Thank you all for the kind reviews and for reading this story!

Chapter 7

After her little slip up about basketball tryouts Sharpay felt a lot better. She felt awful hiding something as simple like that from her friends, well mainly Ryan. She told him everything. She was glad they took it so well….. well at least after they believed her. But hey, she understood.

Troy and Chad were headed to their last class of the day, biology. Their least favorite class, but they had the whole gang in their so it wasn't too bad, especially since Gabriella and Taylor were smarty pants and helped them to pass.

"So man. You did great at the musicale auditions. I mean I didn't really care for the sappy love song, I mean me I would've gone with 50 cent or T.I., Chris Brown or maybe even…"

Cutting Chad off, "Ok I get it, but you still thought it was good right?" Troy asked hoping for a yes.

"Yea, hint the "you did great at the musicale auditions." Duh man. It's pretty cool that Sharpay is doing basketball. You know first you with the whole musical thing now she's doing the opposite of you and doing the basketball. And she is really really good. I cant believe you almost lost to a girl, and Sharpay Evans for that matter." Chad laughed throwing his arm around Troy in a friendly manner.

"Yea Yea laugh all you want but my dad wants her coming to our practices every once in a while to scrimmage. So I wouldn't be talking if I were you." Troy said with a grin and walking in the class taking his seat, which caused Chad to stop laughing.

Sitting next to Troy in a hush tone, "Yea well maybe your dad will forget to ask her."

"Highly doubt it man, he's gonna ask her after the tryouts today. And if it deals with basketball, my dad never forgets."

"You're right. I guess we just got to take it like men and try not to lose to a girl." Chad said. "Speaking of Sharpay there she is."

"Hey guys! I'm so excited for tryouts! I mean I've worked my butt of this past summer and fall trying to get in shape." She said taking her seat in front of the boys.

Well it certainly paid off. What are you thinking Troy just forget about it. You don't like her, she's your cute friend and nothing more. Like, well like….Gabby! Except I don't think of Gabby like this.

The tardy bell rang kicking Troy out of his own thoughts and prepared him for another boring day in Biology.

After class was over Chad told Troy he was going to go walk Taylor to her locker then meet up with him for Tryouts.

"Later Man! Wildcats!" Chad shouted as he was leaving with his arm around Taylor.

"Chad wait a sec. Hey Sharpay?" Taylor said.

"Um yea?"

"Good Luck out there! Can't wait to see you play!"

Going up to her and giving her a hug, "Thanks Taylor, I needed that. I'll call you tonight and let you know what happens."

"Better yet," Chad started, "How about we all meet up at Red Robins lets say…at 7. That way it gives us enough time to shower and what not after tryouts. What do you guys think?"

Taylor, Sharpay, and Troy in unison, "Sounds good."

"Alright 7 it is. I guess I'll see you two in the gym."

"Hey where did Gabriella and Ryan go." Sharpay said looking around the room.

"Oh yea they left, something about Darbus wanting to talk to them." Troy said. Reaching out for Sharpay's duffel bag with her basketball stuff and picking it up, "Come on I'll walk you to the locker room."

Smiling and what Troy thought was a blush, "Ok, thanks Troy."

The two walked slowly and quietly down the halls neither one looking at the other and just staring at their feet. When they finally reached their destination Troy handed her the bag he was holding for her.

"Thanks Troy, good luck. Well I guess I'll see you in the gym right?"

Nodding, "Yea but I mean we really wont see each other the girls get one side of the gym and the guys get the other, then sometimes we all join together."

"Oh ok, well I guess I'll see you if I see ya." Sharpay said smiling. Pushing the door open for the locker room,

"Sharpay wait." Troy said while grabbing her wrist.

"Yes Troy?" What is he going to do?

Troy took her free hand and pulled her close to him with her hand in his on his chest. Slowly his faced inched towards her and their lips were only a few inches apart. It's now or never Bolton, you know you wanna kiss her just do it!

"Come on Troy we only have 5 minutes before tryouts hurry up man!" Chad yelled from the gym.

Horrible timing Chad! Letting go of her hand, " I just wanted to say good luck Sharpay." With that he walked into the locker room but not before he took one last look.

"You too, Troy. Good Luck."


A whistle blew stopping everyone in their tracks. "Alright everybody huddle up over here, that includes you girls too." Coach Bolton said.

"Dude what's up with you're dad?" Chad said walking over with Troy.

"I have no clue." Troy said.

"Alright everyone listen up. Seems like the girls coach, Coach Kinney couldn't make it. Some type of family emergency. But since I've known her long enough she has trusted me to handle the girls' tryouts. As all of you might have guessed that means the girls and guys will be trying out together."

A bunch of "what's" was heard around the gym.

One of the top players from the girls team spoke up, "Um excuse me sir, no offense or anything but it really isn't fair that the guys will be playing against the girls." Said Brittany standing up.

