and Magneto in a pear tree

Disclaimer: I don't own the X-Men, and I didn't make up this song myself. Thank you, Mercutio, for letting me use it.

A/N: This story popped into my head after I read a fanfic called Deck the Malls by Mercutio. (Great story, by the way - read it!) I couldn't resist, I had to write it down! So here goes...

...and Magneto in a pear tree?

by Waterfall

It was Christmas, and Jubilee was sitting in the big living-room, wrapping presents.

- Lessee... A book for Beast, speedlines for the professor's weelchair, an umbrella for Storm, and an aftershave for Wolvie. Who's next...

She looked at the pile of unpacked presents in front of her.

- Oh, yes! she exclaimed, grabbing one. - A T-shirt for Cyke!

The T-shirt was white, with red letters on the front. "I'M THE BOSS" it said. Jubilee smiled.

- He's just gonna love this!

She started wrapping it up, singing on a song wich had just popped into her head a few days ago.

- On the first day of Christmas, the X-Men gave to me:

Magneto in a pear tree!

On the second day of Christmas, the X-Men gave to me:

Two Ninja thugs

and Magneto in a pear tree!

Outside Magneto started, falling down from the pear tree where he had been sitting.


He got up, shaken.

- How could they have known? he asked himself, limping away. - How?

Silly, huh? And short, too. I'd still like to know what you guys out there think, though - please rewiew!

Shade and sweet water,
