Sorry about not being able to update. It wasn't as if I was trying to give up on this story, like hell I will! I just haven't had the time to work on my stories at the moment. With my own personal life, then that guy harassing me along with my name change I sort of just dropped out of fanfiction for a while. But I am back and I will be continuing this story so don't you all worry, there is much to come with this story believe me!!

I don't own Naruto in no shape or form, but that doesn't stop me from dreaming it now does it?

Mushin : Well I'm glad you enjoy the story so much, I really do try. Actually this was going to be something simple, but kind of got out of control and became something completely different from what I wanted. I still enjoy it though!

DLAMiss : it seems everyone is getting addicted to my story. Which brings a smile to my face. Thanks so much for reviewing!

Miss0made : Oh don't worry I'll be updating a lot more now. I like Sakura, but I do need an enemy and so she came to be. I thought it would be different to see Shika visit Hinata aside from the obvious. I also wanted to bring Naruto back into focus as well. Thanks for reviewing!!

CheshireMax : High school is usually different for everyone, but for me it was kind of similar not very much though I wasn't popular but no one messed with me unless they really wanted to know what real pain is like. Hehehehe…I've loosen up since then though.

xD-Hyper-Panda-xD : Yeah I know how dare Naruto! But really he's not that bad of a guy, just a little misguided. Which you'll come to realize in this chapter!!

Bearbunny03 : No the damage is nothing too bad, I just like to make it sound as though it were. There will be tension though with Naruto around, but you'll see just how affected he is from Sakrua's actions.

Dustori : I'm glad you enjoy my story thus far. Also I'm honored that my story is the first you've read as for Kiba/Hinata. You've really made me feel good thanks!

InuGatsuga : Serious Jaws theme!! And I will keep writing!

Squishy-muffin : thanks, I really do try to make it surprising and interesting. I love to make people guess!

Samantha : Sorry about the wait! But here is the long awaited sixth chapter and I hope it's to your liking!

XxStarxGazerxX : Well I wasn't able to update too soon, but here ya go!

Rishi kun : I know right! It really is hard to not hate Naruto, but I love the goof too much to keep him a hated character for long, you'll see…

Satsukiarisa : I'm glad you like it, I do too…Hehehehe…

San child of the wolves : Well your wait is over here is the next chapter!!

TotallyObsessive : I know it's a little clique to have the school thing, but different being its almost over for them anyways and I know I'm planning something big for the graduation that will come later on in the story. But I am glad you found my idea for Kiba interesting, I thought it was different and wanted to take a whack at it!! Hehehe… I also like your name!! Hehehehe…

Shikori : Sorry had to put a little suspense for ya guys, sadly I let it go a little too long though. Sorry about that!! Well here's the next chapter so please enjoy!!

Thank you guys for reviewing and I hope this chapter is what you didn't expect, since I just love surprising people left and right ya know…Hehehehe…enjoy!!

Becareful of what you wish for

Chapter 6 – Interesting, interesting…

Naruto came in with an unease smile on his lips. Hinata could feel a sick swirl of dread move around her stomach as she saw the last person she wanted to see enter the room. Shikamaru seemed a little tense as well with a glare over towards Naruto. Shikamaru stood up ready to get rid of Naruto when Hinata noticed something in his hands.

"My coat…" Hinata mumbled out seeing it neatly folded within his arms. Naruto sighed feeling very awkward at the moment.

"Yeeeah…I saw it in my car this morning and remembered you forgot it…I just wanted to…er…bring it back to you…" Naruto went off in silence staring at Hinata for a second before his own concern appeared in his eyes. "Whoa what happened to you?" Naruto said loudly walking in closer. Shikamaru sweat dropped at his change in attitude.

"What do you think, your bitch of a girlfriend and Kin did this. Kin knocked Hinata into the ground almost causing her nose to break." Shikamaru said angrily with a nasty glare still directed to Naruto. Naruto seemed clueless for a second before frowning himself.

