Hello my fellow readers,lol.Im so sorry for not updating in months and months.I hate skewl :-

Well here it is,the end! i hope you LOVE it!


Jess stood there,numb and scared.He fidgited with his sleeves,looking nervisly down the guest seating.

"I couldnt remeber a time when i felt this way,exept when i met her."he thought"She meant everything in this world to me.I still remeber that day in New York,while I was drinking my coffee and eating breakfast,I saw that beautiful girl come in.I couldnt believe that that was four years ago.I cant even begin to think of how my life would be if I didnt follow her and replie to her plea for a 'Taxi,buss or tour guide' "

He looked down,and smiled toward Luke.Luke grinned back,and stood up to go check on Rory. He returned to his thinking.

"Now,I stand at the top of the alter, at the beautiful church she had chosen,I couldnt help but grinn like an idiot.I had her.We had gone through so much,and yet,I love her now more then ever.No one believed we'd last,no one thought we could possibly make it through.We had many stupid fights,one went as far as her leaving N.Y.C for a weekend at S.H, but we always recincied.I cant even imagin my life without her.And im so glad,that after today,I wont have to."

Back in the dressing room

Rory was having similar thoughts as her future husband.

"What if she changed her mind,Lane?"Rory asked,scardly.

"He didnt,Ror."Lane giggled.The two girls were adding the finishing touches to Rory's makeup.

"Oh I hope not.I cant wait till I can be 'Lorelai Leigh Mariano."

"But,theres no more Lorelai Gilmore's."Lane said sadly.Rory shrugged."I will always be a Gilmore Girl,inside."She smiled.

The Korein girl nodded."You look positivly gorgeose!"She screamed.Rory smiled.And she did.

The "Blushing Bride-to-be!" was in a beautiful gown.(the one Lorelai had for Luke,use your imagination ppl!) Her hair was down and curly,and make-up light colored.

"I cant wait!"She screached.The girls giggled untill they heard someone at the door.

"Lane,go take your seat.Its time for the wedding to begin."He said,grapping Rory's arm,ready to escort her to Jess.

"Okay,see ya later sweetie!" Lane smiled and rushed off to find HER own husband,Zach.

"Come on,Luke,lets go!"Rory smiled,glad she chose him to escort her.

"congradulations Rory."Paris said,at the reseption.

"Thanks Paris,"Rory beamed.She was so happy to be a Mariano.Jess apeared by her side.

"Hey Ror."He said.Rory spun around,and planted a sweet,butterfly kiss on his lips.

"Hey Jess."She giggled.

He smiled,and looked down on her.Had she really gotten more beautiful then five miniutes ago?

"You look great."He said.

"I look like a Mariano."There was a pause."And trust me,thats absolutly great."She smiled,and the husband and wife kissed again,before going back to the party.

The End,i hope you all liked it,if i get responce there COULD be a sequal...lol
