I'm really; really sorry it's taken so long. Things came up, had a loss of writing will…ect, ect…

Anyways, I'm back and I plan on finishing what I've started.

Special Thanks to: Uzziel, swiglo3000, Zero-Nightmare, Mortal Guardian, IncrediRaider8, dartblade, Longsworder, whitem, Cold-Chaos, Burpadski, Zarantan, and Delta Operator for reading and reviewing!

Chapter 10

Couldn't get any worse…

"Is this thing done yet?" Leon asked.

"Almost, keep your shirt on" Wade replied through the Kimmunicator's speakers.

The full story in all its glory was relayed to Leon as Wade suggested he scan them for any traces of Las Plagas. So far they were all cleared.

"Done, no one's infected. But that doesn't mean it can't happen, you should be extra careful when dealing with the townsfolk, there's no way to know how many of them are affected."

"Got it Wade, any luck on a cure for it?" Kim asked.

"I've been going over all the files on the string, it doesn't look very promising but I'll keep on it."

"Thanks Wade, we'll keep you updated" Kim said as she turned the device off.

"If you have hand protection now is the time to use it." Vin said as he pulled on his leather gloves.

Yori pulled out a pair of similar gloves from one of the small pockets in her gi, while Leon was busy putting on his own gloves. Kim pulled on her own gloves, making sure they would stay on her hands, Ron was doing the same.

"Ok, Wade and the team say the village is a short walk down a path next to the first house, we should get moving." Kim said.

"Check, let's get moving people."

Vin took point, with Kim right behind him. Leon took up the tail end of their line as they made their way through the fog, back towards the house.

Something caught their attention in the distance; it was very high pitched whining like that from an injured or neglected dog. Vin reached in his coat for his weapon, ready to expect anything.

They passed the house and came to a small, empty shack on the right. Behind the shack was the path they were to take…and the source of the noise.

It was a wolf, its back left leg bloodied and caught in a bear trap. It continued to whine and whimper as it turned its head in their direction, ears back…clearly in need of help.

Kim moved past him, crouching down and holding her hand out.

"Shhh, its ok, don't be afraid…" She whispered as she touched the wolf's nose, its tail wagged briefly.

Vin kneeled on the ground and started prying on the bear trap, hoping it'd release the dog, with a snap it flung open, freeing the wolf which sprinted into the foggy woods.

"I wonder if that's a sign of things to come…" Ron wondered as he stared at the trap.

"I wouldn't be surprised if those were the least of our worries." Vin said.

"I'll take the lead, considering I can see these things in advance." Kim said.

"If you're taking the lead, you're going to need this as well" Vin said as he removed the straps holding his knife and sheath on his leg and handed them to Kim.

She grabbed it and started strapping it onto her right leg, she didn't need to ask why he was letting her use the knife, and she knew from before to trust his instincts when it comes to situations like this.

He motioned to her to take the lead, as they started off again, heading down the foggy path that led into the woods. The path was old and overgrown with dying vegetation; it was especially spooky for them.

Further up the path Kim motioned for the others to stop.

"You see something Possible-san?" Yori asked.

Kim nodded as she picked up 4 rocks from the side of the path; she took one last look at the path before her before she chucked all four rocks at the same time.

Once they hit the ground they were followed by 4 distinct snapping sounds as the traps closed. They started off again, crossing the field where the traps were set in short time.

Then the path started to rise over a relatively steep hill, there was a shack on the left side at the top of the hill. Kim approached cautiously, her right hand grabbing the handle of the knife as she neared the opening.

Suddenly a figure from inside the shack lunged at her, butcher's cleaver in his hand as he attempted to stab her. She ducked the attack and in one swift motion drew the knife and sliced the person's throat and reverse kicked him to the ground.

They watched as the figure fell flat on the ground before it dissolved into the ground, leaving another chest of gold coins.

"Why does that keep happening, it doesn't make any sense what-so-ever." Ron stated as he poked the chest with his hand.

"Who knows, but we better carry it, just in case."

Dissolving bodies and coins, what's wrong with this picture? Kim thought…

They heard a shout from over the crest of the hill in Spanish, which was soon followed by two other villagers, one male with a hammer and a woman with a pitchfork running full speed at them…

"GET DOWN!" Vin shouted as he brought his gun up.

They ducked down as he got a bead on the closest suspect and fired.


The man fell onto his face and rolled down the hill coming to a rest at Kim's feet; it almost immediately dissolved and left another chest of coins.

