Hi this was on here before but i rewrote it. It was called Crystalline Rose but as you can see i have changed the title and plot.

I don't own kingdom hearts. All i own is the plot which i don't know right now.


Chapter 1: Never have Parent Teacher Conferences

A slight knocking at his door alerted him to a visitor. The brown haired teen rolled over in his bed, trying to ignore the intruding sound. When it didn't stop he offered a muffled 'What.'

"Wake up bear" came the reply from the other side of the door. Said teen slowly sat up in the bed and pulled off the covers.

"Bear, you up?"

"Yeah, sweets"

"Good. Get up and don't do anything."

"Yeah, fine."

"You have twenty minutes to get ready and eat if you want to get out of here before mom and dad gets home."

"Twenty-minutes! Couldn't you have given me more time?" The prospect of leaving before his parent got home quickly got him out of the bed.

"I didn't know dad just called saying he just found mom. So get ready."

I shot out of the bed and practically ran into the bathroom. I went over to the shower with out even looking in the mirror. I already knew I would not like what I saw, I never did. I turned the water on warm, and as I did this I caught sight of my arms.

Dancing across my arms where red designs I had created myself. I smiled proud of my work. While waiting for the shower to be ready I left the bathroom and gathered my things.

I grabbed my book bag and tossed my homework from the desk by the door into the bag. I went into the closet and grabbed my attire I had chosen the previous night.

It was my favorite pair of Gothic bondage pants. I call them that because of all the belts and zippers that littered the pants. I then grabbed a black shirt with the picture of a keyblade on it. No one knew what keyblades were except my friends. It was something I created and since I had graphic communications at school I was able to add pictures of them to my cloths. I was going to start a clothing line called Ragnorok.

I went to the drawers by my bed and grabbed out a pair of underwear. I then went into the bathroom and placed my clothes on the counter.

With a grunt of effort I lifted the mattress just enough to slip a hand under, all the while ignoring the pain I was causing myself. I slipped a hand under the mattress and felt around until I found my prize. I pulled it out and walked into the bathroom carrying Hayner my steel blade. I named it Hayner in honor of Roxas, my brother's, best friend.

I placed him on the counter with my clothes and got in the shower. I quickly bathed and hopped out. I dried off and placed my towel back over the shower rail where it always was. I had just pulled on my underwear and pants when Roxas burst in.

"Change of plans, we have maybe five minutes to get out. I'll go grab you some breakfast and meet you on the top of the stairs. Hurry!" His words took a moment to sink in. But when he slammed my door they sunk in and the seriousness sent me into a panic. I got dressed at a feverous pace. There was no way in hell I was getting beat this morning if I could help it. I was dressed in less then two minutes. I grabbed my bag and darted out of the room.

When I got to the top of the stairs I checked that my clothes were in order waited. I made sure Hayner was in my pocket and my various other necessities also. I smiled proud that I had remembered everything even under pressure. I heard Roxas dash up the stairs just as the front door opened. My smile quickly faded. Damn, we were out of time. We could hear our parents downstairs talking about who had cooked.

"Roxas, Sora, are you two still here? You lazy bastards if I find that you two are skipping school I'll have your father beat you senseless."

"We have to get to mom and dad's room. We will climb out of the room. Hurry up and be quiet."

"Roxas you go first."

With a nod of his head he turned back to his job of leading the way. We reached the room just as we heard something crash downstairs. Then we heard dad tell mom to go get some sleep. That meant she would be coming into the room. We picked up our pace. We reached their room just as we heard mom start up the stairs. It was easy to tell it was her by the stumbling and cursing that could be heard. She was stoned once again, not that that was a surprise. But that made our job harder since if she saw us she would make sure everyone heard her call out to us.

We silently placed the door back were it was and crossed the room. Roxas waited and opened the door as soon as he heard mom curse, that way no one heard the door. She was in the hall now and that was not good. We heard a loud crash and quickly closed the door. We made our way to the railing. We climbed over the rail and onto the tree. It was hard but years of practice made it come as easy as breathing.

