Adamantium Rage
Chapter 06
Good ol Genma
Akane Tendo sighed dreamily as she put up a new Street Fighter poster on her wall that depicted
a montage of fighters in their various victory poses. She had been watching the show ever since it
had first aired on TV, and needless to say, she was a big fan. She had taped every aired episode
thus far and had already gotten two of the action figures that had just been put out in the stores.
They were of the native to Japan fighters The White Fury, and The Claws of Death. Two of the
best fighters on the show. Some of the only 'real' men, as Akane was often known to say.
Truth be told, after the show had started Akane had, had to reevaluate her own skills in martial
arts after she had seen the show. She had thought of herself as the greatest martial artist in all of
Nerima for a long time but the fighters on the show fought with skill, grace, and power that even
she had to concede to mediocrity. Some of the fighters were even able to use attacks formed from
their chi.
After this self realization of hers she began to train even harder under her father's tutelage
everyday, hoping that one day she too could become a street fighter. Just as Akane finished
putting up her new poster a knock came from her door.
"Come in!" Akane called out.
Just then her sister Nabiki entered her room. She looked up at the poster and the two action
figures that her little sister had just purchased that day. "More Street Fighter stuff?" She then
smirked as she looked to Akane. "Hmmm. I think this is starting to become a bit of an unhealthy
Akane rolled her eyes, having heard that many times before already. "What do you want Nabiki?"
She moaned, letting impatience get the better of her.
Nabiki smiled and sat down on Akane's bed. "Dad says we're going to dinner at his friends house
tomorrow. Apparently his long lost son returned and they want to celebrate together and
introduce everyone. Y'know. Blah blah blah."
Akane looked confused. "Dad has friends?"
Nabiki nodded. "Apparently. Anyway he says it's an important dinner and he wanted me to tell
you that if you had any plans for tomorrow then you better break them."
Akane sighed. "What time are we going to go?"
Nabiki smiled. "We'll be leaving around 5:00" She said.
Akane gasped. "No! That's when Street Fighter comes on! I watch it every week! Tell Dad I
can't go." She said.
Nabiki sighed and stood up, heading for the door. "For god's sake Akane. Just tape it and watch
it later. Don't be such a fan girl."
Akane grumbled as she watched Nabiki leave.
Nodoka looked to her husband angrily as they met in the living area where everyone else was.
"What this about Ranma getting married husband?" She asked, knowing full well that Ranma had
not told him of his engagement to Natalia.
The man known as Genma Saotome cowered under his wifes gaze and sweated at the pressure
that was suddenly put upon him. "Uhm. It's just like you said. I just, uh, over heard you two
talking about it. Yeah that's it." Genma stuttered hoping she believed him.
Nodoka, unfortunately for Genma, was not a complete moron like he was. She nodded at his
excuse though and let it go for the moment. "Okay husband."
Genma chuckled and put a hand behind his head. "Well then." He started. "Now that that's all
over with I believe that this is indeed cause for celebration don't you?" He asked his wife.
Nami perked up at that and threw her arms in the air. "YAY! Party!"
Ranma smiled at his kid sisters response.
Nodoka nodded and smiled. "Yes I suppose we've got double the reason to do so. Our son's alive
and well, and engaged to be married."
Genma put his arm around his wifes waist and another one around Ranma's shoulder. "I've
already taken the liberty of inviting some guests."
Nodoka looks skeptical and glared at her husband. "Who exactly did you invite dear husband?"
She asked, her voice laced with venom.
Ganma this time didn't falter. "Soun Tendo and his daughters."
Nodoka looked surprised but in a happy way this time. "Oh my. I haven't seen them since before
you took Ranma on your training trip."
Genma nodded. "They'll be here for dinner tomorrow at 5:00."
Nodoka looked to Ken and Ryu who still sat at the table with Nami. "Would you boys like to
come to dinner tomorrow as well?" She asked.
Ken smiled. "Sure thing Mrs. Saotome."
Ryu gave a small smile and a slight nod of his head. "I would be honored. Saotome-san."
Ken chuckled and then got to his feet, as did Ryu. "Well." Ken stated. "Looks like everything
turned out pretty darn good if you ask me. Guess we'll be on our way and leave the happy family
to their own devices."
