kyle walked down the halls of the base he heard one of the other clansmen approaching him "sir, here is the latest status report on all of our patrol teams" kyle pretended to look the list over before handing it back to the solider "thats good, keep me informed of any gargoyle- "sir!" another "grunt" ran up to kyle with a radio, kyle took it "what?" "sir, we've got one" "describe him..sir, its another female..." as the voice on the radio continued to describe the gargoyle kyle's face paled even more under his mask.

Demona's back was to the stone/steel wall of her cell she sighed slightly as she continued to count the tiles on the floor, she had been counting them for the past

few hours, it was her only way of telling the time seeing as there were no windows or clocks, she had to admit that for the first time in centuries she was actually bored.

suddenly she sat up hearing the sound of the door opening, she readied herself for anything. "demona" kyle entered the room with his mask in his hand, and a look a of

sheer terror on his face "kyle, whats happened?" kyle sighed heavily " i just a radio call from one of the patrol teams..demona i want you to know that i did everything i

could to keep her out of this but..they shot her down about an hour ago, she should be here in about 20 miniutes i'm sorry. " "kyle, who " kyle looked away from her "its... angela" demona looked stunned for a moment before her eyes flashed a blood red color and she lep at kyle kncking him to the ground and putting a hand at his throat, "you said that she wouldn't get involoved that was our agreement!" she snarled at him "i know, but i didn't have a choice, it was either bring her in or they would have done the ritual right there!" hearing the word ritual demona lessened her grip on kyle's throat just enough so that he could breath " what ritual?" her voice had gone back to its normal tone "the "ritual" is a coming of age ceremony for the new members of the "clansmen" i.. they.. you don't want to know" demona growled "they have my daughter kyle, its my right to know what kind of danger she is in." "let me up and i'll tell you" demona could tell that he was being sincere and she let him up, but she kept her eye on him " thankyou, the ritual is a coming of age ceremony for newly joined members of the clansmen, usually the "clensing ritual" as its called is used whenever a member captures a gargoyle. however since most gargoyles have gone into hiding, its now only used when a certain number of females are captured," kyle spoke as if he were in a zombiefied state his eyes starting to glaze over in the pain of memories long since buried. " anyway, when a female is captured the leader, or myself in this case can either choose to preform the clensing or to have priviate "usage" of the females "talents" as the older members put it. " demona was disgusded though she wasn't surprised that humans would stoop to such standereds, but, she also found that she wasn't at all disgusted with kyle. Noticing that kyle had trailed of she felt the urge to ask him something " kyle, what if two are captured?" kyle looked at her his eyes blank, as if in a daze. "if more than one females is "procured" in a single night than the leader must choose one of them to be made an example of... they, take the female chosen by the lead clansmen and chain her up on a platform infront of every member of the clan, the leader says something to get the troops cheering and then he takes a sword and...and he..and i "kyle was holding back he continued to speak his face looked more pain stricken than demona thought possible. " he takes the sword and while the gar-, while "she's" laying there on her knees chained up like an animal, he takes her wings..he cuts them off slowly and painfully. and after her wings are no longer attached to her body, while she's still screaming, he'll cut her,he'll beat her, and he'll keep doing it until sunrise just so that he can see all of her pain when she turns to stone...and then, as a final act of retrobution against the "demons of the night" he takes a hammer and he dosen't stop hitting her untill there's nothing left, but dust." kyle was on his knees now, crying tears streaming down his face as he forced himself to remeber his first ceremony. demona looked at him her eyes no longer filled with hate towards him but, somthing else. "kyle, " she tried to reach out to him but he moved away "no, don't, i'm not safe to be around" he got up and turned to leave when demona caught his arm "kyle, wait, do you know this so, vividly?" demona said the words slowly as if she was forcing herself. kyle turned to face her they were now only a few feet apart "i know, because the wings that hang in my room, are as real as the ones on your back." kyle suddenly took in a sharp breath a said somthing, it was so quiet that a human would not have heard it, but demona did. " she, was my daughter...and i killed her." kyle started to to breath heavily and sharply as the pain from his past returned, his legs gave out on him and he fell, into demona's arms sobbing " oh, god demona, she was my daughter and i killed her, she didn't deserve it, but, oh, god, " demona held him as he cried, she knew that this went against everything that she had believed in for the past one thousand years but she couldn't help it, she felt a need to comfort him in his time of need.