Vin turned to the right slightly towards the approaching woman…


She dropped to the ground and just like the man, dissolved into a chest of coins…

"Ok, enough of this sneaking around, if they find us, they'll attack us no matter how quickly we move…" Vin said holstering his weapon.

"Agreed, Vin-san…while I normally would disagree, these are not normal people we are dealing with." Yori said as she picked up a chest of coins.

"The sooner we get to the town and find who we're looking for the better." Leon said.

"Kim you lead, watch for traps…" Vin said as he pocketed the next chest of coins.

They briskly walked up the hill and back down; Kim kept here eyes peeled for traps as they made their way down the path in the fog.

They continued on the path till they came to an open field with a couple of trees along the path before the path itself hooked right and over another hill. Tall grass was also around the path, probably hiding more bear traps.

"Spot something KP?" Ron asked.

"I'm not sure, it seems as though they're setting a trap for us…" Kim said eyeing the dead trees near the path closely for traps.

"I sense a trap as well Possible-san" Yori said as she walked next to Kim, motioning over to the tall grass…

"They have probably set up bear traps for us…" She continued…

"Eight, I count eight traps in the grass…" Kim said.

"But why are there so many traps in the grass?" Ron asked.

"Probably because they set an even bigger trap on that path, probably using the trees to hide it from us till it was too late." Vin said as he walked up.

"Check the third tree on the right, red glow…" He said as he pointed to the tree.

"Laser trip wire….attached to the dynamite on the tree and sending the beam across to the tree on the far left." Kim said, finally spotting the explosive and the trip wire.

"No problem, I can take that out from here…" Vin said as he brought his gun to bear…

"Bet you can't…" Leon said.

"Bet what exactly Leon?" Vin said looking back at him.

"Bet you five bucks you can't hit it from here…" Leon said smugly.

Vin chuckled a bit making Kim and Ron look at him, curious as to what he had in mind.

"I'll bet you twenty I can hit that without even looking Leon." He said, switching his gun to his right hand as he faced Leon.

"You're on." Leon said, smiling.

"Good…because…" Vin brought his right hand up and aimed at the explosive, never taking his eyes off of Leon. Kim, Ron and Yori looked at the gun as he fired…



The tree with the explosive disintegrated and collapsed on top of itself before it fell away from the path.

"…you owe me twenty bucks." Vin finished, not missing a beat.

Kim couldn't say she was surprised, Vin always had a knack for making difficult shots without batting a eye, something she as well as Ron learned during their short time together back in Middleton.

"Kim, you able to take out the bear traps from here?" He asked as he holstered his weapon.

"I can take out a few, but there are still three I can't get from this angle." She said as she picked up a bunch of rocks.

"Well, do what you can; we'll just avoid the others."

She nodded as she threw the rocks she had…the snapping of the traps was heard moments later.

"There are two close to the fence, and one just off the path on the left, so watch your step." She said as she led the group down the hill and into the field.

They walked for a little more before they heard chanting coming from in front of them…probably the village they were supposed to get to.

"Look sharp everyone, if you have weapons on you, now's the time to bring them out…I'm talking to you Yori, and Ron…" Vin said as he withdrew his .45.

Leon drew his 9mm behind them, watching their six incase they were ambushed.

"Stoppable-san, it is time…" Yori said as she pulled her fans out of her belt…

"When I use this thing, isn't it going to send a giant signal to Monkey Fist?" Ron asked as he slowly pulled the Lotus blade out of his pocket, for the trip he turned it into a Swiss Army knife so he wouldn't raise suspicion.

"It won't be enough to signal Monkey Fist, but he may still feel its presence." Yori said as she opened and closed her fan-blades, preparing for an imminent battle.

"If it did bring him out, it's better for us. We get him it's the end of our mission…" Vin said as he looked around, trying to see if anyone was watching their approach to the town.

"Ron, better off just having it out, we could use the weapon…" Kim said as she peered through the fog, trying to see what was going on up ahead.

"Alright, here goes nothing…" Ron held his hand out, and in a giant poof of bluish clouds the little pocket knife became the lotus blade.

"Might want to change it to something else Ron, cutting and slashing these people might get that virus of theirs out and around us…" Yori said quietly.

"Well, ok…" with another poof the sword became an aluminum baseball bat.

"So you could pretty much turn that thing into anything at all?" Vin asked as they slowly approached the source of the chanting.

"Yep, last time I ended up turning it into a rotary phone." Ron said as he practiced his batting stance.

"Really, did it work?" Leon asked.

