Chapter 1

Title: The One With The Good Bye Peasant

Hey! This story is a POV. She goes to a new school and all that jazz. I make WTF stories…as people say. He-he. So this was once over 9 thousand words. And my friends complained how long it was and they were too lazy to read it all. She I made it into four chapters.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto…or that will be weird…


I woke up and got changed. I was moving with my family today to go to the village Hidden in the Leafs. My family is messed up. My parents got devoiced when I was seven. I am now 14. Then my father became an alcoholic and smokes pot and weed. And my mother goes out with this two faced Hindu guy.

My name is Ai. I have dark green hair that was pulled into a bun, but some pieces of hair fell out. Also dark green eyes. I wore a private school outfit, from when the principal was on drugs and we had to wear uniforms but not anymore, but it is such a cool outfit it made it into my normal dressing, witch was black and white dress (Japanese style uniform out like Kagome's, but different colors), and I didn't even go to one.

I walked down stairs to see my mother and Hindu guy making out.

"I'm going to school." I yelled while I ran to the door. There was no answer back so I opened up the door and walked out to the Mist High School.


When I got to the school I saw my friends Haku and Zabuza. I waved to them. I do have some-err-weird friends, but they still believe in me and protect me from other people in my school. Even if they are gay!

"Hey guys!" I yelled with excitement. They waved back. I really didn't want to move today. I will miss all my old friends I known since pre-k. And I will go to this new school that everyone was friends with since pre-k as well. And when I come in, I won't know anyone and they would probably don't want to know me! I wished I didn't have to move.

My mother is only moving because her boyfriend is jealous. Because it is not technically his house, it is my father's house.

"Sup Ai? So you're moving today?" Haku asked. I nodded.

"I have to move into the Village Hidden in the Leafs." I said, "It will suck!"

"We will just miss you." Zabuza said.

"I have a camera. Why don't we take last day pictures?" Haku asked.

"Cool." I answered. Then the bell rang.

"Shit. Okay…lunch."

"Sounds good with me. See ya guys!"


I ran into the school and to my classroom. This school was small. It wasn't big at all. It only had one floor. My first period was English. I despised this class. But it was okay at times. When I walked in, there was no teacher in sight.

"Lookie here guys! It is Ai." Sai said as I sat down.

"Go to hell!" I snapped at them. This was the only class that I had to friends to defend me.

"Oh. I like them feisty." Orochimaru said.

"Why don't you guys just leave me alone?"

"Well heard you were moving today." Kabuto said.

"What is it to you?"

"We just wanted to give you a peasant before you leave." Orochimaru said as his group came closer to me. Orochimaru came closer to me, our faces mere inch apart. Then the door swung opened. Orochimaru backed away, thinking it was the teacher. But it wasn't it was this teen boy who no one knew.

"Can I sit here?" the teen asked me. I nodded and he sat in the desk next to me.

"Now back to like I was saying." Orochimaru came close to me…again. Then I did something I would never do, but since it was my last day and I was not coming back. I spilt in his face.

"Get away from me." I warned him.

"Listen. I always get what I want."

"Well not today." Then Orochimaru pulled my hand and made me kiss him. Then the door sung opened and Orochimaru pushed me into my seat.

"This is not over. And the rumor is true, you are a good kisser." Orochimaru walked away with his gang laughing. I just froze there. That was my first kiss. How can I be a good kisser? I just was forced to kiss this guy that I hate! That was gross. I came to my senses and spilt to the ground, getting all the taste out of my mouth.

"You don't like him?" the teen next to me asked. I nodded.

"Thank god I am moving today!" I said with excitement, "You must be my replacement."

"You're moving?" I nodded again.

"Yeah. Today."


"Well this is a cool and fun school it is just that it doesn't have the best people."

"Like that guy?"

"Yeah. And his stupid gang and…"

"Ms. Ai, what is the answer to number five?" the teacher asked. I didn't even know he was teaching! I stuttered.

"Um…eh…um…42?" the class laughed.

"Well…that is incorrect. But I will let that slide since you are moving today. Now, Mr. Kabuto…what is the answer?"

"Incomplete sentence." Kabuto answered.


"That is what I was going to say." I said while looking at my homework.

"Then you can answer the next one Ai."

"It is complete."

"Well that is corrected!"

"See? I'm smart!"

"Well…number seven. What about Mr. Orochimaru?"


After English I went to Spanish where Haku was. Zabuza took German.

"Hey Haku!" I said with excitement. I took the desk next to him. He smiled at me.

"Say cheese!" Haku said quickly. I looked all him and he took a picture. I had a shocked face on. Haku chuckled, "That one is a keeper!"

"Hey!" I yelled while trying to grab the digital camera from him to delete it.

Then the teacher walked in…

"Hola clase!" the teacher said. Everyone sighed and said,

"Hola Senora Chip Chips." That was her nickname, her real name was too hard to pronounce.

