Disclaimer: I do not own Sly Cooper or this song. Sly Cooper and other related characters are property and creation of SuckerPunch, not me.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I know I lied to you last time about it being the final chapter, but now I am not sure if I will continue the story. I may end it for a time on this chapter and then keep adding as ideas come to me or just all together make a sequel or something. Well enjoy.
A Day of New
Minutes after Sly's little dance video was broad casted, video copies were all over the internet and on major news networks. People were uploading the video to video sharing websites, all over the television, and just all out every where! Sly had the reputation of being suave, evasive, and a master thief. A reputation that all most everyone knew about, a reputation that took a life time to build, and yet Carmelita had undid it all in a matter of minutes. His new reputation was of a joke.
"I think I feel remorse?" Carmelita told her psychiatrist. "I mean he hasn't been seen for weeks since this all happened." She embraced the pillow. "Well except for the last heist he tried to pull off... You remember the one in the newspaper."
"Sly," Bently tried to comfort. "It is not so bad."
Sly turned over on his bed to face Bently and Murry. "You guys were not the ones in that video doing that ridiculous dance to those ridiculous songs!" Sly through his head under his pillow. "I wake up almost fur less in a strange building. When we got home that day and that video aired on television, I was like 'hey, no big deal, right?' Well I was wrong. I stepped outside yesterday and some punk kid spotted me and started to take pictures of me with his cell phone while laughing and pointing, ultimately drawing a huge scene."
"You know you need Sly, a heist." Murry suggested.
"Yeah Sly," Said Bently going along with it. "To take your mind off of things, we can take up this latest offer. It is going to be good."
Sly faced his friends. "Will there be dozens of guards, heat sensitive floors, and lasers?" He asked like a sad child.
"That and multiple traps." Benlty emphasized.
They now held Sly's unwavering attention.
"The whole heist went horribly. Sly just did not have it in him." Carmelita twisted her raven locks. "From the moment he broke into the home, he tripped three alarms and had a cage fall on him."
The ferret therapist gritted his teeth.
"Are you okay?" Carmelita asked him.
"Oh, yeah. I am good. Now, please continue as your session ends soon." He advised.
"The children woke up and the guards found him. Everyone knew who he was and the treated the situation as one big joke!" She clenched her fist. "His friends, the one that is the brain, hacked the security system and was able to get him out. But not before the children had taken photos and video tapped him. When Sly finally escaped the house numerous cameras were pointed on him. I was a media circus." Carmelita looked into her therapist eyes. These were the eyes she had visited so many times before. "Well, my time is almost up. I best get going."
"Oh, please do not go yet." He grabbed Carmelita's arms and looked into her eyes.
"Huh? Um, why?" She asked.
"I want to know one last thing from you." He let her arm go.
"Sure, what is it." Carmelita sat back down.
"First," He handed her a book. "Here, no do not look at it yet, is a book I want you to read for our next visit. And second," He hesitated.
"Yes, what is it?" The fox pushed.
"Oh, well how do I ask this?" The therapist fumbled.
"Just say it will you! What is your problem? You have so jittery and awkward this whole session." Carmelita had noticed.
"What was the final score between you and Sly?" He finally asked trying to hide a smirk.
"Well, you know I really have not been keeping tally." Carmelita put her finger to her chin as she thought back. "There was Sly first one with the photographs all over my apartment, then I tied up above the water, then he took that embarrassing photo of me holding his photo, which by the way was not as it appeared, and then finally it was the video prank." She was a fast thinker. "We are tied, I would suppose so. Why do you ask?"
Her therapist leaned in closer to her. They were now face to face. Carmelita's heart began to race as though she had been in this exact situation before.
"Well, because my lovely little dove, you have made one miscalculation." He grinned.
"NO! I would never do that. We are at a tie!" She had missed what the ferret had said. "Your dove? What are you talking about." Carmelita raised an eyebrow.
"You have miscalculated." He placed his hand on the book that was being clutched to Carmelita's chest. "The score is Carmelita two and," He leaned closer to her lips and pressed his lips onto them. Carmelita lost herself in the situation. "Cooper three." The fox was still in a daze with her head tilted slightly and her eyes shut. "I win." And with that, the therapist jumped out of the window.
Coming back to reality, Carmelita watched her therapist jumping out of the office window. "What did he mean Cooper three and what was with that kiss?! I am ready to file a sexual harassment complaint." She placed her finger on her lip. "But it sure did seem like a familiar kiss. Hm. Wait were did my book go?" All the fox now held was a black and blue card in the shape of a raccoon head. Then it hit her. "COOPER! I AM GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS! JUST WAIT AND SEE!" She shouted out the window Sly had jumped out of.
Sly was now on the edge roof of the next building looking down out at Carmelita as she crawled out of the window and up the fire escape after him.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." Sly smirked and then climbed off the ledge. It was time for the chase.
Carmelita was right behind him now shooting of her shock pistol and jumping rooftops. For some reason Sly had a smile on his face as he looked back at his lady love.
"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Was all that could be heard coming from the now relieved and happy Carmelita as the duo ran into the night doing their dance.
Whoa! I had that ending planned since day one almost two years ago and just had to make it right! I hoped you enjoyed. I would like to thank all the readers who stuck with this fic until this ending. You guys have been great. This seems like a pretty solid ending and as I have previously stated, it may not be the end. Eh, I never know what will pop into my head. This was just going to be something short and over looked by many readers, but with all my ideas, I wrote them anyways. I was not expecting to get so many hits and great reviews on this fic as it was a side project and not my main fic. But thanks to you all, I have made it my number one priorty to finish and now it is time to change the status from In-Progress to Complete. Good night.