So I had another idea. Kill me. LOL! This is a taste, and you all should tell me if I should continue. Thanks!

Alex Caldwin

She danced around in her sleep shorts and shirt to one of her favorite songs. Her so-called apartment was small and sort of grungy but it did the trick. It was so weird thinking that she had graduated over five years ago, and she was 23.

She smiled. It was so strange to think that she and her boyfriend would be celebrating their two year anniversary. She had met Alex Caldwin in the New Age class she was taking in College while she was training to major in Theater. Then when she got a local job at a nearby Café, he came and visited her there often, bringing her roses and chocolates. It was how they had gotten together in essence.

She still worked at the same Café, but she promised herself it was only until she could get a real job acting. Maybe even on Broadway. New York was such a big city though. She sighed, every girl was allowed a few dreams right? Just then her phone rang loudly. She picked up as she tried to dry her hair out from her shower.

" Hey girl!" Libby Estevez cried. She and Libby were still best friends of course, even though Libby and Sheen had gotten married almost right out of High School. They were the happiest people Cindy knew. Even with three kids, soon to be four. Lizzy was the oldest she was five years, yes Libby had gotten pregnant before she was married, it was quite the scandal. Colin followed at four, Cindy was next being two.

" Hey." She said as she put some hot water on the oven.

" I just wanted to say good luck tonight, it's been two years honey, I think tonight is the big night!"

" Oh Libby, do you really think so?"

" I more then think, I practically know, so how long before he gets there?"

" About fifteen minutes."


" Oh shut up." She scorned her. She was sure that on the other end, she was rolling her eyes. Libby laughed on the other end.

" Lizzy, Colin, say hi to aunty Cindy!"

Of course she wasn't the 'real' aunt, but they called her aunty anyway.

She heard a few gurgling noises, and two hellos.

" Hi guys!" She chirped.

" Goo' luck." She recognized Colin's voice.

" Thanks honey!"

Libby took the phone back with a struggle and Cindy heard her whisper to her children.

" Go to bed now!" Silence for a minute, then Libby picked the phone back up. " Sorry about that, sometimes children can be a pain." She said teasingly. " So, what are you wearing?"

" I'm not exactly sure."

" Oh my! This is worse then I thought. I'm going to let you go."

" Oh no! It's okay."

" No, you go get ready for your life changing date this minute!" She sighed as she obeyed her command.

" Okay, I'll call you as soon as I get home."

" If you get home," she laughed heartily.

" Whatever! Bye!" She said and hung up with a smile on her face.

She hurried to her dressing room, and got dressed and ready faster then she ever had in her life. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, just a simple black dress, sleek, chic, sexy, modest. She loved this dress, it was her ultimate favorite, it was the token of good luck, she was wearing it when Alex gave her their first kiss. Of course it would never beat...

She instantly got that thought out of her mind and scorned herself. She fixed her hair one last time. Then the doorbell rang loudly. She peeked through her peep whole in her door, and there he was, his bright blue eyes brought out by the dark tux, his black hair perfectly fixed and inside she squealed happily. He never dressed up this much unless they were going out somewhere really special. She opened the door, and he stood, staring at her, speechless.

" Mhm, you look amazing my dear." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

" Thanks, you look pretty darn good yourself." She said, blushing.

And together they walked out of her apartment.

" So when are you going to get a new apartment?"

" When I can afford it," she said as she climbed into the fanciest hover-car she had ever seen, it was the main way to travel now since they were much more energy efficient then cars, but they were much more technologically developed then when he drove one. Cindy stopped herself again. Alex was a developer of Limited Inc. which was the very capital of New York these days since it was the head of everything that was related to transportation all over the world. He was a very rich young man, of course not nearly as rich as .. Again she stopped herself from letting her thoughts venture to him. Why did she keep thinking about him tonight?

" Well you know, I'm not exactly poor Cind," he said shooting her a smile.

" And you know I would never accept money from you."

" I know because you had to be born stubborn."

She smiled at him. And then they turned a corner into an empty parking lot.

" This is the best place I could think of for this." He said as he pulled out a single stemmed rose. She smiled as he reached into his pocket and produced. A key? All this for a stinkin' key?

" I want you to move in with me, and this is the key to my apartment."

Cindy was speechless.

" Yes?"

Cindy just nodded. Who could say no? Alex had one of the best pads in town! She was speechless.

" Oh Alex, this is so great, when can I move in?" She teased and he hugged her tightly. He smelled her hair for a moment, and then whispered.