When Senora Chip Chips was teaching I noticed Haku had his I Pod on and I saw it was on my favorite song by the band Tiffany. Haku and I usually blast it from his stereo from his room and Zabuza would close his ears. He hated that 'stupid girly band', as he would say. Haku and I would laugh and start singing to make him annoyed.

I smiled at him, but he was just looking at the board and copying notes. I am the exact opposite from him, I cant multi task like him.


After Spanish was over, there was math. Zabuza was in the class with Haku and me. I sat behind Zabuza and Haku, since it was only two desks to a row. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Sai.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Orochimaru wants to see you in the hallway." Sai said.

"Well too bad. If he weren't so chicken, he would come to me."

"Okay." Sai walked out of the classroom. Haku and Zabuza turned around.

"What was that about?" Zabuza asked me.

"Well, Orochimaru and his gang want to give me a peasant before I leave." I answered while I sunk low into my seat.

"Oh," Haku said, "We will make sure that he doesn't."

"He already gave me a bit."

"He kissed you?"

"Yeah. He pulled onto my arm. I tried to pull away. And he is like 'the rumor is true, you are a great kisser', but that was my first kiss! I can't believe my first kiss was with that stupid snake breath."

Then the door swung open. There was that stupid gang again. I sunk under my desk so I wasn't sitting in the chair anymore and sat under my desk. The gang came to my desk.

"Where is she?" Kabuto asked.

"I don't know, she was here a minute ago." Sai answered. I started to crawl past desks and reached a big space and after that was the door to my freedom, until the teacher comes in. I got up and ran to the door. Opened it, then I heard.

"There she is!" Sai yelled.

"Well no duh!" Kabuto said. I ran out the door and to the next hall, where my locker was. There I saw the guide ness councilor.

"What are you doing here? Running? And class started three minutes ago!" the councilor yelled at me.

"See? Um…" I begun but the councilor grabbed my ear and pulled me to my class. She swung open the door and pushed me back into the room.

/ Stupid bitch/

The class laughed at me, I went back to my seat and slumped. Then Orochimaru's gang came up to me.

"What's up?" I asked them.

"So, you got caught? I knew you could never get away with things." Orochimaru said.

"And what is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing. You just aren't the kind that gets away with things."

"Go to hell." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my glasses. We had assigned seats and mine just had to be the second to last row. The board was hard to read to me so I had to wear glasses in this class. I put them on. It had thick black trim (it is the kind ya see everyone wear now). I tapped on Haku's shoulder. Haku turned around. Then he took a picture.

"That one is a keeper too." Haku said.

"Go to hell! And can I have a piece of paper?" I asked.

"I don't have any more." I tapped on Zabuza's shoulder.

"What?" he asked me in annoyance tone.

"Can I have a piece of paper?"

"Don't have any."

"Yeah right! You guys are just lying to me."

"Maybe we are."

"You can all rot in hell if I care!"

Then the door swung opened and the teacher came in.

"Now can everyone take out a piece of paper and-"the teacher began but was cut off by my hand raise, "Yes Ai?"

"I don't have a piece of paper." I said.

"Then ask someone."

"I did, and they said they didn't have any."

"I have a piece." A voice said behind me. I shot around to see in was Orochimaru. He handed the paper to me.

"Yeah, thanks." I took out my pen from my pocket and the teacher started on with his lesson, and we had to write problems and notes.


I was at my red locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I shot around. It was Orochimaru.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily. I took my glasses off and placed them in my locker.

"You owe me." He answered.

"What are you talking about?"

"I gave you a piece of paper."

"So? I give you pieces of paper all the time. You have five more papers to go till I owe you."

"You keep count?"

"Yes. I do."

"You're lying."

"I have to get to Science. So if you move-"


"What? Move the hell away. You and your stupid gang are surrounding me and I have to get to class before that bitch catches me. You got me in trouble once today!" then Orochimaru pulled on my arm again. Well damn him! He made me kiss him again. This one was longer then the other, since there was no door that the teacher can swing open. I was struggling to break free, but when ever I did, he would grip harder, and then my arm started to fell sore. So after ten seconds of that kiss I gave up struggling and relaxed, hoping he would let go then. I was counting, twenty, twenty five. I was starting to lose breath. Then he let go, making me land to the ground.

"You liked it, didn't you?" Orochimaru asked. His gang snickered.

"Go to hell!" I yelled. I got up and spilt at his feet, "The rumor is true you are a bad kisser." Then Orochimaru punched my face and landed up against my locker. He and his gang left. Then I rushed into class. I was two minutes late. Thank god this was one of the classes, only two though, that he and his gang weren't in.


Okay! That was the first chapter! How did ya like it? A little WTF, don't ya think. And the Naruto characters will come very soon! Just bare with me.

Haku: I love that Tiffany song.

Zabuza: Well I hate it

Haku: If ya send a review that is not a flame…um…

I will give ya a hug

Zabuza: not me!

Haku: I will give a hug too

Zabuza: Ahem

Haku: Um…and you too…

Zabuza: Send lots of reviews!