Chaotic Angel:Sakura:The story begings


" Sakura,wake up you're going to be late for your first day school,sweetie." said a young woman's melodic voice that came from another room.

" Okay mom,I'm getting up now.I'll be down in a while." said Sakura Haruno said from in her room.

Sakura put on her glasses and walked to her own bathroom and looked at herself in her full body mirror she had on the wall by the sink.

Sakura had rose pink colored hair that was just above her shoulders. Big green emerald eyes that sparkled when she smiled.Size 'B' .In other words ' still considered flat by boys'.Alabaster(snow white like skin)skin tone that looked like milk.Long flawless legs,yet still short compared to her teammates.Her face was flawless and smooth,but with a wide set forehead that most people tease her about.Perfect manicured nails and smooth flawless hand that,while lets just say if touches could kill you'd bet dead with a touch of her pinky.Sakura is just your regular teenage girl with smart head on her shoulders and sweet to people when want to be.She's admired by most mother's who wish their child could be more like her.(You know the whole honor student thing)Sakura never boast on how smart she is and never says that she's really too pretty,but just plain and simple cute.She had friends that love her and a mother that would never try and change her and that all Sakura thought she needed in life.

Until she had to move to Konoha.Her mother said it was to get a new start on a new life for high school,because of what happened at her old high school.Sakura is a sophomer,and she is going to a new school to make new friends,At least thats what her mother said.Sakura is not so happy though.

Sakura brushed her teeth and washed her face. She took her bath and shampooed her hair. She stepped out of her shower tub.She then dried out her hair.She brushed her shoulder length hair and pinned it in two pig-tails with her uniformed cotton ribbons and put back on her glasses.She went to her room and put on her school uniform.(It consisted of a white long seelve shirt with a dark maroon jacket and a red silk tie and a red miniskirt.Black ankle goth lace-up boots that graced her feet and knee-high silk stockings.)

Sakura walked down from her room and walk to the kitchen table and sat in a chair to eat breakfast.

She had some eggs with bacon and jelly-toast and saugaues,with the sidedish of cut apples and pears.And a glass of milk.

She told her mother and the maids and butlers good-bye and walked out the door.

Sakura always to school by herself,but since she was in a new neighborhood she had to get her mother's driver to take her to school.

Oh, did I minchen that she and her mother are rich. She lives in a big mansion and has tons of maids and bulters,but Sakura rather do things on her own instead of have people wait on her every hand and foot.

(At Konoha private institue for boys and girls)

" Thanks Raiulo for the ride." Sakura said with a big smile.

" It's my pleasurer Lady Haruno." Said the driver Raiulo while shutting her door.

Raiulo is Sakura's mother's personal limo driver and Sakura's babysitter or the one that watches her when her mother is on a tour trips(Her mother is a world famous pop singer.).He is very young,about in his early twenthies.He had really short black hair that is professionally cut and had a lot of hair gel in it to make the front stick up.He wears a black suit with a white long seelve button up shirt with the upper part unbutton alitte,(but still enough to show off his chest) and black shoes.He had beautiful baby blue eyes that shined when he did his famous half smirk.He seems about 6 feet tall and is very handsome.(He secertly has a crush on Sakura's mom but he can't bring himself to tell her.)

While Sakura and Raiulo(He's walking her to the office for safety reasons.a.k.a.boys) was walking to the office,so Sakura could get her schedule.She keep getting weird looks from people.She thought it was just the color of her hair,but she soon recgonized the looks that she was getting from them.Boys was staring at how pretty she looked and girls was giving her glares that could kill.Sakura didn't care.She was what you call a man-hater.

" Hey Ino,check it out, new meat." said a female with her hair in two buns.

Her name was Tentai Tashio,but everyone calls her Ten-Ten(girls called her that) Tai(boys called her that) and nothing else.She is very pretty but she is very tomboyish so most peolpe considered her as a boy.(well at least the boys did.)She hated girly stuff but she was surrounded by girly-girls that was her friends.She was wearing her uniform very thuggish.She had large unbottoned untucked white long seelve shirt with a pin that was green and had angel wings.Under her long seelve shirt she wore a white under shirt.A large dark marooned jacket on that went past her hips(the jacket is surpose to stop at the hips). She wore her red silk tie loose and her red skirt was kinda big on her.And she wore baggy socks with sport shoes.