"I…I didn't know…Hinata…I'm…so sorry about what happened last night…Sakura pulled me away from you when we entered the party and…next thing I know she was getting me drunk off my ass…I…I know its not a good excuse for what she…we did to you, and I know you could never forgive me…but I want you to know…" Naruto sat down on the bed Hinata laid on staring her in the eyes he then handed her, her coat. Hinata took it quickly hugging it to her body as she looked back to him.

"I'm sorry…" Naruto then stood up and looked to Shikamaru who was standing right there in front of him.

"I'll be going now…and I'll talk to Sakura about this, I'm not going to let her get away with hurting you again…bye…" Naruto then was gone. Hinata could feel tears in the corners of her eyes. She…she so badly wanted to hate Naruto. She wanted to regret ever saying yes to going out with him. Hinata wanted to never forgive him…but after his confession…she wasn't sure what she wanted to do about him anymore.

Shikamaru stared off thinking to himself. Naruto was a good hearted person he and everyone at the school knew that well. That's why it shocked him to hear what he did to Hinata. But…it was possible that Sakura got him so intoxicated that he wouldn't know or remember what his actions were. Maybe Naruto was never apart of Sakura's plot at all…

Maybe Naruto was another person she was using to hold against Hinata. It was obvious to everyone that Hinata was in love with Naruto, so Sakura easily took advantage of that. Making Naruto think she liked him because Naruto still had his crush on Sakura since 5th grade.

Influencing Naruto was pretty easy Shikamaru knew that well, he'd done it before. Shikamaru then sighed to himself. There was probably more to Sakura's plot against Hinata than they thought. Apparently whatever Hinata did to Sakura was bad enough that the pink haired girl wanted to destroy the poor girls' life.

"Shikamaru are…you alright?" He turned to Hinata before giving her a lazy smile.

"Yeah…just thinking too much…" Hinata giggled a little.

"That would be a first." Shikamaru nodded smiling more.

"Well I better get going I'm sure my teacher is wondering where I am if not hadn't even noticed I was gone yet…plus I rather not meet you're dad again." Shikamaru mumbled out the last bit before bidding his 'good-bye' and leaving Hinata to herself…

Kiba cocked an eyebrow when the door opened to reveal a busty blonde woman who seemed to be in her mid-thirties if anything else. She wore a robe like coat on over her clothes. She smiled slightly at Kiba and at Hanabi and Neji behind him.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Kiba was about to ask for a phone but Hanabi cut him off.

"Hey aren't you the one who predicted that earthquake three years ago." Hanabi asked quickly, Kiba blinked looking down to his left to see her now standing there looking up at the tall woman. He rolled his eyes before looking to her as well.

"Yes, I so happen to be her. And who are you little girl?" Hanabi frowned at the little girl comment but went on anyways.

"I'm Hanabi Hyuuga and we need you're help." Neji came to stand on Kiba's right side looking at Tsunade. Tsunade sighed thinking, 'There goes my chance to drink sake till I'm out like a light idea…'

"Well come in, come in." Tsunade said quickly before walking through the narrow hallway from the front door. Hanabi went first then Kiba and last Neji. From the outside the house looked to be dirty, dusty, and broken down. But on the inside it was far from that. Everything looked elegant and brand new. Nothing looked as though it was rotting and it looked to be almost the inside of a mansion. Tsunade smiled as she saw their amazed eyes.

"Yes, I know by the looks outside this place looks like a dump." Hanabi nodded.

"How come it's like that?" Tsunade turned to her with a glint in her eyes.

"Because it's a simple spell." All three stopped in their tracks looking at the older woman as though she had just grown horns.

"A-A spell?" Hanabi asked giving her a strange look. Neji rolled his eyes not seeming to believe it at all.

"Yes, a spell. You could say I'm some sort of witch…but I prefer being called a prophet. Since I seem to be so good at predicting things." Kiba snorted a little.

