11 months later:

Jen held her baby in the nursary she was already two moths old she was very happy being a mother Wes was a great father. Alyssa's parents had still njot been found and now Alyssa was missing it kinda worred Jen but she didn't like to show it. Just then Wes came in and smiled

"She asleep?" Wes asked they had name Erica after Eric .

"ya" she put Erica in the crib that was pink, They both walked out and sat on the couch he kissed her

"We never did get our honeymoon did we?" Wes asked with a laugh

"No but once Erica get older we can go on one" she kissed him again.


4 months later:

Jen laughed as Erica walked to her Wes smiled Erica did eveything she was very smart and was always talking.

"Mama" she said Jen picked her up and smiled.

Katie came up "So how are my favorite kid?"

"Aunt KAtie Aunt Katie" Erica said getting up and trying to run over to her but fell over Katie laughed and picked her up "This kid is very smart..."

Jen sat on the otherside of Wes and put her head on his shoulder and looked at their daughter and smiled she loved Erica and Wes she was happy everything worked out. Everything was in place everything was perfect to bad it couldn't last.


This is a sample of the sequal:

Jen was home alone tonight her 2 year old daughter was sleeping in her room. Erica was a smart kid she was potty trained and already knew how to count to 10 and do a tiny bit of math, she remembered when she had first come back and seen Wes with Alyssa but now everything was great.

She was reading a book when she heared a loud noise and Erica started to cry she got up and headed to her room the room was dark but she saw Erica crying in her bed she started to walk over to her but then someone hit her in the back of her head she fell to the ground.

She opeaned her eyes and saw out the window it was light out she looked at the bed Erica was gone "ERICA?" Jen yelled. She looked all around the house but Erica was gone...her cell phone rang


"Its me Wes I have bed news...Alyssa's parents have been spotted around here you and Erica stay inside I'm going to send a few silver gardians took keep an eye on you and her" then he realized Jen was crying "Jen whats wrong?"

"Erica is gone they took Erica" jen cried into the phone