"I didn't really have time to check, Monkey Fist was chasing after us at the time…"

"Could you keep it down Ron; we're almost at the village…" Kim said as they saw a structure rise up out of the fog in front of them.

"Right, sorry Kim…"

The chanting grew louder as they approached the house, another sound also lingered in the air with the chanting…the crackling of a fire.

"What smells like burning meat?" Ron asked as they stopped by the corner of the house.

"Oh god…" Kim muttered, causing everyone to look in her direction.

"It's one of the Spanish officers…" She said turning away…

Vin moved to that part of the house and looked down the path. Sure enough, one of the Spanish officers was tied to a pole and was being cooked to death. By the lack of screams he could only assume he was already dead.

"It's one of them alright, and he's with at least twelve towns folk…all carrying various forms of weapons…" Vin said as he looked around the area.

The house they were stopped at essentially split the path, the right going directly to the town center and the mob of villagers, the left looked like a less used alternative to sneaking in, but there were a lot of hiding spots along that route, a villager could be hiding in any one of them.

"Looks like we're going to have to split up for this…" Vin said…

"Split up? Why in the hell would we split up?" Leon asked.

"We split their attack, and we keep our backs reasonably protected. If we all rush in on one path they can sneak around on the other and surround us." Vin said as he thought the plan over in his head.

"If we split their attack, we can better focus on the immediate threat without like Vin said, worrying about what's behind us." Kim said.

"It seems wise to split up…" Yori added.

"Ok, but remember, lethal force on these people…" Vin said as he checked the magazine on his gun before sliding it back in.

"Leon, Yori, you two take the left…We'll take the right…"

"Ready when you are…" Leon said as he readied himself.


Kim held the combat knife in her right hand as she and Ron moved up, Vin was hanging back a little to get a bead on whoever would attack them first. Just as Kim came up to the last house before the open town square one of the villagers turned around…and spotted them.

Oh crap…


The villagers head exploded as the round struck, however he didn't go down. Suddenly a tentacle started shooting out of the man's neck; on its end it grew razor sharp fangs as it made a high pitched scream.

Kim's eyes widened with fear, Ron practically dropped the lotus 'bat' and Vin hesitated to take the follow up shot, shocked by what he was seeing…

"What the f…"

The tentacle lashed out at Kim's location, striking the wooden fence just above her head. She thrust the knife up and cut a gash in the tentacle which started spewing out blood.

Blam, Blam, Blam, Blam!

The four shots struck the tentacle headed person at the base of the neck, causing the tentacle to explode in a shower of blood before the person fell to the ground and dissolved.

The entire town was now aware of their presence and came in to attack them. Kim lashed out first, driving her left foot into the side of a woman's face, dropping her to the ground.

"BATTER UP!" Ron shouted as he swung the bat and smashed a farmer in the head, killing him instantly.

Kim looked at him surprised as she ducked a spearing pitchfork.

"What? I always wanted to say that" He said childishly as he smacked someone in the chest with it.

"You're still weird…" She started as she slashed across an attacker's throat, "…but that's why I'm engaged to you." She said smiling.

"Now's not the time for cute banter!" Vin shouted as he ran into the fight, smashing another farmer in the face with his weapon.

"But it makes the fighting that much more enjoyable!" Ron argued as he used the bat to block a villager attacking with another pitchfork before he kicked them in the chest.

"It does?" He asked as he delivered an uppercut to a woman with a meat cleaver before he shot a farmer on his right.

"It does, and it makes it go by that much faster!" Kim said as she delivered a roundhouse kick to another villager before she lashed out with the knife on another one.

"Well, it does seem to be working…" Vin said as he caught one villager in a head lock before he snapped their neck.

"Just hope Leon and Yori are enjoying this as much as we are…"

Yori ducked an attack from a man with an axe, she swung her left fan blade in front of her, spraying out the deadly tips of her fan across the mans chest and neck. The man grasped at his neck with his free hand when Yori smashed her left foot into his chest and sent him flying back into a building.

Leon fired at the approaching woman armed with a sickle bringing her down in 5 shots.

The two turned the corner and saw the other three engaged in fighting the large mob by the burning officer.

Leon started picking off the ones that weren't close to the three while Yori rushed into battle, she slashed and cut through three or four villagers with the razor's edge of her fan blades before she jumped and landed on a villager that was behind Kim.

"Mind if I join you?" Yori asked politely as she cut the head off of another villager.

"The more the merrier I always say" Kim said as she slashed another villager who stumbled to Ron, who smashed him in the skull with the bat.