" Anytime you feel like it." She smiled again and batted her eyes for a moment. " Do you know where we are?" It was really to dark to see anything except for the empty parking lot so Cindy shook her head no. He opened the doors automatically, like on a space ship, and she stepped out. He took her hand and lead her through the dark to a tall sign lit by shining lights.

" Oh my gosh!" She cried. It was the college they had attended, and this was the very spot in which he first asked her out. " Oh Alex, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." And almost as if on cue her brain chirped in, except for .. Again she stopped her brain, what was wrong with her tonight? Okay, maybe more then tonight ever since graduation of High School she had thought about him. She shook her head.

" What's wrong baby?" He asked with a smile she just shook her head again.

" Oh nothing at all, it's just so perfect." He took her hand and kissed it and then kissed her lips passionately. When they pulled away, he took her hand and they walked in the darkness around the campus.

All of a sudden, he tickled her sides.

" Hey!" She squealed, trying to bat away his hands. " What are you doing?" She said through gasps of laughter.

" I'm tickling my girlfriend." He teased, and she smiled. He wrapped his arms around her and stepped in the back of her. They stood there, facing the Trent Hall, which was where they had first met. Again, he smelled her hair.

" Will you stop doing that? It tickles," she asked with a smile.

" It's just your hair smells so good, it makes me dizzy, it's so sexy when you smell like this, it's like a chemical, honestly." He teased, and she winked at him.

" Hmph. You don't know what your talking about Mr. Caldwin."

" You're right Miss Vortex."

Silence fell over them, and in the silence Cindy's eyes accidentally traveled from the building, into the sky, to the stars. It was so hard to believe that's what won him the Nobel Prize. The stars. He had become a major scientist of course, and had developed a Space Station which could hold thousands of people, a city in space. Instantly, it made her flash back to lying on a plaid blanket in the middle of an empty field in Retroville Texas. The way he tasted when he kissed her, the way he felt pressed up against hers, the way she loved him. The first time he had said he loved her. Their first kiss in that dark alley way in Retroville. She was so happy, and then all of a sudden, she found herself missing Jimmy Neutron. It was a pretty regular occurrence when she was depressed or nervous about something. He had to be happy now, he chose the road which would bring him wealth and not her. But she had to admit it wasn't exactly the stupidest choice ever, he was like a billionaire, no not billionaire, more like zillionaire. He was the richest man in the world, and had been voted the most eligible bachelor about a hundred times.

" Aren't the stars beautiful?" Alex whispered.

" Yes they are, but do you mind if we leave?" She knew she needed to stop thinking about him.

" No! So, can I expect you tonight?" He whispered sweetly in her ear. She giggled.

" Only if you come get me."

" I'll be there in two hours."

" Good."

And he took her home. It was kind of nice to get away from the reminder of Jimmy, but then hanging on her door was a magazine she had ordered through some little kid in the building called Sci-Today. And there he was on the cover, in all his glory. He still wore that stupid blue lab coat with the atom on the back and he'd even gone back to the silly whippy hair do look. She laughed when she saw that. He was holding up a beaker.


She laughed and rolled her eyes, of course. She threw the magazine in the trash and sat down her couch. She decided to turn on the t.v. but every channel was a news channel, which ironically had Jimmy. And a little flashing thing across the bottom which read, Breaking News.

" So Mr. Neutron, how is your love life these days?"

Jimmy laughed, and she closed her eyes. She loved his laugh... OH no you don't! She screamed at herself.

" Oh, well I'm still single, but I think I'm ready to look for love again." He said with a smile.

" Got anyone in mind?"

And absent mindedly she watched, entranced, almost hoping that he might say her name.

" No Sir, I don't, I guess we'll just have to see what happens."

She laughed at herself.

"We'll be right back with the most powerful man in the world, trust me you don't want to miss this." She turned off the t.v. it was probably some stupid change to the space station or something. She walked over to her phone, she intended to keep her promise to Libby.

" Hey Libby." She said. Libby yawned and Cindy checked the time. It was only eleven.

" Hey there, sorry I fell asleep reading one of my kids to bed. So how was your date?"

" Wonderful, oh Libby, he gave me the key to his apartment, he wants me to move in with him!"

" Oh my gosh!" Libby squealed. " I told you it was gonna be something big! This is wonderful Cind!" She exclaimed.

" I know, it's like a dream come true."

And just then, the t.v. on the other end turned on and she heard Jimmy speaking.

