Disclaimer: I own nothing!

It starts off the year after the winter musical. Troy and Gabriella are no longer dating but really good friends. Chad and Taylor are still going strong. Ryan and Sharpay have gotten nicer but Sharpay still has her moments.

Chapter One

It was that time of year again. The winter musical was coming up but Ms. Darbus decided she wanted it to be even more perfect so she was holding auditions even earlier…they happened to be the day of basketball tryouts. Luckily for Troy Bolton they were at different times.

"Now Class," said Ms. Darbus, "As most of you know it is time for the winter musical. I'm very excited for this great theatre production. It is a classic love story. Boy meets girl, girl hates boy, yet they still fall in love. Oh yes, and my favorite part the songs they are just so…" and she just goes on and on.

Chad whispers to Troy, "Hey man you trying out again?"

"Yea, and hey I already know where you're going with this, I'll have plenty of time for basketball."

"Ok man just making sure, I mean YOU are the star player."

Troy just sighs, " Yea Yea so I hear."

Ms. Darbus hears them talking, "Mr. Danforth and Mr. Bolton would you like to join me for detention after school?"

Both boys look at each other with a scared look, "No."

"Well, then I suggest you stop talking. As I was saying I have the sign up sheet here so just go ahead and pass it around and let those who are brave enough sign up. Ah Miss Evans, here you go I'm sure you'll be signing up won't you? So after you're done just pass it behind you."

Sharpay just looked at it and sighed. She just handed it to the person behind her, which happened to be her brother Ryan. " I'm actually going to skip this one Ms. Darbus."

The whole class let out a huge gasp.

"Why Miss Evans, are you sure? You have such amazing talent and especially for someone so young." Miss Darbus really wanted her to tryout, she happened to love her voice.

Sharpay just looked down avoiding eye contact, " I. well… you see…. there's something else I wanted to try this year. I mean I always have the spring musical and next year."

Ryan having no clue as to what his sister is doing stands up and kneels by her desk." Sis what are you doing? You love the spotlight. We can beat Troy and Gabby. We did for the spring musical."

"It's not about that Ryan. I wanna try something new. Well something I've always wanted to try so I'm finally going to do it."

"Well what are you doing?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Now please stop bugging me about it!" She yelled at him.

"I was wondering where that Sharpay went." Chad told Troy, "Hey what do you think she's gonna do?"

"I don't know, but I guess that means Gabby got the leading role."

Hearing this Gabriella spoke up, "We wont know for sure, I mean since we auditioned last time there were so many more people."

Troy thinks about this, "Yea I guess your right but Sharpay was your biggest competitor and now she out of it."

"I guess your right."

The bell rings excusing them from homeroom.

"Now children remember the auditions are tomorrow during free period. Don't be late." Ms. Darbus says looking at Troy and Gabriella, "The theatre waits for no one."

Chad, Gabriella and Troy start walking down the hall.

" I don't see how you guys can stand being with Darbus for an entire musical, I can barely handle her for a half hour." Chad says.

"Well she is kinda crazy but hey she loves the theatre." Gabriella says. " I still can't believe Sharpay isn't trying out. It wont be the same without her. Bye guys." She walks to her next class.

Both boys. " See ya!"

"Well man", says Chad, "I guess I'll see ya at lunch. Hey don't you have next period with Sharpay?"

"Um..yea why?"

"Maybe you can squeeze it out of her and see what she's doing instead of the musical."

"I highly doubt that man, I mean her own brother doesn't even know. And she didn't seem to keen on wanting to tell him either."

"Hey, it was just a thought. Later."

Troy walks into class and sees a sad looking Sharpay. "Alright, " Troy thinks to himself, "I guess I could try to talk to her. Here goes nothing."

Ok people please review. Good or bad I don't care. I hope you liked it.