Just as we disappeared from view mom came in the room. We quickly got to the ground and cheered before running like mad as a dog next door started barking. We didn't stop till we got to the school which was about five blocks. But when we did we were laughing like crazy.

Once on the school campus Roxas reached into his pocket. He pulled out a sucker and stuck it in his mouth. That is why all of our friends called him Sweets, since he always had some even in class. The teachers said nothing about it. I didn't ask why but I figured it was his cuteness. Just look at him, anyone could see it.

There he stood looking as innocent as a little kid. His blonde hair rebelled against the laws of gravity with its pointy spikes, though it was slightly tamer then mine. His full lips and always rosy cheek added to this. Girls were known to swoon when they saw his lips gently sucking on a sucker or when his tongue darted out to lick a sea-salt ice cream. His lunch of choice by the way. His body frame was lean and his eyes were a deep ocean blue just like mine. Today he wore a short sleeve white tee which showed off his well toned arms and plain white jeans. He also had chains wrapping around is thin waist. But what drew in his attention was the necklace around his neck; it was a sword with the word RAGNOROK written across it. I engraved the word into it when I gave it to him for our last birthday.

Sora shook his head when his brother held a sucker out to him. He shrugged his shoulders and began to walk through the halls. They were only juniors but people moved out of the way as if they were seniors. They may be outcast but they were the top of the popularity chart. This made all of their friends popular. Their friends were all Goths which made Gothic the new cool.

On their way to the table, they had claimed as their own since the first day of school three years ago, they met up with Olette and Pence. They smiled warmly at them and continued on there way.

Olette was a fair skinned girl with brown hair to her shoulders. She never talked but you could tell what she was thinking if you were around her long enough. She was wearing a black shirt and pants. On her right shoulder was the word 'BAD' in red ink. Her parents would not let her get the real tattoo till next year. She had on black eyeliner and lipstick. This made her look paler than she really was. She had been with them since grade school.

Pence was a slightly chubby boy with black hair. He always wore a head band to keep it somewhat under control. He wore a red shirt with Chinese words on the side. No one knew what it meant and no one cared. No one crossed Pence since he had muscles on his side and to mess with one was to mess with the rest.

They were like one big family of Goths. Everyone had some kind of problem and everyone accepted the others problems. If you ticked one off you ticked them all off. They didn't really have a leader, but everyone consider Seifer and Roxas co-leaders. They really didn't do anything. They just listened to problems and looked out for the younger members. And if someone messed with their family Seifer and Roxas were the first to know.

Both had their own little groups of friends that they spent most of their time with.

Seifer had Rajin, Fuu, and VIVI. They had known each other forever. And they were the ones you saw in the hall doing something wrong but kept you mouth shut if you wanted to see another day. Seifer and his gang took it upon themselves to up hold their own disciplinary laws. None of them really listened to the school rules unless Seifer or Roxas did.

Roxas had his brother Sora, Pence, Olette, and Hayner in their group. Pence was the member that had joined them last and proved to be a great friend. Hayner and Olette were there since the beginning.

They had finally made it to the tables and sat down at theirs. All the Goths had tables for their little groups. They were a family but the family had mini families and each mini family had a table. There were more then seven tables in all.

Once they sat down Roxas handed Sora his breakfast in a plastic container. The container kept the food hot. Inside was some bacon and toast. His brother would have added more but he had seen his parents through a window. Sora looked at his brother.

"Hey, where is the jelly! You don't expect me to eat dry toast do you." Roxas smiled at him around his sucker.

"It's not dry bear, it has butter." Sora growled at his brother.

"That's not right. There has to be some law against toast without jelly. I'll ask Seifer later, he'll know." Roxas chuckled at this.

"If it bothers you so much go ask Zander. (A/N Zander is named after the green mystic force power ranger whose name is Xander I changed he first letter) He usually has weird stuff on him that or knows where you can get some." Sora nodded and stood up.