" Oh! Did you know Jimmy is on like every channel?"

" Yeah. I saw that." She said as she examined a finger nail that was losing it's color.

" Well he certainly looks good."

" Yeah, he does," Cindy responded.

" Hm, he's still single, that's kind of weird."

" Yeah I know, well maybe we've been wrong about him all along, maybe he goes the other way if you know what I mean."

" Cindy! That's so mean!"

" Well!" She laughed and so did Libby. " Oh shit!" Libby cursed. " I'm really sorry, but I have to go, Sheen just dropped something break able in the kitchen.

" Oh, okay."

" I'm so sorry. Call me tomorrow morning and we'll talk more okay?"

" Okay, night Libs,"

" Night!"

Cindy looked at the clock. Eleven Ten.

She decided she might as well give herself a bath to make her skin soft. And so she started the water, lit her vanilla candles, and started her relaxation music. She put the little black dress on the hanger on the grungy door. She had to get a new tub, she had spent her first paycheck on that and food of course. But luckily, with Alex she didn't really need to worry about food. She climbed into the tub and immediately it began to work it's magic. She closed her eyes, and then without her consent, her brain took her back in time.

Mars, the Island... the pearl. The first time they held hands it was pure magic. The first time they kissed, his inventions which always went haywire. The way he looked at her, even Alex couldn't look at her like Jimmy used to. Their first kiss in that blessed alleyway. The best eight years of her life, was spent in love with Jimmy Neutron. After High School, is where the history began to suck. It was August first, about a week before she left for college when Jimmy Neutron broke her heart.

Staring up at the sky on the plaid blanket, wrapped in his arms. He kissed her forehead. She knew he was going to some prestigious College really far from where she was, but she had been ready to give the long distance relationship a shot. At the time she would've died for Jimmy if he had asked her.

" I love you Cindy," he had said. " I really do."

"And I love you," she had responded.

He had kissed her passionately on the lips. When they pulled away, he smiled at her so softly, so beautifully, but a second later, he got an unhappy look on his face.

" But, you know, we are going to be going to two different places, and I'm not sure, we can.." He let his sentence trail off. Cindy looked up at him in shock.

" Are you saying that we should break up?"

" I'm afraid so Cindy, I mean I don't want to, I really don't, but we will be so far apart.."

" There's email, the phone, Jimmy we have to at least try! We can't just give this up because we are separated by distance."

" I'm afraid it's the only way, we'd never see each other, and plus, I'm sure there's someone better for you at that school your going to."

" Is there another girl?"

" No Cindy! They'll never be another girl for me but you, but don't you see, it's time that we went our separate ways."

She had crawled out of his arms.

" You take me to the most romantic place I've ever been and you tell me you want to break up with me?"

" Cindy, I took you here because I wanted to enjoy my last day with you the right way. Is that so wrong?" And she stupidly shook her head no.

" No, it's not." And she crawled into his arms again.

" I just want you to go and fall in love with some handsome, rich man, and then you can be happy for the rest of your life."

" But what if I wanted to be happy with you?"

He never responded, he just held her close and they sat, staring at the stars.

They never spoke again after that night. And it was so hard with him being everywhere. Constantly reminding her of him, of how her heart loved him for so long, of how she used to believe she would marry him. A tear slipped down her cheek.

Sometimes she wondered, if somewhere, in the deepest part of her heart, the part she tried to hide from herself, she wondered, if she still loved that genius that at one point meant more to her then life itself. She stepped out of the tub, and blow dried her hair, making it curl, and she sprayed herself with her best smelling perfume. It was now twelve-forty. She had let herself lose track of the time again! She hurried and slipped into a sexy nighty, put on her favorite lipstick grabbed her coat, and sat down on her couch, picked up the magazine, reading about Jimmy pretending like she had been ready for hours.

Sure enough, at one o' clock the doorbell rang once more and she stuffed the magazine under one of the cushions of her crappy couch. She found Alex, staring at her with a devilish smile on his face. He winked at her and kissed her. She took his hand, and he took her home. When they arrived, she found the t.v. to still be on. Jimmy... She took the remote. He glared at her.

" Hey, I think it's distracting." She said and pressed the off button. He just smiled and then kissed her passionately as he clapped his hands and all the lights went off.

Little did she know the news that she missed that night would soon change her peaceful, Jimmy free life.

So what do you think, should I continue? I've got this story pretty much written out, only a few chapters left to do, unlike my usual style where I do a chapter at a time, so whatever... ?