"If you're so good at predicting things then why didn't you predict that we would come here?" Tsunade frowned as her eyebrow twitched.

"Because their visions boy, they come to me when they want to! I can't just conjure up it in my mind." Tsunade then walked off into what looked to be the dining area. She then offered them a place to sit while she went to get herself some tea.

"So what is it you want from me?" Tsunade asked pouring herself some tea.

"Shouldn't you just have a 'vision' and find out you're self." Kiba said with a laughing smile at her. Tsunade gripped her hand on her cup on tea turning to him.

"I know a rather nice spell to turning nasty teenagers into toads if you want to keep running your mouth that is." Tsunade then sat down giving Kiba an evil smile as she did so. Neji coughed gaining her attention.

"Look, we came here because we have a problem and my tire popped in front of your house." Tsunade smiled.

"So it wasn't coincidence that you guys stopped by here. Mmm…I see you must have been going to where I use to live, but because it was important it seems the spirits had done you a favor of popping you're tire right in front of my recent house." Neji wish he had just shut up and not speak at all. He already had a hard time believing that Kiba use to be Hinata's pet dog, but now he had to believe in witches, spells, and spirits as well!

"I guess you could say that. I mean it would make sense now that I think about it." Hanabi mumbled out. Kiba sighed as they all seemed to be struggling from their true problem at hand.

"Look, Tsunade we came here because of my problem." Kiba said getting them started off. Tsunade nodded.

"What does that seem to be, the fact that you're an arrogant smart mouth or that you smell like dog shit." Tsunade smirked as Kiba got prepared to jump over the table to get to her. Neji stopped him.

"No, look the reason were here is because of a wish my sister made." Hanabi said before all hell rose loose. Tsunade looked to the younger girl.

"A wish…what exactly did she wish for, when, and how?" Hanabi nodded.

"Well her wish was last night when a shooting star was in the sky. She wished that her dog could be human and then went to sleep and when she woke up…Well Kiba was human and that's him." Hanabi pointed to Kiba who had settled down a bit. Tsunade turned to him looking intensively before mumbling something to herself.

"Interesting…" She then stood up and circled Kiba looking at all his details. Kiba felt very invaded and started to growl. A smile rose to Tsunade's face hearing this before she reseated. "Well it seems you are correct, he has features of a dog and smells like one as well." Kiba glared at her trying to hold back his anger at her comments to him. He didn't understand why he would still smell like a dog didn't he take one of those 'showers' humans did to be clean. Then again it could just be a natural smell for him, Kiba mused.

"Yeah but is there anything you can do for him? I mean can't you change him back or something…" Neji questioned wishing she would just get their little situation done with before they had to explain to their family who he was. Tsunade frowned at Neji's impatient before getting up from her seat. She walked out of the room for a moment leaving the small group alone. Neji was the first to speak. "I think this is completely bull there is no way this woman can conjure up spells and such. I think she's completely crazy." Hanabi rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Of course you would, you never believed in anything! The tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, anything that was magic you never believed and you ruined it for me and Hinata when you exposed every single one of them to be our parents! I mean come on Neji not everything needs a logical explanation to it!" Neji turned the other way looking completely indifferent and unaffected by Hanabi's words. Kiba sighed rubbing his head. "Only insane people think that Hanabi." A loud groan came out and both siblings turned to Kiba who looked at both of them with annoyance.

"Neji you have to at least believe a little bit of it I mean I am here in the 'human flesh'. How else can you explain this? It has to have something to do with this…Magic." Hanabi nodded with agreement as Neji frowned more. Everyone seemed to be ganging up on him lately. "Fine, whatever, all I know is this is crazy and I am not going to lower myself to this bullshit." Right after that Tsunade came back with a big book in her arms. It was dusty from the looks of it. She set it down on the table before opening the ancient book. She then looked up to them.

