-1Hi Everyone! I know that it has been forever since I posted for this story but things have been crazy in my life. Since starting law school, all I do is study. But, I am coming up to a break soon and I thought that if there was enough interest in the story I would continue it. I have the entire thing planned out and we are coming to a turning point very soon. So, just let me know if you guys are still interested. Here is a little teaser from the next chapter!

The house was already overflowing with drunk college students by the time that Nathan and Haley arrived. It seemed that the entire campus had turned out for the party, especially when they caught wind that Nathan was going to be there and that he was bringing his new wife.

Haley's eyes widened as they walked through the door and were immediately surrounded by people. Girls were flocking to Nathan like he was singing a song that only they could hear. By the time Nathan was brushing off the third girl, Haley had had enough. She snaked her arms around her husband's neck and pressed her lips into the side of his neck. Nathan felt a smirk forming on his face as he realized what Haley was doing but if his wife wanted to give these bimbos a show, he would gladly help her out. He turned his body so that his face was now facing hers. Their eyes connected and everything else seemed to disappear, the party, the music, the lights, all faded to black.

His lips hovered above hers for a split second before crashing down upon hers in an earth shattering kiss. Haley threaded her fingers through his hair bringing him even closer to her, as Nathan grabbed for her waist making sure that there was not one stitch of air between them.

"Well, well, well, King Scott is back and look he brought his queen." A voice cut through the crowd forcing the young couple apart.

"Kevin…." Nathan said through gritted teeth. Kevin Garrett was a good friend and a great ball player but right now all Nathan wanted to do was kill him for interrupting his time with Haley.

"Hi, I'm Kevin and when you get bored of Nate, you can give me a call, ok gorgeous?" he asked while extending a hand to Haley. Haley felt Nathan's arms tense around her. Before Haley even had a chance to calm Nathan down, Nathan had slammed Kevin up against a wall.

"I know you think this is all fun and games Garrett, but she is my wife. You got that? You so much look at her for too long and I will make sure you feel the effects of it for years to come. That goes for the rest of you, too. You got it?"

There was a murmur of acknowledgment from the crowd. Nathan straightened his shirt up and put his arm around Haley once again.

"Ok then, now that we have that cleared up, where's the beer?"