Ryu nodded. "Thank you for the tea Saotome-san."
Nodoka smiled. "You two boys come back any time you'd like. I'm forever within your debt."
With that Ryu and Ken left the Saotome household to return to the shrine.
Genma looked confusedly at the girl with the tattoos. "Are you not going to join your friends?"
He asked the girl.
"Oh." Nodoka said. "I'm sorry dear I forgot to mention. Natalia is going to be staying with us
from now on." Genma froze at this statement in dread. Nodoka continued with a radiant smile.
"Since she's Ranma's bride to be I don't see why not."
Genma sighed, seeing that his wife had already made up her mind. He decided to try and dissuade
her anyway. "But where are we going to put her?" He asked dreading the answer. "Ranmas old
room is Namis and Ranma will probably be in the guest room, we don't have any other rooms."
Nodoka waved his concerns off. "They're engaged. There's no harm in them sharing a room."
She said.
Genma gasped. Nodoka caught this and saw it as a sign of disapproval. She frowned as she
recalled his previous statement about Ranma getting married without having heard it from the
horses mouth so to say. She suspected that this disapproval might be connected to that. "I
wouldn't protest this any further if I were you." She whispered into his ear.
Genma gulped and then smiled. "O...of course not No-chan. They are... engaged after all."
Nodoka smiled and turned to her returned son who Genma had long let go of. "Why don't you
get yourself set up in your new room Ranma?" She asked.
Ranma smiled and started towards the stairs. "Yes mother." He stated politely.
Natalia got up from her seated position and walked towards her fiance. "I'll help you." She said
with a lecherous smile.
Genma noticed this and pointed to Nami. "Nami! You help your brother get settled too." He
Nami brightened and jumped to follow her new brother and soon to be sister in law who's happy
expression fell a little bit at this. "Okay!" Nami stated happily.
The next day.
Ranma smiled as he sat with Natalia at the table waiting for his mother to finish dinner. Just as he
was snuggling up with his fiancé the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Ranma called out. He then kissed
Natalia and got up to answer the door. "I'll be right back." He stated with a smile.
Natalia smile back and waved him off to get the door. Genma, who had just seen the kiss, fumed
and nearly broke the bowl that he was carrying to the table for his wife.
Ranma smiled as he opened the door. Before him stood a man around his fathers age, he had long
black hair and sported a mustache and a fairly nice black suit. With him were three teenage girls,
one with long brown hair, one with shorter cropped black hair and another with long black hair.
All three of the girls were wearing formal kimonos.
The man before him stepped forward and greeted Ranma warmly in a fatherly embrace. "Ah you
must be Genmas son Ranma." He said. "It's so good to finally meet you my boy."
Ranma blushed slightly at the familiar way the man had greeted him with and quickly dislodged
himself. "It's... ah... good to meet you. You must be Soun Tendo?" Ranma asked.
Soun nodded and gave off a chuckle. "That I am. And these..." he mentioned motioning towards
his daughters. "Are my daughters Akane age 16, Nabiki age 17, and Kasumi age 19. Choose..."
Just then Soun was cut off by the burly form of Genma Saotome who barged past Ranma and
embraced the man. "Soun!" He called out with joy.
"Genma!" Soun mimicked as the two hugged.
"Come inside." Genma said as he ushered the four guests into the house.
"Don't mind if I do." Soun said with a chuckle. The two fathers then entered the house with a
merry little hop in their steps. Both thinking of the exact same thing.
Ranma smiled to the three girls and moved to allow them entry. Akane stopped as she got close
to Ranma and looked carefully at him. "Uhm... I don't mean to be rude or anything..." Akane
started. "But have we met before?" She asked.
She had noticed a striking familiarity with the boy the moment he had opened the door. It had
been nagging her all through his fathers introduction, which she and the other girls found odd
since he had included their ages along with their names in it.
Ranma looked at her thoughtful but then shrugged. "I don't think so."
Nabiki moved up beside her sister and gave her a sinister smile. "Hmmm... looks like someone
has a crush on the new boy." She stated. She then looked the blushing Ranma up and down.
"Can't say I blame you."