"I know this might be strange and probably completely insane to many of you but spells, magic, spirits, and demons do exist. And right now you all might be in grave danger…" Everyone looked up at Tsunade…

Hinata looked up as she saw her father walk into the nurse's office. She looked away before he looked her in the face. Hinata had always felt like she was a disgrace to her family, she wasn't smart and clever like Neji, and she wasn't strong and athletic like Hanabi, she wasn't anything. Hinata got good grades but they weren't straight A's like Neji's and her performance today only proved how much she sucked at sports while Hanabi was great at them.

Hinata had no true talent; all she did was read books. She could write and draw but that wasn't something her father was fond of her doing. He wanted her to be like her twin brother and her little sister. He thought she was going to be the better child of the three, but instead she was the worse. Hinata knew her father loved her but he wanted her to be perfect and well…she couldn't be perfect…

"Hinata, are you okay?" Hiashi asked his daughter as he walked in farther. Though he didn't show it he was very concerned for her well-being I mean how would you feel if you got a phone call from the high school saying that you're daughter was injured in gym class. He got there as soon as he could even missing an important board meeting just to get her. Even though he was very worried over her he didn't very much show it, you could hear the concern in his voice but his face was voided of any such concern for her. He didn't mean to be tough on his children it was just the way he was raised, to be tough and never let your guard down, never.

"Mr. Hyuuga I'm glad you got here so quickly. Hinata is fine; she had a little situation in gym where one of the girls knocked her down to the floor. Her nose has no fractures and isn't broken though it's swollen. I would say some rest and relaxation will do her well." Shizune said while giving Hiashi some papers about her injury and the whole accident. Hinata thought otherwise it was no accident, no where near.

"Yes, I see. Who is this girl that accidentally knocked Hinata to the floor?" Hiashi asked looking over the papers. He was watching Hinata in the corner of his eyes and could see that she didn't believe it was an accident, and from the looks of it, it didn't look as though it was an accident either. "Oh well that would be Kin Tsuchi, 12th grader. She supposively went to get the ball while Hinata was in the way and ran into her. I haven't gotten the rest of the story from anyone who witnessed the accident but the principal will find out, so you have nothing to worry about." Hiashi nodded before turning to Hinata. She looked up to her dad with a small smile but behind it he could see her degrading herself.

"Come along Hinata lets get you home." Hiashi said 'goodbye' to Shizune and while both Hinata and Hiashi thanked her for her service to Hinata. She said it wasn't a problem and that's what she was there for. The walk to the car was silent. No one spoke; they just walked silently while thinking to theirselves. Once they finally got into the car and buckled up Hiashi turned to Hinata where he finally showed concern.

"Hinata don't lie to me, did this girl Kin knock you down purposely or was it by accident?" Hinata turned to her dad her mouth felt dry and she wasn't too sure if she should answer truthfully. She didn't want her dad to sue Kin, she already knew the girl lived with her boyfriend and had no other family, but she never could lie to her parents especially her dad. "It was…on purpose sir. It was no accident." Hinata finally spoke in a soft voice as she looked down. Even if her dad wasn't degrading her about the whole incident she sure as hell was. She felt weak, and it made her sick to her stomach to know that she was the weakest child in her family.

"I see…I want to know, do you want me to press charges against her. I know how you feel about these certain things and I'll only do it if you want me too." Hiashi turned on the car before pulling out of the school parking lot. Hinata shook her head. "No sir, please don't press charges…" Hiashi only nodded. He knew his daughter too well. Hinata liked to avoid conflict as much as she could which was the exact opposite of her siblings who enjoy conflict but fore most could handle it while she really couldn't. Hiashi knew at times he could be harsh towards Hinata than her brother and sister, but its only because he wanted her be strong.

