worth it."

"I'm worth more then that sack of shit you drag around with you," Malfoy yelled after me. Ron began to walk faster, hauling me behind him. "Hell, mudblood, my spit is worth more then the clothes he wears on his back!"

I looked over my shoulder to find Malfoy smirking smugly at me from behind. In that moment, everything just slowed down for me, as I watched him, standing there, his head tilted back slightly. And then he was wiped from my view as Ron entered a compartment to find Harry already there. He'd come on board to look for an empty spot for the three of us, while Ron waited for me to say goodbye to my parents.

I sat down, as Ron began to rant on about how much of a git Malfoy was. Nothing I hadn't heard over the past years of knowing him. He then flopped down next to me and put his arm around me.

"You know Hermione," he said. "I don't understand why you always get in the way of me beating him into a bloody pulp."

"I don't know why you insist on such barbaric behavior," I replied coolly.

"He just drives me over the edge Mione," Ron said. "And not only that, but if you didn't notice it, he was insulting you."

"Ronald, it's been six years and he hasn't come up with anything better than mudblood," I replied. "He's used that name on me so many times it doesn't even have a meaning to me anymore. Don't you see? It means nothing."

Harry sighed, looking at the two of us. He knew things hadn't been going all that well.

"Mione's right, Ron," Harry said after a moment. "Just let him alone."

Ron sighed, removing his arm from my shoulders, and I didn't miss the warmth at all. I merely crossed my arms over my chest, remembering how he'd bruised me with his clumsy hands. I then looked out the window watching the scenery go by.


It was late in the afternoon when the lunch trolley came around, the old woman offering to sell the goods. Ron scooted up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Do you want anything Mione?" he asked, kissing my cheek tenderly. I leaned into him for a moment, allowing the contact.

"Pumpkin juice," I said, with a small smile that only he could see.

"Coming right up," he replied. He bought me what I'd asked for and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said, kissing him on the cheek. I had my moments, when I really did want to be near to him. But it usually didn't last very long. I opened the bottle and took a sip of the iced juice as Ron and Harry returned to playing Wizards Chest.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," I murmured, not really expecting to get a response. It was then that Ginny entered the compartment.

"Hello," she said, sitting next to Harry. "Who's winning?"

"Ron is," Harry replied. "As he always does."

"That's right," Ron said proudly, as I slipped out of the compartment. I wandered down the hall a little, and past the bathroom to stop by the window. There I watched as we went over the bridge that ran over the ocean. I smiled at this, my breath taken by the view.

I heard someone giggle a little ways away from me, and I glanced over to find none other than Draco Malfoy enticing Pansy Parkinson. Honestly, that girl made me want to vomit every time I laid eyes upon her. I looked away, unscrewing the lid to my iced Pumpkin Juice and I took another sip. At least the pair had passion for one another. Whereas my relationship was as dull as the brown shirt I wore.

But just because they had passion, didn't mean they had a relationship. The door slid shut behind them and all was quiet. But only for a brief few minutes. Suddenly a high-pitched moan came from behind the door and I let my forehead hit the glass. It went on silently for a bit and then the same…

I moved on a bit more, trying to get that God-awful noise out of my head, when Malfoy emerged fixing his tie. I glanced down at my watch. Ten minutes… Either he was very good at what he did, or he couldn't hold out. I smirked to myself going for the latter.

"Well, well," he said after noticing me. I didn't know why I'd lingered there. "Did you like what you heard?"

"Wasn't listening," I muttered. Technically, the truth would've been, I was trying not to listen.

"Sure you weren't Granger," Malfoy murmured, resting his hands on the windowsill. "Are you deprived?"

"Do you insist on starting something with me every time we're near to each other?" I asked him, an eyebrow raised.

"Don't talk to me as though this is a civil conversation mudblood," Draco snapped.

"Unlike you, Malfoy, I know how to be civil. Even when I loathe someone," I spat back, before the compartment door slid open and Pansy came out.

"Draco?" she asked. "What are you-"

But she trailed off when she saw me standing beside her lover.

"Go back to the compartment, Pans. I'll be there in a moment," he said, without turning back to face her. Apparently, I'd challenged him in some way or another.

Pansy turned away reluctantly, for nobody questioned the Slytherin King.

"You loathe me Granger?" he asked moving closer to me.

"I believe that's what I said, yes. Do you need me to repeat it?" I asked, looking boldly into his pale face.

"Are you sure it's because you're trying to avoid becoming…infatuated with me?" he whispered.

I moved out from behind him and began to walk down the corridor.

"You certainly are full of yourself, aren't you Ferret?" I asked, before I reached the compartment door.

A/N: Next will be Draco's POV. Tell me what you thought about this. If you want more I'll write another chapter.