Out of All People
Written By: RedFireHead41
"Um Shigure?" said Tohru politely as she stood in his office doorway.
"Yes?" the dog replied looking up from his newspaper.
"I was wondering if I could go out this weekend with Uo and Hana. It's Hana's little brother's birthday Saturday and we wanted to throw a surprise party for him."
Shigure smiled, "Of course Tohru. Whatever makes my sweet flower happy."
"Pervert," Kyou mumbled as he passed by the doorway. Tohru turned her head and glanced at Kyou's back.Kyou's off from the roof?
"Oh Tohru–"
Said-girl quickly faced the older Sohma again, "Y-yes?"
Shigure chuckled and shook his head, "No it's nothing. But I was wondering if you know anything about Yuki and where he is tonight. Did he have an after-school meeting for student council?"
Tohru's puzzled look answered Shigure's question instantly, but she answered him anyway, "No. He said that he had to go somewhere tonight and that he won't be home until late..." Shigure nodded, "I see. Well than, why don't you start on dinner? My stomach is begging for your wonderful cooking!"
"Oh yes! I'm sorry!" the young girl yelped bowing her head quickly and dashing for the kitchen. That's when she accidently bumped into something, or rather someone and fell to the floor. Kyou blinked before he realized what just happened.
"Oh, I'm sorry Kyou!" Tohru apologized looking up into his eyes. The cat chuckled, "Your such a dope I swear." Being the caring animal that he was, he helped Tohru back to her feet and watched as she prepared the kitchen for the evening meal. Silently, he drifted into the living room and up the stairs to his favorite spot– the roof(again). As he climbed quickly up the small ladder and laid down on his back, Kyou began to ponder about someone. Someone he thought would be the last person he'd think about.
"I see you've realized there's no point in resisting my dear Yuki..." he whispered into the rat's ear. Shivers shot down Yuki's spine and throughout the rest of his body that wasn't already cold. Fear and pure agony filled his mind. He felt so helpless...
And in pain.
Lots of pain.
Too much pain.
How he wished his life just ended the moment he began this torment.
"Are you coming over next week?" asked the poisonous voice as his hands traveled across Yuki's naked skin, rubbing over the bite marks he had left unclean.
"Yes," Yuki answered soullessly. Suddenly, he felt sharp teeth dig into his neck and him correcting, "Yes who?"
Yuki's eyes were completely lifeless and his naked body shivered with fear, fear of him. Quietly as a frightened mouse, Yuki whispered, "Yes, master Akito."
Akito smiled, "That's a good boy..."
Dinner was great as always, Tohru's cooking what's better?
"Well night has come upon us and so I must turn out! Work early tomorrow, don't want to be late waking up."
"How can you be late for work when it's in your room, stupid dog?" Kyou snapped glaring at the so-called hard-working man.
"It's hard to wake up and walk all the way to my office," Shigure explained, actually pouting. Kyou rolled his eyes and got up from the table, instantly walking up the stairs, up the familiar ladder, and onto the great roof. This was the only place Kyou found peaceful and he could think about anything. But the only thing that was stuck in his mind was–
Why in hell was he thinking of that damn Yuki! It was seriously pissing him off.
"Che, idiot..." Kyou mumbled to himself. He gazed up at the stars as they began their appearances counting each one as they grew brighter. Something caught his eye though. There was a constellation brighter than the rest and it was shaped as a...as a rat.
"Dammit!" Kyou hollered sitting up from the slanted roof. Why the hell are you in my head!
"Yuki, welcome back!" said a graceful voice from below. Kyou quickly crawled to the edge of the roof and looked down, surprised to see the rat standing there. Wait, he was leaning on the wall...and was there something wrong with his right foot?
"Hello Ms. Honda..." Yuki said quite hoarsely trying to move into the home. Tohru motioned towards him, but he politely held up his hand, "It's alright. I'm just tired."
"Are you sure Yuki? Do you need my help?" Tohru asked her voice worried.