Out of all three Hinata wasn't very strong, not physically or mentally. He only acted strict towards his children to help them grow up in their world. The real world is a harsh and cruel place, Hiashi thought it was best that he help them find out by being strict as they grew up, but he had lighten up a lot as they got older. Hinata though was the only one who couldn't adapt to it. She was too shy, too kind hearted to become hard and out-going. And really Hiashi turned to look at Hinata in the corner of his eyes; she looked out the window as they drove on. He wouldn't have her any other way…

Shino waited silently in class after finishing up his work. Psychology was an interesting subject and Shino knew quite a lot about the mind and inter workings of the body as well. He found most of his interest in bugs though, but it was always good to have a board selection of knowledge for any situation. He was worried terribly about Hinata. He left Hinata once Shizune had assured him that she was fine and nothing was broken. He then went to class and even though it seemed as though he was paying attention, Shino was finding it conflicting him between his duty to his school work and his worry towards his best friend.

Hinata had always been there for him, she was the only girl that didn't judge him growing up. He use to as a kid play around with bugs and dirt, he was constantly dirty as a child and always had bugs crawling around on his skin. All the girls were revolted at the sight and most of the boys picked on him so Shino spent most of his time alone. It was when Hinata came around and was playfully trying to catch a lady bug that they crossed paths. The lady bug landed on his cheek and crawled around without fear as little Hinata came over to him.

She smiled shyly and asked about the lady bug. After that Hinata grew more interested in Shino and learned quite a lot about bugs from him one fact being that not all lady bugs were ladies which is something almost all kids believe in since the name was lady bug.

Shino smiled on the inside thinking about the day he met Hinata. Ever since they became best friends. He could never find interest in her beyond friendship; it wasn't like she wasn't his type (as if he knew what his type was). He just felt more compelled to protect her as a friend and almost like a second brother to her. Shino wasn't one to let his emotions get the better of him, but right at the moment he couldn't help the anger and rage go through him as he replayed the event that happened to Hinata. He gripped his hand, but otherwise showed no indication of any emotion.

Tenten was sitting in the same class as Shino was. He never did notice she had this class as well; then again she kept to herself and did her work. And the fact that she sat in the way back would add on to why he never knew that they had the same class. She too was feeling quite a bit of rage herself. Hinata did not deserve any that had happened to her in almost one day. No one with a good, kind heart as the Hyuuga girl deserved to be treated as she was.

'What is Sakura's problem? Why the hell is she treating Hinata so poorly like she is?'

More thoughts similar to this came racing through her mind as she worked on her work sheets in the class. Tenten could not understand why Sakura felt the way she did. There was almost nothing to hate Hinata about unless you hated people who couldn't really stick up for themselves. Hinata was just the type of person who would rather make friends than enemies. It made Tenten think about why everyone picked on her also. The poor girl never done anything to anyone yet she was treated as though she didn't even matter at all.

A sigh escaped her lips and she almost fell out of her seat when the bell rang. Shino got up quickly packing away his stuff and getting ready to head towards the nurses office. Tenten was quick to catch up though.

"Hey Shino, wait up!" Tenten ran pass a few people before catching up to the taller teen with his dark shades and huge neck coat and green overcoat. He quirked up an eyebrow seemingly surprised that he had not notice they were in the same class but nodded his head either way.

"Tenten. I did not know you had the same class as I." Tenten smiled lightly coming to stand aside him.

"Yeah, I figured as much. It's my own fault though I always noticed you but I sit in the back and keep to myself and my work." He nodded before strolling off keeping a smooth and slow pace as Tenten walked with him. She noticed they were heading towards the nurses office and could help but smile gently over to Shino.

"You really do care a lot about her don't you." It was more of a statement rather than a question. Shino nodded 'yes'. He thought a moment before speaking.

"She has always been there for me, I would not feel right if I were not to be there for her as way…She means a great deal to me…" The last part seemed almost to be spoken to himself, but Tenten heard it all the same. This really brought a whole new perspective of the silent teen in her opinion. She always thought Shino never really gave much interest in being social with other people. She just thought that he only hung out with Hinata because she was there and they both were social outcasts to begin with. But now Tenten could see she had it all wrong. Shino really was a caring guy when he wanted to be, and Hinata seemed to mean a lot to him.

