Oh no!

Here we go!

Lightening in the sky

Flashing here, flashing there

Streaks of bolts


It's time to run

It's time to hide

It's time to take shelter

on the side.

To the inn

In I go

Safe for now

hiding low.

I cover my face

So ashamed

A guardian afraid of lightening

how incredibly lame!

Wakka laughs

Auron mocks

but there's one man

who truly understands.

He comes to me

with a grin on his face

and gingerly wraps

his arms around my waist.

He whispers, "It's ok"

and at that moment

there's a change in

the tides of fate.

I'm no longer weak,

no longer afraid

of the endless bolts

furiously pounding away.

His eyes

mesmerizes me

and his lips

beckons me.

Who knew I'd find

a peace of mind

in the midst of the madness

with my cousin's guardian...