Akane glared at her sister annoyed. "Nabiki! I hate boys!" She then turned back to Ranma and
glared at him too. "He's NO exception either! They're all the same! Bunch of PERVERTS!" With
that said Akane stomped her way into the house after her father and eldest sister Kasumi.
Ranma looked a little flustered at the sudden change in the girl's attitude towards him. "What's
the matter with her?" He asked Nabiki.
Nabiki smiled and looped her arm around Ranmas. "Oh don't read too much into it. She's just
uncomfortable around boys what with the ones she has to deal with at school all the time and all."
Ranma just continued to look confused as Nabiki led him into the dining area where the rest of the
family was making with the pleasantries.
Natalia got up from her place at the table and walked over to Ranma with a bit of a frown on her
face as she saw the other girl with her arm linked with his. "Hi." She said venomously. "I'm
Natalia. I'm Ranma's fiance."
Nabiki smirked as she recognized the hint of jealousy in the girl's voice. She was obviously quite
protective of the boy. Nabiki had encountered it a hundred times before, at least, in various
situations. She just smiled though and un-looped her arm. She wasn't interested in Ranma, and
she had nothing against the girl who claimed ownership of the boy. Besides, the girl was quite
obviously a fighter and she didn't need that kind of trouble. "My name's Nabiki." She said back to
the tattoo clad girl. "He's all yours."
Natalia smiled and dragged Ranma back over to where they had been sitting before.
Genma smiled brightly as he had just been introduced to Souns daughters over again. He had met
them several years ago but they had been much younger at that time. Now that they were all
grown up he could see quite clearly that they had grown into fine women. Any man would be
honored to marry any one of them. Kasumi was soft spoken and polite and had a serenity about
her that seemed contagious to the people in her immediate vicinity. Nabiki had a very calculative
look about her but she had a kind heart and would do anything to help and protect her family.
Aken was the one the really caught Genmas eye though. She was attractive, strong, and obviously
had a good amount of martial arts skill, though not nearly as much as Ranma by any measure.
Just then Nami came out of the kitchen where she had previously been helping her mother with
the dinner preparations. "Ah Soun!" He started. "I'd like you to meet my second child Nami."
Genma said to his friend as he pulled his daughter to his side. "She's shown a great interest in the
art and also shows much potential."
Soun smiled and chuckled at the girl. "That's wonderful. I trust you've been training her in
anything goes in Ranmas absense then?" He asked his old friend.
Genmas expression fell a bit. "Er...not quite. After losing Ranma to the art Nodoka had made it
quite clear that I was not allowed to teach her." Genma then brightened up a bit. "But he's fine
now. I don't see why I wouldn't be able to now."
Soun chuckled at this. "Quite right old friend." Soun nodded.
Nami looked up at her father excitedly. "Does this mean I get to learn martial arts now?" She
Genma smiled. "I don't see why not my dear." He said. "I'll talk to your mother about it tonight."
Nami brightened and hugged her father.
Nodoka looked to the clock as she had put the finishing touches to the meal for the night. It was
5:30; a little late but the guests had arrived on time save for Ken and Ryu. Nodoka began to bring
the various dishes out to the table, she couldn't afford to wait for the boys and have the meal get
cold. With that in mind Nodoka brought them all out to the table one by one and everyone seated
themselves leaving two spaces open for the late boys.
Almost immediately after everyone was seated at the table the doorbell rang. Ranma smiled as he
got up. "I'll get that mother." He stated.
Nodoka nodded and Ranma got up to answer the door. He came back a few minutes later with
Ken and Ryu right behind him, they were both dressed nicely and Ken had a box tied with a fancy
ribbon under his arm.
"Sorry we're late Mrs. Saotome." Ken started as he and his friends sat down.
Nodoka smiled at the blonde haired American boy. "That's quite all right Ken. You're actually
right on time." She turned to the Tendos and decided to make a quick introduction. "This is Ken
Masters and Ryu Hoshi." She then noticed the box that he had brought and asked inquisitively.
"What's that package you have with you?"
Ken smiled and handed it to the woman. "This is a gift I had bought for you. To thank you for
your generous hospitality." He said flashing an award winning smile at her.
