A/N: Okay, I know I used line-for-line of the musical last chapter, but I was out of ideas, and had a copy of the script handy. So, I hope you like this chapter.

On another note, I might not update for two weeks, I'm going to Cedar Point with my Girl Scout troop and won't be back until Thursday of next week. So, I hope I'll still have reviewers when I get back.

Disclaimer: .:while running from lawyers:. IT'S MINE I TELL YOU! ALL MINE! .:caught by lawyers:. Okay, it's not…

--------------------No One Mourns The Wicked, Or Do They? --------------------

'She used to be the strong one.'

For the next few days, Elphaba searched the Grimmerie's swirling pages for a cure for Fiyero and Boq. In order to not hurt them, she'd had no choice but to use animals. Mice, in fact. She had turned one to tin and the other to straw. Glinda occasionally came to try to help, but, as she couldn't read the Grimmerie, she was more of a distraction than a helper.

"Ugh, this is never going to work!" she screamed in frustration one morning.

Much to her annoyance, Boq heard her and rushed up the stairs to her attic study. "What is it, Elphaba? Do you need anything?"

"No, Boq. I'm fine." Seeing the look on his tin face, she added, "really. I just… it's confusing, the pages keep swirling uselessly and I don't even know what I'm looking for!"

"But, Elphaba, you did this to me. If you can turn me into tin, you should be able to turn me out of tin!" Boq squeaked.

"It doesn't work that way! You can't undo a spell once it's cast! You can only try to cover it up…" Suddenly, Elphaba was struck with an idea. "Um… Boq. What did the Wizard give you, when you said you wanted a heart? I don't trust him, but he had to give you something. He's not that dense."

Boq laughed. "He gave me a pocketwatch. Heart-shaped. I kept it, though."

"Give it to me," Elphaba said with a crazed look in her eyes.

"What?" Boq seemingly didn't understand what Elphaba wanted to do.

"Give it to me!" Elphaba's tone was a lot more demanding this time.

"Oh, okay, here," he said before running out of the room.

Elphaba stared at the clockwork in her hands. If she was right, she could turn this into Boq's real heart. If she was wrong, well, she didn't want to think about it.

The next day, Elphaba called Boq into the study.

"Sit here, and hold this." She handed him the "heart." "If it has any sentimental value to you, and you don't want me to use it, you're stuck tin."

"No, it doesn't. Do with it whatever you have to." Boq's voice wavered slightly.

"Mutatio talea procul quondam compleo. Mutatio talea procul quondam compleo. Mutatio talea procul quondam compleo." Elphaba chanted.

Boq felt weird, but, in a good way? He wasn't sure.

Elphaba continued chanted as Boq fell unconscious. She didn't want him to be left half-tin and half-man. That wouldn't go well. Finally, she looked down and saw not a man of tin, but a tall Munchkin. She stopped chanting and stepped over Boq and out of the study.

" Fiyero? Fiyero! I think I've done it!" Elphaba called as she ran through Kiamo Ko. "Fiyero, where the heck are you?"

"I'm right here," came Fiyero's voice from the living room. "Honestly, Elphaba, you didn't have to shout. Now, what was it that you said?"

"I've done it! Boq, he-he's got skin!" Elphaba's eyes practically sparkled like diamonds with the knowledge that she'd finally corrected that mistake. "Fiyero, the spell worked!"

"That's brilliant! But, does would it work on me?" Fiyero was tentative in asking, but he needed to know.

"I-I think so, I've just got to change the wording a little." Elphaba pondered the thought for a moment. "Yes, I think I can."

"That's great, we should tell Glinda. I can take another letter, that is, if you want to."

"Yes. I do want to. Thanks." Elphaba ran to the writing desk where her other letters were still scattered. She picked up the quill and began to write.


I think I've done it. I casted the spell the Tinman, he passed out, but he's got skin. Skin! So, if the spell worked, and he's got a heart now, I'm going to revise it and use it on the Scarecrow. I wish you were here. Still, I know you can't be. But I still wish it. Well, wishing only wounds the heart. We've both had those moments. Oddly enough, both about Fiyero. Hmm. Well, meet me in Gillikin Forest next week. Same time, same place.

The Witch

P.S. Ignore the haziness of my details. You know who it's from.

Elphaba sighed. It'd been a long week. Seeing Glinda, though, was great. The traveling, however, was tiring.

A/N: All right, I know this is really short, but I got a case of writer's block in the middle. So, I just tried to get something down. Enjoy the next week!