He walked over two tables from his own and tapped a boy with blue hair on the shoulder. The boy stopped talking and looked over his shoulder. When he saw it was Sora he smiled.

"Hey Sora, what's up." That was one good thing about their family everyone knew everyone else's name. This meant even if they didn't sit at your table if you were in trouble they would help out.

"Zander, my brother is trying to feed me dry toast. Dry, no jelly, dry. Just dry icky blah toast. Please, I beg of you tell me you know where I can get some jelly." Zander though for a moment. Then he smiled at Sora.

"Ask Setzer he's addicted to the stuff in the morning." Sora smiled at him.

"Thanks, I really owe you one Zander."

"Don't mention it." Sora nodded and made his way to the last table in the group. These were the people with fetishes on all kinds of foods. He should have known to come down here first. He saw the silver haired teen and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Setzer." Sora waited till he had the others attention before continuing.

"Please tell me you have some jelly." Setzer turned his gaze to Sora.

"Jelly?" Sora nodded.

"Yeah, my brother thinks he can feed me dry toast. The day I eat dry toast is the day the world ends. So I need some jelly to keep the world moving." Setzer laughed at this along with the others at the table.

"Well I guess the world will keep spinning since I have some jelly left over from breakfast." He pulled out a few little containers of jelly and handed them over. Another good thing about their family was if you needed anything at least one person would know where you could get it. If you weren't in the family it was hard for you to get something but family was family. Also you didn't have to pay it back which could be very sweet.

"Thanks. You're a life saver." Setzer smiled.

"So I've been told." Sora laughed and walked back down to his table. Hayner was still not there. He went to his seat and sat placing the jelly on the table.

"You found some." Sora nodded.

"Yay. No dry toast for me." Sora chirped happily as he pumped his hands in the air.

"Now I have a question." Sora looked up at Pence.


"How are you going to spread in onto your toast?" Everyone laughed at the expression on Sora's face.

"Damn. I'll just use my hands. They're clean." Roxas and Pence nodded.

"Or bear you could use a knife." Roxas held up a plastic knife he had borrowed from the table over when they were finished.

"Damn you Sweets." Roxas laughed and placed the knife into his brother's eager hands. Sora quickly opened a container and spread the jelly on a slice. Just as he placed near his mouth it was taken away.

"Hey!" Sora looked around and mock glared at his blonde friend.

"Thanks Sora. We should do this again." Sora huffed.

"Why is it that every time I'm about to take my first bite of breakfast you decide to show up and take it?" Hayner shrugged and took a bite.

"Why do you always decide to take your first bite when I show up?" Sora growled before preparing another slice. He bite into it happily and didn't notice Hayner's hand until it was too late.

"Hey, gemme back my bacon!" Hayner stuffed the piece into his mouth.

"What bacon? I have no idea what you're talking about." Everyone laughed at the two's antics and smiled. There was no anger in the fight it was just good clean fun.

"Ever since grade school you take my breakfast. I want it back!"

"Do you really want it back? You'll have to wait till I go to the bathroom later. But I am more then willing to give it back." Sora made a face.

'Ewwwww! Never mind keep it." Hayner smiled.

"I thought so." They continued like this until the bell rang for class.

The day passed in a blur like it would for anyone who liked their classes because in each one there were at least five people to talk to and maybe more. Sora and Roxas only had two classes together but that was two to many for the trouble makers.

It was fifth period which was math. One of the classes the brothers shared. Also in the class were Fuu, Zander, Hayner and Setzer. They were all in a back corner of the room. They did this so they could help each other and have conversations. Even though Fuu's conversations consisted of one word answers, maybe more, but just enough to get her point across. This really got on the teachers nerves but they said nothing.

The group stopped talking when the teacher Mrs. Greg cleared her throat. If there was one thing that Roxas and Seifer didn't allow it was talking while the teacher was. They said it was rude and they didn't tolerate rude people. She looked around room through her round glasses. The twenty-five year old teacher waited for silence.

