

Cherry: Hey everybody! Seeing as I got some…ahem…mixed reviews from my last ccs fic, I decided I'd write a nice S&S fic just for you guys!

Chickles: you see, when you bug her and bug her and tell her she's stupid…she finally breaks down and writes a good fic for you all! Now that's what I call success!

Cherry: *glare* just do what you're here for Chickles and then go away! I hate annoying muses!

Chickles: ahem…*holds up piece of paper* Cherry, the most wonderful and artistic and beautiful, no make that gorgeous fanfic author whom always seems to dazzle us with her mere presence and stunning beauty and brilliance…who the hell wrote this?

Cherry: well, it's another one of my most wonderful works of art.

Chickles: whatever *rolls eyes* I'll just say the usual, cherry own nothing! Go away lawyers before we smash you with big rock!



I Will Survive

By Cherry-cherry-girl

It was raining out. The depressing weather mimicked Sakura's mood. She sat at her window and watched the rain pelt down into the streets. She was 17 now, and the clow cards long captured and Sayoran long gone. Back to Hong Kong where he belonged. (A/n woah…I rhymed…~shudder~) Meiling had moved back to Japan last year, and didn't bring any news of him with her. All she said was that she had moved to a different area and didn't see him since they went back to Hong Kong. Sakura had waited around for him for a while. A year or so. But then she realized that he probably wasn't coming back, so she agreed to let one of her friends hook her up with a guy. Since then she had been dating around, but she could never feel the same way she felt when she was around Sayoran. Just recently she had been dating this rally nice guy. She thought he was the one, sweet and kind, almost made her forget about Sayoran…almost. But then he broke her heart. He cheated on her with her best friend, and dumped her right in front of everyone at the school dance. Sakura sighed, it had already been a week but she still felt awful. Tomoyo had come over to cheer her up with a pint of ice cream, and it worked for a while, but it didn't take away all the pain. Suddenly the phone rang. Sakura picked it up.

"Hello?" She said half drowsily in to the phone.

"Hey Sakura!"

"Oh hey Tomoyo. What's up?" Sakura plopped down on her bed.

"What's up? Wait…lets stop for a moment, what's up with you?" Tomoyo's voice suddenly sounded concerned.

"Oh nothing" Sakura lied.

"It's Tom isn't it." Tom was Sakura's old boyfriend, the one who humiliated her.

"Yeah…" there was no use in hiding secrets from Tomoyo. She knew whenever something was wrong with Sakura.

"Forget about him! You can do way better! Look, I actually called for a reason. You know the summer carnival is coming up, and there is this talent show this year."

"Really?" Sakura only sounded half interested.

"Yes. So anyways, I was talking with Meiling, and we both agreed that you have a great voice…"

"What are you getting at Tomoyo?"

"Oh um…well, you know that "I will survive" song? I've heard you sing it before and so has Meiling and we both think you look way too kawaii when you sing it."

"Oh…um…thanks…" Sakura blushed.

"So um…we kinda entered ourselves and you in the talent show to sing that song… and you're the main singer…" Tomoyo's voice trailed off.

"WHAT?!?!" Sakura jumped off her bed blushing furiously.

"Now don't freak…but we think you'd be great at it…and it's kinda too late to withdraw…"

"Tomoyo! Why now?! I mean, right after Tom…"

"Screw Tom! This is for you Sakura! You need to quit thinking about that jerk and have fun. And maybe when he sees you singing about how you can survive without him, well maybe he'll just go stick his head in a creek and drown!" Tomoyo interrupted Sakura.

"Woah…I've never heard you speak like that….ok, I'll do it…but only for you Tomoyo."

Aw! Thanks! You won't regret this!"

"I hope I don't…" Sakura said as she hung up the phone. She'd never sang in public before. What if she screws up? "You won't screw up Sakura! You can do this!" Sakura said aloud to herself. "Yeah! Screw Tom! You don't need him!" Sakura laughed as she shouted out. She looked out the window and saw the sun shining through the now breaking clouds. Sakura laughed and grabbed her blades to go out skating.