Nodoka accepted a package and blushed slightly. "Oh my I hope you don't mind if I set this aside
until after dinner. We don't want things to get cold."
"Not at all."
With pleasantries over with, the Saotomes and their guests said their grace and began their meal.
Akane couldn't help but stare at Ranma, Ken, Ryu, and Natalia. They all looked incredibly
familiar but she just couldn't seem to put her finger on it. She shook her head and decided not to
read too much into it.
Soun smiled as he began to throw questions in Ranmas direction. "So Ranma my boy. Tell us
about yourself. You've been gone for so long, what have you been doing in that time?" He asked.
Nodoka looked curious. "That's right I don't think you've actually told us where you've been.
We were so caught up in the joy of having you back that we never thought to ask where you've
been." She said to her first born.
Ranma blushed a little and smiled. "Well... my first memories are from about last year. I woke up
in Canada without any memory and then was adopted by an Indian tribe. All I really knew was my
"Oh my that's terrible." Kasumi said.
"Canada eh?" Nabiki said with a chuckle. "That's quite a long way from Japan."
"How did you find out how to make it back to your family if you couldn't remember anything?"
Soun asked.
Natalia decided to answer for her fiancé at this question. "My father is the most skilled fighter in
our tribe and he had met with Genma Saotome before on his journeys."
This fact suddenly brought a sweat from Genma. He had thought he'd recognized the tattoos that
the girl sported.
Soun smiled at this. "Ah. So you are from the same Indian tribe then." He said.
Natalia nodded proudly.
Nabiki looked questioningly to Ranma. "How did you manage to fly back to Japan? From what I
understand Indians aren't exactly wealthy."
Ranma smiled as he swallowed his current mouthful of food. "Oh that was the easy part. Once I
started traveling I just fought in street fighting tournaments with Ken, Ryu, and Natalia here." He
Nami smiled brightly as the conversation had come to an area that she was familiar with. "Yup!
My big brother's the Claw of Death!" She stated proudly.
Nodoka frowned at that title. "Such a violent Alias." She muttered.
Before anyone could say any more a voice rang out with a great deal of pitch and excitement.
"YOU'RE THE CLAWS OF DEATH!" Akane almost screamed.
"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! I can't believe I'm eating dinner with the claws of
death!" Akane stated as she covered her blushing cheeks. She then looked up to Ken and Ryu and
Natalia. "That means you must be The White Fury! And you're Red Guy! And you're Natalia
Ken sighed. "If I ever find that woman again..."
"You watch street fighter too?" Nami asked Akane.
"Watch it?" Akane said. "I've recorded every episode ever aired! Oh my god!" Akane then dug
around in her kimono and found her street fighter manga which she had brought with her to read
in case she got too bored. She also pulled out a pen and handed them to Ken who was closest to
her. "Can I have all your autographs please?" She asked with just a bit of desperation in her voice.
Ken smiled and took them. "Sure."
Akane blushed even harder as she looked to Ranma again. "Uhm... Can I see your claws?" She
asked shyly.
Ranma bashfully put a hand behind his head. "Um... I'm not allowed to bring them out in the
Nabiki smiled as she looked Ken, Ranma, Natalia, and Ryu over. "Celebrities huh? Well this night
keeps getting more and more interesting."
Genma and Soun smiled. "Well Akane seems to be getting along with Ranma just fine then
wouldn't you say Tendo?"
"Yes old friend I believe they're hitting it off quite nicely." He replied as they gave each other a
knowing look.
Akane just blushed brightly as She was handed her manga back.
Genma decided that this would be a good time to get it out in the open. "Well I suppose that
there's no better time to say announce this." He said to all present. "Ranma. A long time ago.
Long before you were born me and my friend Soun here made a man to man pact. We swore that
once Ranma came to be of age. He would marry one of the Tendo daughters to unite the schools
of the anything goes."
Nodoka froze at this... then she frowned darkly at her husband. If he had looked in her direction
he would see his own death in her eyes.
Genma however was oblivious and Soun continued the speech after standing up. "My Daughter
Akane, she's 16, Nabiki 17, and Kasumi 19. Pick any one of them and she'll be your bride." He
stated with glee.