"Class, as you know I have been doing parent teacher conferences and I wanted to let you know who this week consist of. Today will be the Blaydon brothers. Tomorrow will be Miss Fujin's home. Then Mr. Caldor is on Wednesday. Followed by Miss Salver's house on Thursday. And finally Miss Keaston will be on Friday.

The brother's looked at each other. They had totally forgotten about the conferences. This was not good. Their parents would kill them after the conference. Their group looked at the brothers with a knowing gaze. They all knew of what the brothers' parents did. Hayner had the same kind of parents.

That shot the brothers day to hell and the group could tell. They brothers kept on smiling and laughing and no one knew the difference. Except the family. They always knew when something was bothering one of their own.

During lunch Sora and Roxas had escaped into the boys bathroom. They went into the stall at the end and closed the door. Roxas looked up at his brother.

"Bear you got that?" Sora nodded at him and pulled out Hayner.

"Yeah here." Roxas smiled and grabbed Hayner from his brother. Sora sat down on the floor as his brother sat down on the toilet. He rolled up his sleeve took a deep breath. He let the cold steel slice into his flesh. He felt relief wash over him. The pain numbed him and he felt at peace. He added a few more slices before handing Hayner to his brother.

Sora did the same thing his brother did. Only he had less free space and was slicing over older slices. Since some of them were fresh they opened up again. Sora let a lazy smile cover his face as he put Hayner away. Sora accepted the tissue his brother handed him.

He applied pressure to stop the bleeding. Once it was stopped he allowed his brother to dress his fresh wound. For the rest of the day they were stopped in the hall by family members asking what was wrong. A few even asked who would the brothers like 'taken care of'.

They smiled sweetly at all the concern and simply told them they had parent teacher conferences today. All knew what kind of parents they had and nodded solemnly. By the end of the day the whole family knew what was happening and offering to help smuggle the brothers out of the country. They didn't have much money but they would get it.

The brothers laughed and said no thanks to their generous offer. But they did give in to allowing many of them to walk them home. The walk home was not quiet. There was talking and laughing among the group. Sora and Roxas were in the middle of it all. Everyone even Seifer stood around them protectively. Things quieted down when they reached the Brothers block.

No one asked to walk the brothers to the house even though they were all thinking it. They knew what would happen if their parents saw them with such a big group of Goths and it wouldn't be pretty. After promising to tell them what happened tomorrow the group said goodbye and watched the brother go down the street. The group left with heavy hearts as the brothers walked into the house. Into their living hell, a place once called home.

Once inside the house they were stopped by their mother. She was glaring daggers at them and they knew why. She had found out about the conference.

"You little fuckers! I just talked to your teacher. She said she is coming over today. What did you assholes do? I told your father he's on his way home now. You guy's are going to get the worse beating of your life." As she said this the door opened revealing a very pissed off Mr. Blaydon.

Sora and Roxas gulped and slowly backed away. They didn't want to be in striking range when his father snapped. He moved closer and closed the door. He pointed to the kitchen and the brothers didn't make eye contact as they swiftly went into the kitchen. Their father walked into the room and stood in front of them.

"You know what is going to happen so don't try to act scared now. Why the hell is she coming here? You bastards are always causing trouble. We feed you and keep a roof over your dirty asses and this is how you repay us!" The brothers backed into the counter. Trying to get further away from their father. When they didn't answer their mother spoke up.

"You little shits. ANSWER. YOUR. FATHER. WHEN. HE. TALKS. TO. YOU." Every word she said earned one of them a kick or a slap in the face. She continued to hit and kick them while their father left the room. He returned with his favorite toy. Lavar the whip. He had the whip made for beating the boys when they got in trouble. It divided into five smaller whips at the ends. The brothers who had not made a sound since they entered the house whimpered.

"Turn around." They did as they were told.

