This is my first songfic. So be sure to review. Please don't hate me if it sucks; I'm still learning

In the dark

In the darkness you will find

Dirty little secrets we all hide

He watched her as she cried onto Onua's shoulder. This was different. He had never heard of a person losing control of their essence. And who was this Badger?

He relied this on her when she had calmed down.

She looked at him and described the
Badgers visits.

A god he thought.

Now came to fixing the problem. After that was done and it was resolved that she didn't lose her essence he began to think about his past.

Cuz everybody wants to hide their secrets away

Nobody wants to stand up to the pain

He had secrets. Not many knew them. She had just told him her deepest secrets. She trusted him. She only deserved to know.

"All right, magelet. Let's go to the sea."

But I will stand up to the pain

Wake up and fight again

If you could

Dance with me through this rain

We will fight

Fight again

He watched her as she studied the sea creatures. She needed to know.

In the back, in the closets of your mind

That's where skeletons and dirty secrets hide

"Daine, I need to tell you something important. Something that as my student, you should know."

She looked up startled.

He sighed and signaled her to sit on the small barrel that was on the dock.

And I'll rip out my insides

And leave them on display for you tonight

"You know I'm recently from Carthack, right?"

She nodded.

"Well I…"

And everybody wants to hide their secrets away

Nobody wants to stand up to the pain

But I will stand up to the pain

Wake up and fight again

"…After I got here I had to stay very silent. I moved from place to place; juggling for a living…"

If you could

Dance with me through this rain

We will fight

Fight again

"Now I obviously serve Jonathon. I'm not proud of the life I had, but I thought you should know anyway."

All this time I hide my secrets away

In the dark

In the dark

In the dark

We all try to hide our secrets away

In the dark

In the dark

In the dark

She took a moment to absorb all he had said. Finally she went over to give him a hug.

She wasn't good at this kind of thing, so she did what Onua had just done. It helped her. She hoped this would help him.

Stand up to the pain

Wake up and fight again

If you could

Dance with me through this rain

We will fight

Fight again

Fight again

He smiled as he hugged her back. She knew what it was like to tell someone your secrets.

Cuz everybody wants to hide there secrets away

And that's OK

And nobody wants to stand up to the pain

Fight again

I hope you enjoyed my first songfic.

Now go and review.