The girl that Ten-Ten was talking to had her long shiny blonde hair that was in a high ponytail.Her name was Ino Yamanaka. She is considered the most gorgeous in the inter school.She had beautiful baby blue eyes and a sexy smile.She has the body of a tweny year old and wore very trendy clothes even with her uniform(she would pimp out her clothes).She wore silver and gpld chains on her jacket and her skirt.She had on small fishnet stockings and black and red tip high-heeled boots with gold buckles going down the side.She wore her red silk tie loose but not as loose as Ten-Ten's.On her white long-seelve shirt she had a pin that had purple angel wings.She also wore a lot of thick silver and gold bangles.You could say she is truely stylish.

There was a girl beside Ino with her nose in a book.Her name was Hinata Hyuuga.Her hair was short and a dark plum color and she wasn't very tall,but she was taller than Sakura.She wore her uniform correctly( with a silver sparkling angel wing pin,than the others).She had a baby face and pure white eyes that seem to bare into your soul.She wore white knee high stockings with black Mary-Janes(She also wore her clothes two sizes bigger than her because she didn't want people staring at her curves.).She didn't wear make-up and earings like Ino and she didn't have an out-spoken personalitylike Ino or Ten-Ten.She was just shy when not messing with people and fighting.Don't get me wrong Hinata is shy at first glance,but deep down she's a little sly devil(sorry Hinata Fans).

The girl leaning on the wall next to Hinata was a girl who looked older than all of them.Her name was Temari La'Desert.Her hair was in four short spiky dirty blonde ponytails and she was just as pretty as Ten-Ten and Hinata,but not gorgeous like Ino.She didn't wnat to be like Ino anyways.She had three small thick hoop earrings in her left ear and one long silver moon earring in the other ear.She had drowning blue-green eyes and perfect lips.She wore a pin with lalic angel wings on her jacket.She wores black shear stockinds and red ankle boots.She was the most sneakest if the group.As well like Hinata she still wore her uniform slightly correct.

They called themselves the Trendy Angels(a.k.a the most popular girls in school)

" She good to take out don't you think so,Temari?" Ino said with a devilish smirk on her face.

" Yeah,she is cute enough to make a fool of.So whats the plan Hinata?" Temari asked Hinata.

" We could make a make a love note." Hinata said with an angelic voice.

" No, that's so last years tricks.Let's think of something new.Ten-Ten?" Ino said.then looked at Ten-Ten.

" I think we should break her." Ten-Ten said with a sly smirk.

" What do you mean?" Hinata and Temari asked at the same time.

" She's got to be new,so she has to make friends right..( the others said 'right')...So we make the school hate her by having all boys and girls despise her then we go in for the kill and say we want to be her friends.She'll be so broken that she won't realize that we're going to make an even bigger fool of her by getting her hated by the most popular boys in school.By telling her that they wanted to go out with her.Once she confronts them about the ' like situation',they will talk her down and she'll come running to us heartbroken.Then she will be our personal slave to do whatever we please to do to her." Ten-Ten said proud of herself with an evil smirk.

" I don't like it..." Ino said.

" What?" The others girls said together.

" I love it!" Ino yelled.

Then the girls started to laugh evily.

(In the office)

" You must be Miss Haruno?" Said a young lady sitting at the front desk of the room leading to the main office.

She had short black hair and was holding a small pig with some larde pearls around it.It was so cute.She was non other than Shizune.

" Yes, this is Lady Haruno." Raiulo answered for Sakura.

" It's a pleaser to meet the most talented woman in Tokyo daughter.The second headmaster will see you first then you will see the principle,okay?" Shizune said.

" Thanks.Oh and by the way I'm Raiulo Tashiho Sakura's caretaker when her mother isn't around.So whenever you need to talk to her mpther just ask for me okay,Miss...uh..." Raiulo said.