Yuki smiled wearily at his close friend, "Thank you Ms. Honda, but I'll be fine." There was a thud behind him and he looked back. Kyou stood firmly with a serious look on his face.
"Kyou!" Tohru exclaimed quite shocked, "D-did you just jump from the roof?"
"Yeah so what," the cat snorted as he walked next to Yuki's side.
"Don't talk to Ms. Honda that way, "Yuki said glaring at his enemy. Kyou glared back, If he has the energy to argue than he should be fine! Why the hell I'm I going to help him anyway!
"What're you doing anyway stupid cat?" Yuki questioned coldly, still eyeing the taller boy. Kyou didn't answer, he acted. Shockingly to the entire world, Kyou lifted Yuki's right arm over his shoulder and moved forward almost dragging the rat behind him.
"Kyou what're you doing!" Yuki demanded. He would fight him off, but all his energy was gone. Damn Akito...
"Helping you to your room," Kyou answered ignoring the stare he got from Tohru. Oddly though, she left the room and walked back into the kitchen. Probably to clean up, Kyou thought.
"W-why?" Yuki asked still shocked to find himself being helped to his room by his enemy.
Kyou growled, "Just shut up or I'll drop you right here!"
Yuki scowled and looked to the side as the wall slowly moved by. Kyou starred ahead thinking. Half of himself was roaring at him for even thinking about helping Yuki, and the other half was just sitting there in silence. Damn rat, this will be the last time on Earth that I'll help you!
"Kyou my room...you passed it..." Yuki muttered glancing over at the orange-haired boy.
"Wha-what!" he yelled jerking sharply back around. Yuki gasped as his right foot slammed against Kyou's leg and he fell against him. He felt so weak.
"Hey, what're you–" Kyou noticed the pain in Yuki's face the instant he looked down at him, "Yuki! Hey, you okay?"
"Heheh...just fine..." Yuki whispered. His sore body was yelling at him now. Begging him to stop and just drop right there. The pain was so overwhelming.
"No you're not!" the cat said fiercely pulling Yuki carefully back to a stand. The rat's foot still hung limply above the ground as they finally made their way into Yuki's room, and Kyou gently let the rat lay on his bed. Exhausted, Yuki closed his eyes and let sleep overcome him immediately. Kyou grunted, "Not even a thanks...you really are an ass..."
But why did I help him..?I mean, he looked in pain. A lot of pain. Kyou looked over at the sleeping form and let his eyes wander over his features. The new moonlight entering the room made Yuki look different. Much more different than what he sees everyday. His face was pale but it glowed bright and his form looked so peaceful. But in reality Kyou knew Yuki was in pain. And his instincts told him to find out why.
Quietly, he walked next to the bedside and looked over Yuki's foot, letting his hand lift up the end of his pants. Kyou gasped at what he saw. His entire ankle was bruised black and blue. There was a deep cut below it with dried blood still illuminating from the moonlight, and more smaller bruises below it. There was also a red scar circling around his small ankle. Who could've done that? Kyou asked himself as he pulled Yuki's pant leg back down. Taking one last look at his sleeping face, Kyou quietly walked out of the rat's room closing the door behind him. As he walked towards the stairs, he spotted Tohru sleeping upon the kitchen table, a washcloth and dirty dishes still in her hands. He sighed and walked over to her, prying the objects from her grip and gently taking her into his strong arms. She looked just as peaceful as Yuki, except that the light came from the lamp in the room not the moonlight. And Kyou had to comment that the moonlight made Yuki seem quite the eye-catcher.
If you see the buddha, kill the buddha
If you meet your father, kill your father
Free from everything,
You are bound by nothing.
Live the live that was given to you.
My Favorite Sanzo saying.(I love this monk!)
A/N: Please review and tell me what you think. I don't want to make this story too long, but not too short. Hopefully I will finish this one if I have the encouragement too. Later chapters should be a bit longer and have more Kyou and Yuki confrontations or more.