"Hinata really is a great person, I, myself, had never hanged out with her that much since I seemed to have more interest in Neji rather than his twin sister. Either way though I do care about her and she's lucky to have a friend like you around." Tenten lightly blushed not believing she had actually said that. Shino seemed to think about what she said and gave a small almost not noticeable smile of his own. Tenten saw it and returned with one of her own.

Shino came to a stop when he was in front of the nurse's office. Shizune was walking around checking through something before she turned to acknowledge the two.

"Oh hello! Are you two here to see Hinata?" She recognized Shino from earlier. He shook his head to the older woman. "Well I'm sorry to inform you this right now, but she left a few minutes ago with her father to go home. If you know her number you should try calling her." Tenten sighed in disappointment of missing her leaving.

"Was she alright?" The brunette asked.

"Why yes, she was feeling pretty okay after waking up. The Nara boy was here with her for a few minutes before Uzumaki came by." Both tensed at hearing what Shizune said. Tenten glanced at Shino, but couldn't tell how he felt about knowing Naruto came by. His face was voided of any emotion and his shades kept her clueless as well.

"Well thanks anyway! Let's go Shino." Tenten turned to leave looking at Shino to see if he would follow. He didn't indicate any feeling to move, but after a second turned away from Shizune and walked aside Tenten towards the lunch room.

'I hope she's okay…'

Sasuke was sitting with Sakura on one side of him and Naruto on the other. The blonde haired teen seemed intent on not talking to the pink haired girl on his other side. She didn't seem to mind or even notice for that matter. She was too busy plotting with both Kin and Zaku on how to take about their revenge on Ino, Temari, and Gaara. He only rolled his eyes at the display before him and sighed deeply.

Why couldn't they just leave all this trivial shit behind and try finishing up the year before graduation? After this he was quite sure they would never see any of the students they have grown up with around again. Sasuke also noticed (not like he cared too but still did) that Naruto seemed to be depressed. He was sure the blonde was feeling guilt for what he had done to the Hyuuga girl. He hadn't been much the same since that night after waking up the idiot and telling him to go home.

He didn't remember much from what the teen had told Sasuke, but he knew enough to know that he really hurt Hinata and that they weren't together anymore. Sakura didn't show any more interest in him either which only added on to his depression. Sasuke brought his hand to his cheek as he glanced over to his blonde friend who had his head down in his crossed arms.

Naruto was feeling so bad and guilty over what happened last night. He didn't know how he was able to give back Hinata's coat but some how he did. He heard from a few random students in his class about Hinata being in the nurse's office for something that happened. He thought maybe she was sick and decided it was probably the best time to give her back her coat. It seemed she was avoiding him all day or, Naruto thought to himself, he just finally realized how much he never really seen the girl during the day.

They had no classes together and it seemed more of her trying to see him rather than the other way around. So when he tired searching her out today he wasn't able to find her at all. Hell he didn't even know her classes too. Naruto closed his eyes in guilt. How could he have let Sakura lead him on? He should have thought for himself and not think about getting into the pink haired girls pants. Now he not only felt completely horrible about what happened, but even lost respect from his teammates on the basketball team, and broke the heart of a sweet, kind, and gentle girl.

"I'm such an idiot." Naruto grounded out in his arms. Sasuke heard clearly enough and shook his head.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you all these years." He took a sip of his bottle of water as Naruto lifted his head to glare at his so called friend.

"I'm not joking around here! I really broke her heart and for what! Nothing that's what!" Naruto gave Sakura a glare even though she didn't notice one bit. Sasuke spun the cap on his bottle before directing his sight to Naruto.

