A/N: I know I hate when authors do this too. They add a chapter and then you're like- oh it's just an authors note, this sucks.
Just hear me out this is important.
This girl Kelly reviews my story and her first sentence is she didn't like it…I was like "Oh…no that doesn't make me happy" but as I'm reading her review…I smack myself on the head for being so so so so stupid. What she said makes total sense and I can't believe I'm such an idiot to not realize it.
Lily can't be two months pregnant but have her period, and then not get it for 2 weeks and 5 days.
Duh! So the whole thing doesn't make sense. 2 weeks and 5 days. I'm a moron. Yes I, Theresa, am a moron and I salute you, Kelly, for picking it up and calling me on it, you have total permission to hate the story.
I have plans for the next chapter of it and will try to update after When Hazel meets Green has chapter 27 up. I'll think of something to fix it and…I'm so sorry for being an idiot.
You may review this and yell at me. And yell and yell at the computer screen until you go blue, I will completely understand.