Warning: contains some minor season 10 spoilers up to The Quest (part 1)
Do not let Colonel Mitchell take command of missions. He tends to get people in a lot of trouble.
When in doubt, use C4
Do not mention Jaffa cakes to Teal'c. You may not have time to explain that you don't plan on eating our allies before you find yourself dismembered.
Don't even bother trying to interview Teal'c
If people have dreams that suddenly answer all of your questions, be very wary.
If someone tells you that there is a dragon, don't completely discount it.
Colonel Carter CAN play poker. She is one of the few people apart from General O'Neill who can beat Teal'c.
The Stargate does not only spin because General Hammond wanted it to.
The people in the Land of the Light are probably our favourite allies who are less advanced than us. Be nice, or the wonderful parties that they so willingly agree to host will come to an end.
If someone disappears, be sure to check the local restaurants.
Walter HAS been through the Stargate.
Everyone loves a wedding.
All right guys. This is all very funny, and you've had your fun now. And Ferretti, do you know how pissed Carter is that you've been getting emails from the future, and haven't told her? And be quiet about Danny dying. You'll jinx him. And this probably wasn't the best way for Teal'c to find out about Jaffa cakes. If you insist on doing something like this again, I suggest you keep it off the computers. May I remind you that even if I didn't have access to the entire base network, I do have access to a brilliant computer whiz who could hack on to any of your accounts in minutes. And if you have corrupted any of the new guys, well I'll just have to shoot you.
General Jack O'Neill, on behalf of himself and the rest of SG-1.
Well this has finally come to an end. I would like to thank all of the dedicated reviewers for taking a few seconds out of your days to review. And to those who only read, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. If you liked this, then I would love for you to read and review my other stories. They are pretty different, and mostly SamJack oriented so if you didn't like that aspect of this one, you probably won't like the rest. And last of all, please read and review for the last time.