"I'LL MARRY HIM!" Akane all but screamed.
Soun looked surprised at this. But smiled nonetheless. "Ha ha! I couldn't have thought of a better
"Excuse me!" Interjected another voice. "Mr. Saotome have you forgotten that you had already
engaged Ranma to ME?" Natalia asked the fat man irately.
Genma began to sweat. "This is a matter of family honour. I set up this engagement with the
Tendos LONG before you came along!"
"How can you say that?" Natalia demanded as she stood up. "YOU are the one that engaged me
to Ranma! You can't engage him to EVERYBODY!"
Ranma leaned over to his mother and looked confused. "Mother... How many fiances can
someone have?"
"One, son." She said. "Your father is in a lot of trouble."
Outside of the Saotome home a dark figure lurked through the shadows of the outer wall. The
figure had a black full body suit covering him from head to toe. He was a lithe figure but bulked
up a bit with the various padded or armored parts of his suit. Upon his face he wore a mask with
bright red telescopic infra red lenses, and on his hand was a strapped on set of three claws each
one made of adamantium. The black clad man pressed a small button on the side of his mask and
he then miraculously turned invisible. The only thing that could set off that there was even a
person there was a slight shimmer in the air and a light red glow where the eyes were. The man
then leapt to the top of the outer wall and ducked down observing the family and their guests
from above. The dinner table dispersed after a while and the American who was with the mostly
Japanese gathering looked towards the dark clad figures direction with a look of concern. He
wasn't able to see him... but the figure decided to vacate his current location just in case.
The figure noticed the target 'Ranma Saotome' go upstairs with a tattoo clad girl alone and
decided to attempt a capture. He got up once Ken had turned around and ran towards the house
jumping onto the first floor balcony and checking through all the windows until he came across
Ranma again.
Ranma sighed as he entered his room with Natalia. "I'm sorry about that. I'm still not a hundred
percent sure myself what just went on."
Natalia put her hand softly on Ranmas cheek and smiled. "Don't worry about it Ranma. It's not
your fault. You father just seems to be... well I hate to say it but he's an idiot."
Ranma held onto the hand she had placed upon him and smiled. "He's still my father, and it was a
sacred pact between him and Mr. Tendo he says."
Natalia shook her head. "Doesn't matter. You were my fiancé first and besides... We've already...
done things that would make most of those girls blush." She said.
Ranma smiled and blushed as he was quite aware of what it was she was talking about. Just then
Ranma heard a crack and felt a small pain in his back. "Ow. What the." He reached behind him
and pulled out what looked like a dart of some sort. "What the heck is..."
Just then the dark clad figure burst through the window still partially invisible. "Ranma Saotome."
He said in a high pitched voice. "My names Vega. You're coming with me." He said.
"Vega?" Ranma said confused. "I killed you!"
"He's not going anywhere?" Natalia yelled at the man as she took up a stance.
Just then three more darts came flying towards the pair. Two towards Ranma and one towards
Natalia. All three hit. Natalia tried to stay up but quickly fell to the floor unconscious.
"NATALIA!" Ranma called out in worry as he pulled the darts out of himself and stumbled to
see if she had a pulse. She did and he stood up angrily and stared towards the shimmer. "WHAT
The figure then turned off his cloaking device and dropped his tranquilizer gun. "That healing
power of yours is quite potent. You're barely stumbling after 3 hits with a very potent
Ranma rushed towards the figure and tried to knock him out of the window with a powerful kick
but the figure quickly dodged out of the way and was behind Ranma in seemingly no time at all.
The man claiming to be Vega then slashed at Ranmas back repeatedly with his adamantium claw.
Ranma slowly turned around and then attacked again, this time managing to get a few punches in
before the figure jumped over his head and kicked Ranma across the room.
Ranma balled his fists together and was about to pull out his claws when he'd remembered what
his mother had said to him on his first night back about claws in the house. I gotta get him
outside. Ranma thought desperately. Vega then pulled a pair of adamantium handcuffs from his
suit and rushed Ranma. Ranma managed to block a few of his attacks but Vega was quicker than
he remembered and he was still feeling a bit woozy from the tranquilizer so Vega managed to get
one of the cuffs on.