kyle woke up slowly, at first he didn't remeber where he was but then as he looked at the walls he slowly remembered, and the pain of what happened last night returned with them. however he was able to control himself this time. "goodmorning, did you sleep well?" kyle turned towards the voice to find demona looking back at him, she was human now, "thankyou, for-" demona stopped him shaking her head " you don't have to thank me, it was only a temporary lapse in control for both of us..human" kyle nodded understanding what she was saying "angela should be here by now...i'll bring her in" kyle got up to leave when demona stopped him again " kyle, " she threw somthing to him, it was his mask " when do you have to choose?" kyle ignored her question but turned towards her before leaving " demona, i'll get you out of here, you and angela,will leave here together, i promise" before demona could respond kyle left leaving the now human gargoyle to her own thoughts once again.

kyle slumped back into the large regal chair behind his desk, his mind still reeling with the thoughts of what he just told the gargess moments ago. though, at the moment he was more concerned about what he didn't tell her, and about the questions that she would undoubtedly want to ask him. kyle sighed as he opened a drawer of his desk and removed a single picture, he sat for a moment, studying it, remembering the happy time that he had shared with his daughter, the time that he had spent teaching her, caring for her, and of all of the things that she taought him in return. "i'm so sorry" he said in a whisper before placing the picture back in to the drawer.

kyle stood placing his mask back over his face and walking out into the halls of the "clansmens" base, and as the door closed behind him he ceased being a loving father, and once again dawned the identity of the heartless and cold leader of the "clansmen"

Angela moaned as she sat up, a sharp pain in her right wing and a very large headache were the only reminders that she was still alive. "and then i told her that i was the one who burned dinner!" angela turned towards the door as she heard the voices and footsteps of the appraoching "clansmen". as the door opened angela's eyes widened as she gased apon the masked men and she finally realized where she was.

"oh, look johnny, the little demon's finally awake," the men walked towards her and one of them placed a hand on her shoulder, she tried to move away from them but, the drugs that they had injected her with made her muscles feel light dead weight, a feeling of dread washed over her as she realised that she was helpless, and alone.

"oh, she's a frisky one," one of the men chuckled "yeah, guess we'll have to teach her some respect won't we?" "yes, we will, let me just seal the door so that we aren't disturbed." as one of the men went to lock the door to prevent any interuptions, his partner, the man that angela had figured was johnny, ran a hand up her thigh, " oh, god," angela thought, she knew from watching the news and out of pure instinct what these men were going to do to her. "help," she tried to call out but, like the rest of her body her vocal cords were as useless as her wings. hearing her try to call out for help johnny placed a hand over her mouth, to silence her, he instantly regreted it, "shit!" the other man looked over at his partner "what?" "she bit me!" johnny back handed angela, his nails cutting into her cheeks, "you'll pay for that demon!" johnny growled, as he nursed his bloodied hand "i'll deal with her" the other man said as he appraoched angela "careful tim, " tim reached out to angela with one hand and with the other he was about to land a solid puch to her jaw, when suddenly someone grabbed his arm and twisted it backwards, he screamed as he felt his arm snap, then a swift kick to the groin sent him crashing to the floor, as for johnny he was already in a mangled heap on the floor. "What were you doing!" johnny and tim looked at there assailent and only one thought crossed there minds "shit" "sir, we were only-" "only what, trying to rape my property!" the two men stood ignoring there pain kneeling to accept there punishment "we apologize sir, " kyle growled and spoke in a tone that would make even xanatos cry " you will report to the infirmary to tend to your injuries, while you are there i will consider a rightful punishment," the men saluted "yes, sir" they left the room. angela looked at the new masked man that had delt with her attackers "who?" she rasped trying to speak, "don't try to speak it will only make the pain worse " as the man approached her angela tensed he leaned forward and whispered into her ear "angela, this room is bugged, don't struggle." angela almost cried, hearing his voice she instanly knew that it was kyle under the mask. she nodded in repsonse, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her out of the room, as he walked down the halls of the base, clansmen at work suddenly took notice of kyle walking towards his office with angela in hand, they didn't say anything of course nowing that to draw attention would mean a repremand they kept quiet, at that was all kyle expected of them.

when they arrived at kyle's office he set her down gently letting her lean against a wall for support, the drugs had started to wear off but, she was still very weak, " i know someone who will be happy to see you. kyle opened the door and walked in with angela, "mother!" angela cried as they embraced each other, " i'll leave you two alone, i'm sure you have a lot to catch up on. "demona nodded and kyle shut the door, stepped outside, and returned to his undercover duities.


well there it is, sorry for the long wait i made it extra long to compensate, hoep you enjoy it, please review and P.M me with any suggestions or ideas, or questions that you might have about the series. also, don't forget to check out station eights gargoyles, and as ALWAYS SPREAD THE WORD!