"I know that's why I want all you girls to team up with a guy, making it equal. This will be the person you will exercise with and scrimmage with. Now pick, you have 30 seconds." He blew the whistle and started his stopwatch.

Sharpay obviously wanted to pick Troy but when she found him more than half the girls were smothering him and asking him to be their partner.

A whistle was heard again from Coach Bolton, "Ladies you cant all have Troy, to make this easier I'll pick his partner. Let's see," he said looking around the gym, "Ok, Miss Evans you will be Troy's partner. Is that a problem?"

With a huge smile, "Not a problem at all, Thanks Coach." She said walking over to Troy and picking up a basketball along the way. Right before she was about to go to Troy she was stopped by Coach Bolton, "Miss Evans?"

"Yea, you can call me Sharpay." She said with a small grin. She was a little nervous about what he wanted.

"Ok, well then Miss Evans, I mean Sharpay, could I talk to you after tryouts?" Putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry it's nothing bad."

"No problem."

"Great! See you then for now on go with Troy and practice."

"Yes Coach" she said running over to where Troy was already shooting some hoops.

I like that girl. Coach Bolton was thinking.

After what seemed like forever tryouts were over.

"Ok everyone could you all sit in a circle around me and my assistant coach Cooper? Hurry it up." Yelled Jack Bolton.

When everyone was in a circle he started talking again. " Now we have written down who had make what team. So after you all change and shower it will be posted with all the other bulletins. For those who didn't make it I hope you will come tryout next year. Alright huddle up. Chad if you would lead us in the cheer."

Chad stood up and everyone followed suit. "What team?"

Everyone else, "Wildcats!"

Chad, "What team!"

Chad and everyone else, "Wildcats! Getcha Head in the Game!"

The Boys locker room

"Think we made the team?" Asked Troy getting dressed.

"Dude are you serious of course we did!" Said Chad. "But in case if you're worried let's go check. Oh yea think Sharpay made it. I mean she had to of. She totally schooled Jason and Zeke. She was awesome. Alright come on dude let's go check."

Grabbing all his stuff and fixing his hair one last time they left the locker room. They started walking down the halls and heard some voices.

Whispering, "Hey Troy that sounds like your dad and Sharpay."

"Yea, you're right shhh. Listen."

"So Coach you wanted to talk to me?" Sharpay asked.

"Yea. You see you're a great player and I know this is your first year and all and, well have you seen the roster yet?"

"No because I knew you wanted to talk to me."

"Oh alright well then we decided to put you on starting Varsity and to.." But he was cut off by Sharpay giving him a big hug.

"Are you serious? This is awesome! I can't believe it thank you so much Mr. Bolton! I can't wait to tell the whole gang!"

"Well wait a minute Sharpay, there's more." Jack said trying to calm the extremely ecstatic girl in front of him.

"There's more, what else could there possibly be?"

"We decided and we have talked to some of the other girls, that you will be team Captain. Congratulations!" He said hugging her.

"Oh my gosh. Thank you so much! You have no idea what this means to me. I guess I'll see you later…Coach." She said walking away.

"Oh yes one last thing Sharpay. Anytime you want to come over and practice with me and Troy or come over for dinner, you're always welcome."

"Thanks. I'll have to take you up on that sometime."

"Well man, I guess you're going to be seeing a lot more of Sharpay" Chad said patting Troy on the back, "Now come on let's go check the roster!" Him and Troy ran over to the roster and weren't surprised at all. Troy made Varsity and Captain, Chad also on Varsity and Co-Captain.

Troy looking around, "Chad, What time is it?"

Looking down at his watch, "Aw man its 6:10. Come on let's go." He said grabbing Troy by the arm and practically dragging him.

"Whoa what's the hurry?" Troy said attempting to get his arm back from Chad's tight grip.

Completely stopping in his tracks, "Do you not know me? It takes me like a half hour to do my hair, now let's get a move on it Captain!"

"Well where's Sharpay I wanted to congratulate her." Troy said turning around going to find her, but was stopped when Chad, yet again, grabber his arm and dragged him off.

"Well do that at Red Robin, you'll have plenty of time for that then. Now hurry up!"

Giving up, "Fine you win," Ruffling Chad's hair, "Let's go make your hair big and fluffy like a poodle." Troy said laughing.

"Hey! You can make fun of my clothes, the way I play basketball or whatever else you want. But don't, I repeat don't mess with the hair." Chad said pointing his finger at Troy with a very stern voice.

Looking a little scared, "Sorry, let's go….Princess." He ran towards the door with Chad on his heels.

Whatever, he's just jealous! Chad thought.

Ok so this was probably my longest chapter. I have the next chapter planned but if any of you have any ideas of what you want to happen…please tell! Thanks!