"And who is the person at fault here? The pink bimbo over here is the main one, but Naruto you knew exactly how Sakura felt towards Hinata and yet you decided to go along and date the girl when Sakura told you too. And for what? To be able to date her and then have her break up with you in the end." Sasuke ran a hand through his hair. That morning when Naruto went to pick up Sakura decided to let him know none to gently either that she didn't want to be with him any more, that his usefulness was gone and there was no point in her continuing her charade.

Naruto was almost sure he never thought he would feel such hatred for the girl he had crushed on for so long. The girl had changed rather dramatically and not for the better. He dropped his eyes from glaring at the girl and back to his lap. He really was an idiot. To actually think she would ever care about him and to then hurt probably the one person who really did. He was nothing but trash. Sasuke looked at his friend degrading himself on the inside. Without thinking about why the black haired teen dropped a hand on his shoulder.

"The one thing I know for certain about the Hyuuga girl is she isn't cold hearted and I'm sure with a little time she'll soon forgive you, but you have to give her a reason too." Naruto turned to Sasuke and smiled a real smile for the first time that day. For a bastard and jackass Sasuke really knew how to help people out, well when he wants to.

"Thanks man…"

Hinata got out of the car as Hiashi turned his head to watch his daughter. She turned back to the window that was now down.

"Thank you for the ride." Hinata managed to mumble out. Her eyes cast down.

"Get some rest Hinata, your mother will be home soon enough…Take care." Hinata lightly smiled before pulling away as Hiashi gave a curt wave of his hand and then pulled out of their drive way.

Hinata watched him leave with a sigh of relief. It wasn't like riding with her father was bad, just…awkward really. But for once their drive home was pretty peaceful and not very uncomfortable as well. The wind blew by gently pushing Hinata's light blue hair in to her face. She thought briefly if she should think about getting her hair cut short as it use to be when she was in middle school.

She dismissed it though for the moment as she went to the door. She jingled it to find that it was locked. No one was home? Hinata frowned at the thought and felt a bit worried as well. As an after effect it had just then occurred to her that she didn't even have her bookbag with her which had not only her money, but her keys as well. Luckily for her she knew there was a spare set of keys in the flower pot by the door. Quickly enough Hinata had a key and was unlocking the front door.

"Hello? Where is everybody?" Hinata called out before heading to the kitchen. It looked the same as it was that morning; nothing seemed out of place thus far. She then caught sight of a piece of paper on the fridge. She saw her name on it and recognized Neji's hand writing quickly. She walked up to it and began to read.

Dear Hinata,

Hanabi, Kiba, and I have left to see this woman called Tsunade. Hanabi found something about her online and figured we might as well see if she could help us out. We should be back soon so don't fret, by then I hope this whole situation will be solved, if not then I'll have a story prepared for our parents. We'll be back soon…


Hinata sighed a bit in relief before crumbling the paper (can't leave any evidence) and heading up to her room. Though Hinata did want Kiba back to normal she really missed him jumping on her when she got home from school each day, but she wanted to really get to know Kiba as a human being now. All those times she confined in him, she really wanted to know if he remembered any of them. Then again if any indication of this morning she was pretty sure he did a little bit.

Hinata wanted to know how Kiba felt being a dog then human, she wanted to know what his likes and dislikes are, and there was just so much more! It seemed so much like a miracle that Kiba was human, the one person aside from her family and Shino who she truly trusted with her heart and soul.

The only thing she didn't know was there was so much more to come from her wish, so very much more…

That is it for now anyways! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I made sure to make it nice and long and surprising.

I couldn't keep Naruto the most hated one like Sakura just because I love him so much! He's truly not a bad guy just…as Sasuke thought misguided by the fake love Sakura gave him. I gave you a piece of how he felt about what happened and a little more insight on him and Sasuke's relationship as friends.

I was going to put Ino into this chapter but I didn't want to make it too long too quickly. I need stuff for the next chapter as well! Hope you all forgive me and enjoy!!

Review please!!

Check ya later…