"Off with those shirts." The brothers took them off with shaking hands. As soon as they did Roxas felt the leather hit his back. He cried out in surprise and pain. Sora looked at his brother just as another came down on him. He wanted to help his brother so badly as he watched the whip come down repeatedly.

His brother was shaking and bleeding profusely. Sora tried to block out the sound of his brother when he felt the whip change him into the victim. His father hit whatever he saw. He didn't give a damn if he left scars. The scars would remind them what would happen next time they got in trouble. Their father beat them for a good twenty minutes.

By the time he was done with Sora both boys were clinging to the counter for dear life. Roxas who was in front of the sink had his head in the sink in case he got sick. The last thing he wanted to do was vomit all over the floor. His parent would not let him off so easily then.

Sora let go of the counter and his vision began to turn black. He was so close the sweet oblivion of unconsciousness when he felt a hand grab his hair roughly. He heard his father's voice in his ear.

"Get your lazy asses upstairs and change. Your teacher will be here any minute. Tell her anything and you will live in the basement for a month." Sora nodded that he under stood and his father dropped his head causing it to hit the ground harshly.

Sora lay there till he felt arms helping him to his feet.

"Come on bear. We have to get moving." His eyes focused on Roxas as he wrapped his arms around his brother's shoulder for support. His brother picked up their shirts and they made their way upstairs. They went into Sora's room since it was the closest.

Once inside Roxas deposited Sora on the bed. He then made his way over to the bathroom. He went in the cabinet and pulled out some alcohol and gauze. Before he left the room he was forced over to the toilet. There he deposited one ice cream and a few slices of bacon from breakfast. When he got back to the bed Sora was barely sitting up. Roxas sat next to his brother and went to work. When his job was done he saw that Sora was more alert but barely.

Sora reached out and took the items from his brother. He then repaid his brother by doing the same for him. Once that was done Sora got up and put the items back in their place. They slipped their shirts back on just as the door bell rang. Wincing they both went down stairs.

They smiled when they came into their teacher line of view. She smiled back and was led into the living room by their mother. The sun reflected off her glasses as she looked around. Inside the room their father was sitting in a plush green chair. The teacher sat on the moss green sofa. His mother looked at them with disgust as they sat in chairs across from the teacher. Once everyone was settled the teacher began.

"I just wanted to let you know that you have really good boys. I came here today to let you know the progress of your boys. Is there anything you would like to know about?"

"Are our boy's in trouble Mrs." Their father asked. The teacher shook her head.

"Oh no. I am just doing this to give you a progress report on you sons."

"Mrs. How are our sons' grades?" Their mother glared at them. She was looking for a reason to beat them again and they knew it. Mrs. Greg shuffled through some papers.

"Your son Roxas has and A+ in my class and Sora has just and A. They study very hard and do all of their homework." She hand the papers with their grade to Mrs. Blaydon.

"I see." There was silence as she looked over the papers she was given. Once she was done they were handed to Mr. Blaydon. He nodded and looked up when he was done.

"Excuse me but if it isn't too much trouble may I use your restroom?" Mrs. Blaydon smiled.

"Of course! Right this way." Their mother led the teacher out of the room. There was a tense silence as they waited for the women to return. Sora and Roxas looked everywhere but the seat that held Mr. Blaydon. He on the other had been getting more and more ticked that he had to miss work for this crap.

The ladies came back in and sat down. Everyone was all smiles when they entered.

"So do you have any questions?"

"No." Mr. Blaydon said with a fake smile.

"Well then, that's everything. If you have any question you can call me." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a card with her number on it. Unbeknownst to everyone her keys slipped out when she did. Sora and Roxas were the first to notice but said nothing as their parents led the teacher to the front door.

Once she was gone and the door closed Mr. and Mrs. Blaydon came back into the room.

"Do you know how much of my time you wasted? I should be at work right now but instead I'm here listening to that conference, it might have cost us a lot of money." Their father began to scream many Obscenities at them. All the while not noticing the red headed teacher looking in the window. Her eyes grew wide when she saw him strike Sora to the ground. Roxas on the other hand looked at the window and made eye contact. She saw the fear in his eyes right before he too was struck down.