" Oh, I'm sorry I haven't introduce myself yet.I'm Shizune,the secertary for both the principles." Shizune said while shaking Raiulo's hand.

" Just take a seat and I will get the assnt.principle." Shizune said while getting up from her seat at the counter.

" Thanks." Raiulo said while him and Sakura took a seat.

( In the assnt. principle's office)

Shizune walked into the assnt. principle's office and there she was in deep sleep on her desk with drool at the side her cheek.As well as a sake bpttle in her hand.

" Poor Tsunade out like a lamp again.Probaly out all night with her friends.I guess I'll wake her up." Shizune said.Then all of a sudden Shizune took a big book and slammed it down on her desk.


" Ahhhhhhhhh...What the...Oh, Shizune is it time to introduce myself to the new transfer student?" Tsunade asked while taking a paper from her face that was stuck with drool.

" Yeah, she's here but I think you shouldn't over due your speech you give new students.Remember last time when you introduce yourself to the last new student?" Shizune asked Tsunade while straighting her desk papers.

" Don't remind me.Just send in the cute little girl." Tsunade cooed

" Yes Tsunade-sama." With that said Shizune walked out of Tsunade's office and went back to Sakura and Raiulo was sitting.

(Back in the lobby office)

Raiulo was busy reading a magazine and Sakura was reading a big book when Shizune came back to them.

" The assnt.principle Tsunade will see you two now." Shizune said while walking up to Raiulo and Sakura.

" Thanks." Raiulo said For himself and Sakura.

" Wow, you don't speak much do ya,Miss Haruno?" Shizune said while smiling at Sakura who still had her book to her face while looking at Shizune very coldly.

" Oh,I'm sorry I didn't tell you that Sakura is a shy girl so she doesn't like talking to people she doesn't know.But I'm sure she'll come around." Raiulo said answering for Sakura.

" Oh,well I'm sure we'll become good friends." Shizune said with a big ear to ear smile.

( In Tsunade's office)

" So you must be Miss Sakura?" Tsunade said with a cheery yet drunk attitude.

" Yes this is her." Raiulo said for Sakura again.

" What she can't talk for herself?" Tsunade said with a frown upon her face while looking at Sakura then at Raiulo.

" Sakura can talk she just doesn't talk to peolple she doesn't know very well." Raiulo said nervously.

" Well since she won't talk to me there's no use to sending her to the principle,so here's your schedule and your student information sheet on the students in your classes and your class pendant.

She gave sakura the papers and the pendant(it was basicly the leaf symbol).

" Do you need some one to show you around?" Tsunade asked Sakura.Sakura just shook her head 'no' and walked out of the office and went to find her classes.

" Sorry about that Sakura is just not use to a school yet.Please forgive her shallowness.

" No harm done and besides with that attitude she'll be popular in no time." Tsunade said while taking out some 'special water' and puored it into a small saucer.

"Oh about popularity Sakura isn't to big on that sort of grouping." Raiulo said.

" What do you mean?" Tsunade asked while drinking her sake.

" Well she has sort of a temper." Raiulo said nervously.

" So she gets made quickly so whaat big deal." Tsunade said without a worry even though she should be.

" You don't get it do you.Well are you a fan of the singer 'Blooming Cherry'?" Raiulo asked Tsunade.

" Yeah.So she a great singer." Tsunade said still with no worry.

" Well her number one single hit was' Volcano girl'." Raiulo said.

" Still not getting your point." Tsunade said while taking another sip of her sake.

" Well in the lyics it says,' this girl goes off in a blink of and eye over silly sitations'." Raiulo said hoping she got what he was talking about.

Tsunade just stared at him like he was stupid.

" The song was refuring to her daughter and her temper,and the weird part is Sakura was the one who wrote the song." Raiulo stated.

" So let me get this staight the girl has the temper of an erupting volcano?" Tsunade said in shock.

" That's right so she'll probaly be in here more than any student." Raiulo said with a nervous laugh.