Title: Find yourself
Rating: General for now but will become M
Pairing: OC/Englehorn
Summery: The Captain and Crew of the Venture find more than just and island as they set sail for Carl Denham's feature film.
Disclaimer: I only own things in this story that you have not read or seen in the movie and or book.

Based slighly off a song "Find Yourself" By Brad Paisley

I revise and edit my story every three chapters. Basically I take every chapter and put it into one document and read it a few times and fix it so that it flows a bit better. Sometimes adding completely new scenes so ever third chapter take a chance to re-read for all the new goodies and updates.

Find Yourself
Chapter one: The Straggler

When you find yourself
In some far off place
And it causes you to rethink some things
You start to sense that slowly
You're becoming someone else
And then you find yourself

They had been sailing for a few days now, filming scenes here and there on the ship. They had just turned southwest; nothing was marked on the map for miles in that direction. Carl Denham, a New York producer/director, told everyone they were heading for Singapore to shoot a feature length film, but Jimmy, one of the ship hands had heard conversation between Carl and his script writer Jack Driscoll that they were heading to an island. Skull Island, Jimmy told the ships first mate Mr. Hayes what he had heard and they approached Carl on the subject. They attempted to scare him away from the idea of going to find this island. Carl of coarse wasn't scared way by this and they continued on.

That's when they found something. Jack had been below finishing up some of the last scrip pages to the next scene. Mr. Hayes navigated the ship while Captain Englehorn took watch outside the cabin. The crew had gathered on deck as Ann Darrow, the lead female in Carl's film showed the crew and Jimmy some of her stage acts and dances. Carl was at the head of the ship a pair of binoculars held up to his face. He was looking for the island, as he scoped the seas back and forth. They had yet to spot anything, land, rocks, there was nothing out there. Carl had given up looking for that day, he turned to the rest of the crew and watched the festivities on deck. He turned back for a brief moment only to watch a piece of wood float by. Holding the binoculars back up to his face he looked around the surroundings again to find that they were sailing into driftwood.

"Captain!" Mr. Hayes called out from the cabin.

"What is it Mr. Hayes?" Englehorn asked upon entering the cabin.

"Look." He pointed out to sea where the wood was drifting by and getting thicker as they made their way through it.

"Stop the ship, this isn't drift wood." Englehorn made his way down to the main deck where he looked over the side. The ship was coming slowly to a halt, soon the entire crew and cast of the film, observed the wreckage of another ship.

"Search for survivors!" Englehorn ordered his men, who scurried around the deck looking for anything that could help them save survivors if they found any. Rope and hooks, soon they were back to their side of the ship watching for any movement or sign of life. Carl, anxious to get to his island approached the captain on the subject.

"If there were any survivors we would have seen them by now, we are wasting time I have only a week to make this film." He stopped short when Englehorn turned sharply to him.

"No matter how long it takes, we will search the wreckage for survivors. Ships at sea are a family and we look out for one another. So please if you will not help return to your cabin." Englehorn turned back to look over the side.

Carl sighed and did the same, he put no effort into it though. Carl decided to be patient for a while as they started the engines and slowly started to make their way through the wreckage hopping they would hit what caused this catastrophe. They had searched the wreckage over and over again and were making one final turn back through before they would leave the scene before Carl got impatient once again. He voiced his argument again and Englehorn ordered him to his cabin. Englehorn ordered the ship to full stop and for one last look. Everyone was silent as they listened one last time, Englehorn stood straight on the deck to give and order when they heard it. Someone or something moving in the water, to the starboard side. The crew ran to the side and scoped everything out, one lone person was making there way towards the ship.

"Get a hook and haul her aboard." Englehorn order Hayes before turning to jimmy. "Get some water and blankets." Turing back to the side he helped haul the straggler on board.

Like they had caught a fish the straggler flopped on deck gasping for air. Carl took this moment to grab his camera thinking that this would be a great scene to add to his movie. Englehorn sat them up as Jimmy brought him the water and draped the blanket over their shoulders. Englehorn handed the water off to them and they drank greedily. Still gasping for air the looked around through their black hair that covered their eyes. Englehorn sat down in front of them and waited for them to calm.

"It's alright, you're a safe upon my ship Venture, I am Captain James Englehorn, and if you don't mind me asking who you are." The straggler took a few more breaths of air before speaking.

"My names Catherine." The whole crew was shocked at the development, the straggler was a woman one not in the greatest shape though however. "Catherine Maxwell, Captain of the Hanaway," she looked up and brushed her hair out of her face. "and I've got some story to tell you Captain."

A/N: The More the Reviews the more I tend to write a New chapter. Please Leave your thoughts and Feedback as much as you can soI can Improve this story so that it is enjoyable for all. Thanks!