Wasting no more time she left the window and went to the door. Before she let them know she was back she pulled out her cell phone. She quickly dialed 911.

"Hello, This is Candice Greg. I would like to report a case of child abuse."

"Yes, I am at 5674 Shadow lane."

"Yes please come quickly."

"Thank you." She frowned when they said they would be there as soon as possible and put her phone away. She then proceeded to knock on the door. When no one answered she tried the bell. She waited for a few moments before the door opened. She was greeted with a flustered looking Mrs. Blaydon.

"Hi. What brings you back here so soon?"

"Hello Mrs. Blaydon. May I come in?" She asked.

"Sure." She made way for her to enter.

"Thank you." She began to make her way to the living room.

"Mrs. is there something you need?" Candice smiled and nodded.

"Oh, how rude of me. I seem to have lost my keys somewhere in here. I believe they may have fallen out of my pocket during our talk." She continued towards the room.

"Oh, I'll get them for you don't worry your self." She said moving to block Candice's path. Just as she said that the faint sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. Candice followed her into the room. She gasped at what she saw. On the floor were the boys bleeding. Mrs. Blaydon spun around. Her eyes went wide when she saw that the teacher knew.

"What the hell did you do to these boys?" Before Mrs. Blaydon answered pain erupted in the back of Candice's head. Mrs. Blaydon smiled at her husband who was holding a pan in his hands. The teacher's glasses fell off of her face and by Mr. Blaydon's feet. He smiled at his wife before crushing the glasses under his shoe. She wouldn't need them anymore. Blood was pouring from the wound.

He grabbed the teacher by the legs and dragged her out of the room. Blood smeared on the floor. An angry scowl on his face. She would not be allowed to leave this house alive. He went down the hall and came across a secret room. Inside the room was a flight of stairs going into the earth. Down at the bottom was a room with all kinds of sinister instruments of torture.

He pulled her down the stairs and deposited her in the corner of the room. He wiped his hands on his pants and went back upstairs. He left the door open as he went. He walked back into the living room and grabbed his sons by their hair. They let out a weak cry of pain. He took them down the hall and into the room.

After pushing them down the stairs he closed the door. He walked down the stairs and grabbed Roxas. He went over to the far wall and chained him there. He repeated the process with Sora. Roxas who was still slightly aware of his surroundings caught sight of his teacher bleeding to death in the corner.

He let out a cry. His cry somewhat awakened Sora next to him. He looked around the room before his eyes landed on his teacher. He began crying silently to himself. This made his father angry. He slapped Sora hard across his face. This caused blood to pour from his lip.

"You little bastards. This is your entire fault. If you hadn't had that damned teacher come here she might have lived to see another day. He went over to the bleeding woman and lifted her up. He went to the middle of the room and set her down on the table. He tied her down and looked at various items around him.

"Now what to use?" Sora and Roxas could not bring themselves to look as his father picked up some sort of instrument. They didn't know what it was called but they knew what it did. It was like a pizza cutter that turned automatically. Doctors used it in surgery. He ripped open the teacher's shirt and slowly brought the destruction down upon her.

"Watch!" He screamed at them. "Open your eyes or I will staple them open." Sora and Roxas forced their eyes open and watched horrified as blood sprayed their father in the face and covered his cloths. They were so close that the blood hit them also. Roxas screamed and was soon joined by Sora. The sound of the teacher's shrill voice bounced off the walls.

Their father looked at them. He was tired of the teacher; he left her there to bleed to death which did not take long. It was time his sons learned their place. He went over to a shelf in the corner and pulled out to rags. He went up to his sons and stuffed there mouths. He removed their torn clothing and grabbed another whip of the shelf.

This one was green with little sharp knives at the ends. He beat them senseless. Sora was the first to loose consciousness. When he did his father walked up to Roxas and kissed him roughly. He let the whip fall to the floor so that his hands could wander his son's body. Tears streamed down his face. This only seemed to fuel his father's passion.