Not long after Yori joined the fight that the villagers stopped attacking. The clanging of the church bell carrying across the town.

The remaining villagers stopped their attack and started mindlessly shuffling into the church, surprising the five of them. Just as the last ones were approaching the church they heard two gunshot's that dropped them to the ground. They all turned around to look at Vin who's gun was pointed in their direction.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"You shot them as they were heading to a church?" Ron asked, confused.

"It's not like they're going there to repent. Someone is controlling these people, and that church bell signaled them. So whoever's controlling them either is calling them in as routine, or they know we're here…" Vin said as he ejected his magazine and replaced it with another one.

"What the hell is going on here?" Leon asked, holstering his own weapon.

"Whatever it is, it involves the Presidents Daughter, Saddler, and Fiske…"

"Lord Fiske" Saddler called.

"What is it Saddler…" Fiske asked as he joined his 'colleague' by a large window in his castle.

The castle where they've set up their operations was a good 3 miles above the village, and about 4 miles away from it. From here they had a excellent view of the village below, provided it wasn't foggy out, like it was…But that's why they had the latest state of the art cameras outside, looking in on the village where they couldn't see.

"It appears we have some unexpected villagers…"

"Other than the two cops your villagers found?" Fiske asked.

"Yes, however, these people are still alive…unlike the cops…" Saddler motioned to Chief Mendez to bring up the footage from one of the cameras overlooking the town center.

"Do you know these people?" Saddler asked.

Fiske stared at the screen, his face scrunched into a scowl,

"Ron Stoppable and Kim Possible" He hissed.

"You do know these people…I take it they aren't friends of yours by the way they stormed in to the center of town…"

"Of course not, they're here to ruin my plans!"

Saddler smiled as he motioned to Jack, who started towards the door, taking some of the monk workers Saddler had with him.

"Don't worry my old friend; they'll be taken care of. Then you could turn them into one of your experiments…" Saddler said with a grin.

Fiske sneer turned into a snicker as he though about it. "Bring them alive…I'll have the most fun testing and torturing them…"

"What are we going to do about him?" Kim asked as she motioned to the still burning corpse of the Spanish officer.

Everyone stopped what they were doing (which, surprise-surprise… was picking up chests of coins…); their eyes darted back and forth with one another.

"We can't just leave him here cooking…" Kim said folding her arms across her chest.

"She's right, cut him down…" Vin said as he went over to the pole.

Kim cut the ropes from behind and the body fell to the ground with a thud.

"Now what?" Ron asked as he walked over to them.

"We call it in…" Vin said as he grabbed his radio.

"Away team to base, you read me base?" Vin said into the radio.

"Roger away team, what's your current status?"

"One Spanish officer dead, villagers seem to have killed him, they're under someone's control here…"

"Copy that, what is your location now?"

"Village center, we're going to search the buildings here before we move on. Any updates from the Secret Service on backup?"

"Negative on the backup, they still think it'll be putting the president's daughter in danger…"

"Understood base, over and out…"

"Before you go, you know that kid that we had in the cell after the heist?"


"Well he busted out about a hour ago, hurt a couple of agents pretty bad. Location is still unknown but he's probably heading to your location."

"Copy that, keep a eye on him, if we can see where he goes he might just lead us to our targets."


Vin hung the radio back on his belt as he looked over the group.

"So Fukushima escaped?" Ron asked.

"Unfortunately yes." Vin said.

"So what's our next plan…?" Kim asked as she pulled a tarp over the deceased officer's charred body.

"Well…" Vin started as he glanced at the surrounding buildings...

"We search…"

I know, it's been a while. Too long to be honest and I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Of course since this hasn't been active for a while certain aspects of the story have been changed, and I'm listing them here and in normal text for you.

1. This will not mirror the Resident Evil 4 game. It may be the same location as the game, but I feel, if it follows the game's story line, then everyone knows what's coming and it isn't interesting. So that's out.

2. There won't be a lot of the original game characters in here. I may mention Saddler, and Leon a lot, but from here on they aren't going to be main characters in this story. This is first and foremost a Kim Possible story, not a Resident Evil story. So it's main bad-guy will be Monkey Fist and associates.

3. Although I'm not following the Resident Evil 4 game, I'm still using a good chunk of the game-play and a majority of the levels as I see fit. It is in the same location after all.

I can't say when I'll be back with another chapter for this, but I can say this story, and all my stories will be finished. Hopefully this is the sign of things to come.

And like before, leave a review, and you'll get a response. See you next chapter...