Authors Note: Chapter 4 of Guardian Of Light and chapter 4 of The 1 Unreachable thing are almost up! I still had this old document so i figured i could update it.. It's just a short sidefic, but good enough to read. I'll be updating this soon..


Summary: Set after season 2, the fairies defeated lord darkar and everything seems peaceful, but between 2 people, everything has just begon. FxH


"Flora, please, listen to me. I thought about it for long, this is for the best and you know it."

"No, YOU made this decision, you never asked me a thing." She replied

"I have to go, once you've thought things threw you'll understand me."

"But Helia. I don't want to understand things. I just want to be with you."

"Well, I didn't want to let it go this far, but I guess I'll have to tell you. The real reason I'm going isn't just because my father wanted me to go to another school, but also because I'm actually a prince and my dad found a fiancé for me. I don't want to but I have to do this for our country. Because there is a group of Rebellions. I'm so, so sorry. Please Understand." And a few moments later, he was gone.


One month, one whole month has passed since Helia was gone. And if you looked around it was almost as if he has never existed. His room was empty, ready for a new student. His favourite spot near the tree was occupied with a couple making out and his seat in the class was gone. There was only one person who still rememberd him. And she was sitting in her room, with pain in her heart. She rememberd his final words.

"What is linked by destiny, can be torn apart by live."

It whas probably something poetic. Since he was good at stuff like that. She missed his poems, his voice, his behavior, but most of all, she missed him. But now she only had memories of their good time together. She walked out of her room, threw halways, doors and gardens. Everything reminded her of him. She went to sit on a rock and listened to the sound of nature. It was peace and calming, but it had something sad. Because it would always take something of her feelings, since she was the fairy of nature. She was so absorbed that she didn't notice somebody walking up to her.

"Uhm.. excuse me?"

She turned around to find a handsome looking boy. He had brown, smooth hair till just below his ears but a tiny bit longer on the back, green eyes like grass, a earring in his left ear and a smile as sweet and honest as it could get.

"Y-yes?" She answered

"Hi, I'm looking for Miss Faragonda but I seem to be lost. Can you help me?"

"Sure, just follow me."

"Thanks, I'm Andrew by the way."

"Flora, nice to meet you."


Well.. there you have it. Please review and tell meIF I should update it! If you do I'll give you cookies :D