"Roxas, you always were the beautiful one." His thumb traced the outline of his son's full lips. He kissed his son again this time more gently. He licked his bottom lip for entrance into Roxas' mouth. When Roxas did not give in he forced his tongue inside the warm mouth. Out of instinct Roxas bit down hard.

His father pulled back quickly. Then slapped Roxas across the face.

"You're a little too feisty. I'll just have to tame you. He yanked down what remained of his underwear and held him still. Roxas tried to thrash against his father's unwanted touch. But could not get way. Pain shot through him as his father rammed into him. As he did this he caressed Roxas' bleeding skin. Roxas felt light headed from the loss of blood. His vision darkened as his father released inside him.

Meanwhile Upstairs

In came three police officers. Each had their guns raised. They had been knocking on the door and no one answered. The first thing they noticed was the trail of blood on the floor leading down the hall. They spread out looking for the people of the house. One of the officers went into the living room. He saw the blood of the teacher near his feet and the blood of the brothers on the wall across the room. He cringed at the sight. When he saw that no one was in the room he went back and reported what he saw in a loud whisper.

While he did this another went into the kitchen. He followed the same procedure. He felt sick when he saw the blood on the counters and floor. He came back with a disgusted look on his face.

The third officer stayed and kept watch in the hall. When he saw red spot going up the stairs he wanted to go on ahead but knew he could not. These people could be dangerous. What troubled him was that the lady who had called in was nowhere in sight. He assumed the car in front of the house was hers. That meant she was still in the house.

"Should we go upstairs or down the hall first?" the first officer, their leader, looked at the one who had spoken.

"First we call and ambulance and tell them to get here now." The officer who had entered the kitchen nodded and did as told.

"These people are sick. Look at all this blood."

"I know. This is the worse case of child abuse I have ever seen." The other looked at him surprised.

"This is a child abuse case? I thought this was some kind of murder thing." The leader shook his head.

"No, someone reported a serious case of child abuse. If you ask me this is beyond serious." Just as he said this the final officer came back.

"They said five to ten minutes. Fifteen at most." All nodded and decided they had waited long enough. The decided it best to split up. The officer from the living room was to go upstairs while the other two went down the hall.

The officer went up the stairs as quietly as he could. When he reached the top he saw there were at least four rooms. He started with the one farthest to the right. He walked down the hall and took a deep breath. He burst into the room. His gun pointing everywhere his eyes did. He went over to the bathroom door and opened it.

He did the same for the next two rooms. He let out a deep breath as he stood next to the last door. He grabbed the handle with shaking hands. He was afraid of what he might see on the other side. Letting go of his fears he entered the master bedroom. He entered and turned in a full circle scanning the room. His eyes darted to a door to his left when he heard the sound of something dropping softly. In a few steps he was standing in front of the door. He raised his gun and opened the door. Not expecting what he saw.

What he saw made him drop his hand that held his only protection. Sitting on the toilet was a very stoned Mrs. Blaydon. She didn't even look as he walked over to her. Around her were many needles and pills. He tilted her head back and looked at her eyes. They were dilated. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of hand cuffs. He put one on her wrist the other on the towel rack next to her. Even though he knew she would go nowhere. Just as he did he heard two shots from down stairs. Mrs. Blaydon on the other hand heard nothing she was too far gone.

As this happened

When they heard the officer up stairs open the first door and nothing else they started on their way down the hall. They followed the blood till the end. They looked at each other confused when the blood stopped at a wall. One of the officers sighed and leaned slightly against the wall. When he did the wall opened. The officer almost fell at the suddenness but was caught by his partner.

Grunts and moans could be heard from deep within the room. The quietly descended down the stairs. The scent of blood and sex was thick in the air. A cry of pleasure could be heard when they reached the bottom. The leader of the group peeked around the corner. A man stood there stark naked with his back to them. On the wall was a brunette teenager no older then fifteen or sixteen. Blood was pouring from the wounds on his flesh into a puddle on the ground. In the middle of the room lay the now dead Mrs. Greg.

That solved the where did the lady who called go problem. He looked at the man as he reached down to grab his pants. In front of him was a blonde teenager the same age as the other. He was just as bloody as the first.

He pulled his head back and looked at his partner. His partner had not seen the carnage on the other side of the wall. His partner saw the look in his eyes and gulped. He nodded at his partner to say he was with him. And with that they turned the corner.

"Put your hands in the air." Mr. Blaydon had replaced his pants by now and turned around. His head shot up when he heard the voice. He did as he was told.

"Move this way slowly. Don't put your hands down. That's it." He moved slowly across the room. On his way he passed the shelf of instruments. He eyed them as he approached. His eyes fell on a gun he had left there. When he got close enough he made a grab for it.

He pointed it at the officers. They yelled at him but he didn't listen. He let off a shot. It nicked the young officers face. He cried out and the leader took a shot. It hit Mr. Blaydon in the shoulder. He dropped the gun as he fell to the floor clutching his arm. The leader went up to him and kicked the gun away. He then began his rights.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

The officer looked down at Mrs. Greg. There was blood pooled around her and dripping off the table and onto the floor. He walked past her and towards the two teens.

"You have the right to an attorney. If you can not afford one, one will be assigned to you."

The other officer came bounding into the room. The other officer looked at him.

The faint sound of sirens could be heard.

"Get the medical team in here NOW!" The third officer nodded and ran back up stairs to get the medical team. The first officer pulled out a pair of hand cuffs and put them on Mr. Blaydon's wrist after placing his hands behind his back.

In a matter of seconds the medical team was down there. One went over to check Mr. Blaydon's shoulder. The others moved over to the teens. They did their best not to look at the dead body on the table. One of the members went over to the naked teen. She held back tears for the boy knowing exactly why he was exposed. Pain stabbed her in the heart when she saw the multiple slash marks on the brothers' arms. She knew very well who had done it and why. She began to patch up the teens wounds. When she did Roxas' eyes shot open. His cloudy blue eyes looked around panicked. He began to hyperventilate. He struggled against his bonds and began screaming at the top of his lungs.

When he did this his brother came to. All the people around him gave him a fright. His brother's shrill scream didn't help. He began screaming also. Their voices echoed throughout the room and out into the house. Tears ran down Sora's face like a faucet. They fell and pooled in the blood on the ground. Mixing the blood with its salty essence. Roxas' brother mentality kicked in when he heard his brother crying near him. He struggled more yet it did no good he could not reach him.

The struggle caused their arms to rub against the bond on their arms. They scrapped harshly opening the fresh wounds. They would scrub their arms raw if they didn't get them down soon.

"How the hell do we get them down? Where is the key?" The officer looked at Mr. Blaydon.

"On the shelf where I got the gun." The officer quickly got the keys. He tossed them to the paramedics as they tried to calm the teens.

"Damn, we have to keep them calm. Get that a damn stretcher down here. Kid calm down." The lady began to panic when Roxas suddenly went quiet as did Sora. "Kid, Kid, stay with us. Can you hear me?" Neither Roxas nor Sora could not hear her. He heard nothing as his vision faded to black.


KB: You like?

Roxas: it is so sad. how can anyone like it.

KB: you have a brother.

Sora: yeah and your point is?

KB: stop questioning me.

Sora and Roxas: Why.

KB: because i am trying to juggle three stories at once only two are on here right now but i'm going to add a third really soon.

Roxas: what is it?

KB: it is called the boy who lived and it is Harry potter.

Sora: damn harry potter and his good looks

KB: Harry potter isn't cute it is all about Dtraco.

Sora: Roxas do that thing you do.

Roxas: Big puppy eyes Read and review please.

KB: yeah for Roxas and Sora's sake. PS they live.