He would have gotten the second one as well but the door to the room suddenly opened and Ken
and Ryu rushed in. "What's going on!" Ken said before noticing the black clad figure in the
mask with claws.
Vega smiled beneath the mask and held up his claw. "Recognize me Mr. Masters?" He said with a
high pitched laugh.
Kens eyes widened in horrified shock. "VEGA? You're dead!"
Ryu pushed a shocked Ken out of the way and powered up a quick Hado Ken. "No time to stand
around slack jawed buddy. HADO KEN!" Vega wasn't expecting a chi attack so quick and in his
attempt to dodge managed to take a bit of the hit and was thrown out the window again.
Ranma rushed to the window, no longer stumbling and jumped out to follow. Ken and Ryu
decided to go down the stairs to follow.
Vega stumbled as he stood back up and frowned his suit had been damaged on the back and some
of his lower mask had ben destroyed He wouldn't be able to use the cloak anymore. He quickly
got into a fighting stance as Ranma jumped down to meet him immediately after.
Since he was outside he decided it was quite all right to unsheathe his claws this time. With a rage
fueled by the tranquilizing of his fiancé he rushed towards Vega and began to swing repeatedly in
a complicated pattern of martial arts maneuvers. Vega however was much quicker than when he
had fought Ranma before in the ring and managed to dodge all the deadly blows.
Some of Ranmas swings however managed to cut some of the suit that he wore. Ryu and Ken
decided to just watch as it seemed Ranma had this new Vega under control.
About the time that the Rest of the Saotomes and the Tendos came to the porch to see what was
going on one of Ranma's swings managed to slice through the entire front of Vegas suit... which
then came apart along with the wrappings that were used to tape HER breasts down.
Ranma stopped suddenly as a pair of breast emerged from his opponent. "What the hell? You're a
Vega smiled and took off her mask revealing a very VERY beautiful feminine face with long
blonde lochs of hair. "Looks can be deceiving. I'll be back."
With that the female Vega turned and ran for the wall. She quickly jumped over it and was soon
out of site.
"There's no way that someone that hot was Vega." Ken said.
Ranma then came over to his sensei and his friend and looked confused. "She smelt the same as
Vega. The exact same."
"Ranma sweety are you okay?" Nodoka asked hugging her son in a worried embrace.
Ranma smiled. "I'm fine. Just... confused."
Ken walked over and picked up the mask that was dropped and noted that there was a few hairs
stuck to the inside. "I think I should call Chun Li about this." He said to Ranma and Ryu.
Ranma then turned towards the stairs. "I should go see Natalia." He said. "She got hit with some
kind of tranquilizer." He said before rushing up the stairs.
Ken and Ryu frowned somberly as they sat in the dojo looking at the box that they had just placed
the mask and hair samples in to be sent to Chun Li at Interpol for a DNA test.
"There's no doubt about it." Ryu said. "Bison and Shadow Law are back somewhere."
"No kidding." Ken seconded. "If Ranma and Natalia are correct in what they saw then Bison's
been pretty damn hard at work. I mean... a camouflage suit that turns virtually invisible? They've
been BUSY! Not to mention the cuffs that were used on Ranma were made of pure adamantium."
"What worries me." Ryu started. "Is this female Vega. You told me that Ranma has a very
powerful sense of smell... and he said that his woman smelt exactly the same as Vega... Who we
all remember to have been killed at one point or another."
"I thought I killed him." Ken said.
"So did Chun Li."
Ken looked worried as he finally understood what Ryu was trying to get at. "You don't think
Bison's found a way to bring people back from the dead do you?"
Ryu nodded. "Lets just hope Chun Li can prove us wrong."
Author's Notes: Well this is interesting isn't it? For one. I actually finished a new chapter of AR.
And Vega coming back again and again? That's just weird. But I guarantee I have an interesting
reason that he is back. And a female Vega? What's that all about? Well I'm not going to tell you
that. It's a secret. BWA HA HA! But anyway. This concludes the return of Adamantium Rage.
Now that I've got ideas for it, as well as the sixth chapter FINALLY finished for the third time I
think it's safe to say you'll all be seeing more chapters.
Morden Night: